

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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You find a hair in your dish in a cafe - what do you do?

Calmly alert the waitress to the issue, politely ask for a replacement, give her a bit more in terms of a tip for the assistance, and if a manager arrives to apologize, be civil and more or less brush the incident off.
Shit happens man. No need to get all dramatic about it.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

What’s the difference between love at first sight and lust?

Lust is pure "I want you for physical reasons." Love is "I care for you, want you to be happy, want to make you happy, and want to spend my life with you." Although mostly the first three.

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Would you rather live your entire life in a virtual reality where all your wishes are granted or in the real world?

As much as the real world sucks, I'll take being in the real world with the ones I love.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

I'll bet you anything that this is Future Noah here. https://twitter.com/TribeTwelve/status/929058587762143232

Guessed what yo wanted to tell me when I read the notification.
Someone is clearly trying to say something. It's a keyword. Maybe this has to do with Scriniarii. I'm out of the loop (which must be maintained) when it comes to him. Let me check the TT timeline I have bookmarked real quick.
Just realized tomorrow is 11-11. Noah's birthday.
A week ago apparently Scriniarii left a message saying "That's the way you do it." No further communication has been received.
Let me try something. Well it's clearly not meant to be used the same way his other keywords have been. So what's it belong to? Hmm. A tantalizing mystery for me to ponder at work.
If you hear anything else let me know. I won't get back home until 12am if I'm lucky.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Do you think it is difficult to live as a vegetarian/vegan?

I'm sure it is, just cause you have to buy certain foods and watch what you eat. But the same could be said for diets and such. About the only time it wouldn't be is if you just don't give a shit and eat whatever. Like me. The level of difficulty varies though so I don't imagine it's the hardest thing in the world honestly.

If you could only have one, what would you choose - Snapchat or Instagram?

Well which one makes more money? Cause if I'm going to own one of them I want the one that makes the most money.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Are you a better person than a year ago?

I like to repress the memories of who I was a year ago. For damn good reasons.


Language: English