

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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What was the last thing you overpaid for?

Wasn't really overpaid, but I spent more at Walmart tonight than I meant to. Oops.

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Would you rather be with the crush of your dreams or have an infinite amount of your favourite food?

If I can stay with the girl I'm with, and she and I are both equally happy in the relationship, then I'd choose that one.

Do you think your nationality influences the way you are?

I don't think so. I'm American born, but I'm not as selfish and uncaring as Americans are portrayed to be.
And while I'm Irish blooded, I doubt I can drink with the best of them. Though I can down a Mason jar of root beer one try.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Well, Trump hasn't responded to any of Em's disses, but Marshall is making headlines. Never thought I would ever see a battle between two old men using nothing but words in this world. Well, aside from Darth Vader vs. Ben Kenobi.

Marshall? Who's that?
Also now I wish it wasn't 1240am and I didn't have to be up at 630 cause I want to watch Star Wars.

@FloatingQuaker Needed more space. God I'm long winded.

That's the trailer. Personal thoughts. They're obviously trying to show there's a shared connection between Ben and Rey. If nothing more than they are equal in raw strength. Maybe even more powerful than Luke. But is there more to this? Could Rey also fall like Ben? Will she fall and he be redeemed?
Mark and Kathleen have talked up Rian Johnson as a director and writer. So I'm interested in seeing what he brings to the table.
Episode IX. We all know Leia was a big part of it. Though it's interesting each sequel film was to focus on one of the three original characters. It will be sad to see Carrie Fisher in her last film. I'm getting teary thinking about it. I am also happy that Abrams is coming back. Both in the fact I like what he did with TFA, but there will be consistency between the films. I believe he worked with Rian in terms of transitioning between 7 and 8, now they can do it again between 8 and 9. But we can speculate about 9 after we all see TLJ.
I wasn't spoiled by the Internet, but one asshole friend of mine told me about Han. Fucker. So I think sticking to my YouTube subscription page like last time will keep me safe. Don't know how long before I do see it once it comes out since I want to go with my dad.
Also, my girlfriend has expressed interest in watching the Star Wars saga starting from Episode I. So maybe I'll see TLJ more than once.
Speaking of her, I have to take her to work in 5 hours so I need to go to bed. Night dude. Have a good one, and may the Force be with you.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Here's a place to dump all your thoughts on the TLJ trailer if you want.

Really getting some Empire Strikes Back vibes between the walkers and Kylo with what look a lot like the old snow troopers. But we already knew this was their Empire movie.
Really hoping (despite the fact that TFA dealt with Kylo's origin and this is supposed to be about Rey's but not the focus of the film, in fact I think I read that the identities of her parents isn't the big twist of the film) but really hoping we get more backstory on Ben's fall to the dark side. Particularly how long he's been with the First Order. I kind of need that to help with a chronology document I'm making. But also it's a question I've had since TFA. And Luke appears to be in front of a burning temple at one point. So maybe flashbacks?
I'm not surprised Luke is the way he's acting. I mean, his nephew did fall to the dark side (I'm sensing a trend in this family) and completely decimate the new Jedi order. But it seems like he might know something about this extraordinary power that Rey (and presumably Ben) have. Or he's just as confused as we are and that frightens him. Though I'm curious why this power scares him in Rey, but not Ben.
Back to Kylo, I agree he's committed to the dark side, but he seems unsure of himself. Assuming that's Leia he's targeting, he does look like he doesn't want to kill her. He knows he must, but he's holding back. I don't think killing Han had the effect he wanted. And that bothers him.
Chewbacca without Han will be sad. For sure.
Porgs. That gerbil looking thing. It's the one thing in this trailer I'm unsure of. If they're in the film a good amount, they better be damn near Baby Groot level adorable. Otherwise this'll be the new Jar Jar.
Finn v Phasma. I am so looking forward to this. That said, I just finished reading the novel Phasma, which deals with her backstory. If you want more details on that I'll do a separate question. But let's suffice that she's a cold hearted bitch and a ferocious fighter. Finn is in for one intense fight. Also, if that guy is walking unaided by science than I'm calling bullshit. He took a lightsaber across his back. Unless it was a superficial wound like when Dooku stabbed Obi-Wan in the leg during Attack of the Clones, then he shouldn't be walking.
The battles look like they'll be intense.
I'm curious who Luke is talking to in the rain. It looks like they're still on his island. Is it Kylo? Rey?
Holy hell. Snoke in person. Dude is actually uglier to me in person. Also we'll obviously see Rey confronting him. Though it appears as though he's still stronger than her. I wonder whether this is towards the end? Cause they're promising something breathtaking. That we won't see coming.
Kylo offering Rey to join him again. And her seemingly wanting to if it means answers. Maybe this is the end. Or how she gets to confront Snoke. I'll admit, I will feel betrayed if she joins the dark side. I don't want to see her fall.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

What would be a perfect honeymoon destination?

Somewhere peaceful and beautiful. Beautiful like she is, and as peaceful as the peace she brings me. A place we could spend all our hours together. Just us.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

To watch the Last Jedi trailer...or not to watch the Last Jedi trailer. That is the question...

I did.
Impression: not overwhelming, not underwhelming. But looks just as interesting and raises some questions in my mind.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Whose advice would you trust more – that of someone you love or that of your best friend's?

Literally no difference

How do you keep yourself motivated to do something?

Good question
I'll get back to you as soon as I figure it out.

Can you share a useful tip for dating?

Be yourself. Don't put on a facade. Cause otherwise you risk them liking the facade and feeling betrayed later. My girlfriend showed up in my life one year ago today, and she started liking me just as I was.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Would you rather have an old phone with fast internet or a new cool phone with super-slow internet?

Well my current phone is from a few generations ago (I think it's a 5 or 5s?) so I'll take the Internet.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Why are so many people depressed nowadays?

Cause there are so many things wrong with this world. And people are recognizing it more than we did years back.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker


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