

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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I know that Wolf showed interest in Majora's Mask, so I thought I would share this link, just to give a little teaser of what the story is like. http://www.unilad.co.uk/gaming/fan-made-majoras-mask-film-will-leave-you-stunned/

So, real talk, as I wait for this to load, off to the side there's an article about giving head. Interesting site you've brought me to.
Holy. Shit. Ok. I'm not even a Zelda fan, but if those guys made a Zelda movie, sign me the fuck up. That was some damn good animation. Oh my lord. For real. So was that like the birth of Majora's Mask's antagonist?
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Have you ever had a friendship that ended for of a stupid reason? What was that reason?

I don't typically end friendships without a damn good reason. I admittedly stopped talking to someone because of my ex, and I deeply regret it. But we're talking now and the ex fucked off so...yeah.
For God's sake, I was texting a friend of mine in early October and I was going through a serious depression. I felt like I was dying and my heart was breaking. Literally felt like I was dying. Without even knowing the full situation the sumbitch told me to get some meds and find someone else. Told him five different times (in several ways) to fuck off and go fuck himself. That didn't end our friendship. I put up with a lot of shit. And more often than not I surround myself with those who won't put up with my shit and tell me what they think regardless if I want to hear it or not.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Which celebrity would you like to be for one day and what would you do?

On these two conditions; anything I do as them is permanent and regardless what happens to them I return to my original body.
In that case; Donald Trump. Dissolve my company, give money to poor and needy, and then shoot myself.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Who killed the Dead Sea?

Neptune got mad at Calypso for texting Odin all the time so he asked Savitar to kidnap her. Odin and Jesus waged a naval war in 350 BC using nuclear submarines and eventually Poseidon stepped in and was like "Look bitches, enough's enough. You all need to chill out and smoke some weed." But all the solar wind energy from the AA batteries used in the weapons of the $5 foot long subs polluted the sea, therefor it killed the currents, killed the people of Atlantis, killed the dogs that were sleeping there, and I'm using a week's worth of sarcasm on this stupidity. I'm out. Peace. Oh, and by the way, have a Happy Birthday.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mj_1g5LClQk&feature=youtu.begabrielsyler33’s Video 139681969660 mj_1g5LClQkgabrielsyler33’s Video 139681969660 mj_1g5LClQk
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

"alright, cool, a relationship that i'll never achiev-wait hwhat?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNJrxoSUTsM

What did I just witness?
Yeah, cute and all. Depressing because I doubt I'll ever find someone to either sit and play games with me or watch me play games.
But I question the logistics of that sniper shot. Unless the dude turned towards him there is no way he wouldn't have hit his wife/Ashley.
But an interesting commercial nevertheless.

Would you rather go to a music festival, have fun and sleep in a tent, or stay home, watch TV series and have some tasty snacks?

Depends on the music personally. And am I with friends? Also am I able to determine what TV series and snacks I have? I have no issues sleeping in a tent. Done it before. Slept in worse. But the answers to those questions really determine which path I take.
Though truthfully the TV series I watch are all on DVD so I can watch them anytime. Music festival is a limited thing. But if I'm not going to enjoy myself, though it does say I'll have fun. Sounds like a guarantee. Huh.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

The Trump shitstorm continues... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctmZGSyMFy4

I am not surprised. Nothing surprises me with this, I struggle to call him a man, this man.
That was a civil dialogue that expresses concerns a lot of Americans have. Did they spring that on him, yes. But they were not disrespectful in the slightest.
The fact he continued to rant about it shows a bit of how immature this 70-something year old child is.
"The theater needs to be a safe place" oh, I'm sorry, I thought all you die-hard Republicans hated "safe zones". But I'm being unfair.
Those are legitimate concerns. I still feel he will try to change the Constitution to where he cannot be challenged, mocked, or questioned. I still feel anyone who he doesn't approve of is about to live in a very dangerous world. I still feel his supporters are fucking morons. But, I'm holding back and am willing to hope I'm wrong.
But this is only beginning. The storm is coming.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Dubai absolutely HAS to get their shit together. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/british-woman-tourist-arrested-charged-jail-dubai-gang-rape-extra-marital-sex-hotel-uae-police-a7420616.html

What the actual fuck part three?
What fucking...I don't know....what kind of freaking laws do they have in Dubai? Seriously, they prosecute rape victims. And for it to even be considered a rape case they need either a confession (not fucking happening) or four adult men witnesses (also not fucking happening, discriminatory, and very fucking specific I may add). What is this shit?
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

I'm not sure if I agree with this... http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/11/15/its-not-fair-liberals-say-stop-congratulating-engaged-couples/

And the count continues. What the actual fuck part two?
This is a load of horseshit. And I didn't bother to read the whole thing. There is nothing wrong wishing someone congratulations on people getting engaged. Or for having a baby. Or for making it through a work day without killing someone. Or for just fucking existing. Seriously. What is this nonsense? I wasn't aware getting engaged had suddenly become an achievement and not is a failure. I always saw it as a happy occasion for the couple. One that should for all intents and purposes be celebrated. And just because you haven't gotten there doesn't mean you shouldn't wish people you care about who do get there your best wishes and congratulations.
Perfect example. My best friend is dating the person they love, and they're going to one day be married and they're already expecting a baby. We're hoping a girl. Literally, my dream right there. I'm not bitter. I'm not unhappy. I'm ecstatic for them. And I wish them the best, every single day.
When did life get so bloody complicated with stupidity?

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker


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