

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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Invent a new word and its definition?

Watch my vids, I make up words all the time.
My personal favorite is awesomistic. Not sure what the fuck I was trying to say, or what it means.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

This day has ended with a hug. A kiss. The first one in my life. Two kisses. One chance. And a promise to strenghten ourselves from both sides. I can't come up with any more more words, so I'm quoting Chloe: "How can that be such a shitty week, yet one of the best of my life?"

That's awesome.
Here's hoping it only gets better from here.
Also, Quaker, that GIF is a 100% accurate depiction of how I dance. So just imagine me and Max doing that happy dance for you.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

The irony here...is that Shia didn't want to do it. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3455401/Shia-LaBeouf-punches-student-face-whilst-taking-refuge-Oxford-University-lift-24-hours-performance-art-piece.html

I wouldn't either. I mean, that's an odd request to make from someone you literally just met. I mean, that's just odd. I'm glad that someone isn't stirring shit over this. Especially since the dude asked for it.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

I watched the whole damn thing. I'm extremely surprised that my IQ hasn't gone down past 40 yet. Or alternatively, haven't shot myself in the foot from all the pain.

To be honest, I think the bullet would probably hurt more physically speaking. Granted, I've only ever been shot at and not actually shot. So I might be talking out my ass.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Who would you sing a duet with?

At my first job working in McDonalds, my friend B and I sang the duet "A Little Priest" from the musical Sweeny Todd. Now, picture if you will, this song sang by two psychopaths making your food. But I will say this, even though I think I have no singing talent (and my videos don't count because I'm not actually trying in those) we weren't that bad. The following link [Provided the damn thing works this time-S] is from the Tim Burton adaptation starring Johnny Depp as the titular character of Sweeny Todd, and Helena Bonham Carter as his singing partner Mrs. Lovett.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGzpzJ4fzGYgabrielsyler33’s Video 134830197500 MGzpzJ4fzGYgabrielsyler33’s Video 134830197500 MGzpzJ4fzGY

Politics & religion never mix. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/02/19/world/americas/pope-francis-donald-trump-christian.html?_r=0&referer=

It's always an ugly meeting. The day Christianity became a political party is when things took a turn for the worst. I will agree with the Pope, I would not consider Trump's views regarding Mexico and its people to be Christian. Christianity is about building bridges between people, not walls. And Trump's arguments against calling out his faith I think is very well justified. Call out the hypocrites. Although Christ merely says to do better by doing our acts of righteousness and prayers in secret.
Also, if those men of violence do get into The Vatican, I say Donald Trump should immediately be held in suspicion of aiding them.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

uh oh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWWw7-QOviQ

I've said it before, I'll say it again, day one updates are a bane on this industry. Is it killing it? Fuck no. Is it a problem? Fuck yes. Instead of being a way to fix problems that come up, its turned into a reason to push unfinished product just so corporations can get money. For God's sake, finish the game before you release it. You'll piss a lot less people off if you run into problems that you didn't find, instead of fucking obvious ones. If a game needs to be delayed, so be it. We're a lot more forgiving of that. For God's sake, how many times did Arkham Knight get delayed? Except for a couple crashes I didn't have a problem with it. But admittedly PC users were quite unhappy. But they obviously don't see that.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

I knew I wasnt the only one who found Engrish funny. I know you lost the footage. but could you do me a favor a favor and try to describe what you had before you lost it?

It was me giving my computer weird looks, laughing, going what the fuck, and reading some of them. Followed by a "Well then." at the end.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Where's the fair use? https://youtu.be/zVqFAMOtwaI

It disgusts me to see thing like this. All these big companies are only afraid of losing out on money they think is there's. I'll agree, you monetize a video with stolen work they have a right to fight you. But you should also be able to properly fight back against these corporate giants. If there are penalties for us there should also be penalties for them.
I just do this for fun and this isn't my career at all, but these are some people's livelihoods. And they should be able to fight back if these morons make a mistake. After hearing about the guy who just sits in his car to talk about movies I actually went and checked my "The Force Awakens Reaction" video to make sure nothing happened to it. That's ridiculous that someone could make a claim against some people sitting in a parking lot of some random area in the world. No clips. No footage. Just talking about it.
A guy like me who juts does this for fun, I don't care about the copyright stuff. Unless it blocks my content in areas of the globe. I actually took down my Far Cry 4 video and had to edit and re-upload it due to The Clash's song "Should I stay or Should I Go" being in the end credits. I don't monetize my videos because one, don't know how, and two I don't want you guys to deal with either retarded or pesky ads. But I have a total of 26 videos with copyright claims on them. And I'm willing to bet its all on in-game music. Which would be no big deal to fix, just lower the music volume or turn it off completely. But I feel like to some games that's a disservice. In some games the music adds to the game. Life is Strange had some sweet independently made music. I'm actually concerned about what I'm going to do when I play Far Cry 3 and get to the mission "Kick the Hornets Nest." There is a licensed song played during that mission, which given the context of what you're doing, made that mission one of the best I've played. I don't want to have to take it out because then it makes it bland and boring. But if I get blocked in countries I may not have a choice. But I don't get paid to do this.
Those that do, these corporate people, Hollywood, they're fucking with people's livelihoods. I mean, I don't know what they get paid but I know if someone unfairly started stealing my money (I would go on a taxes rant right now but it's irrelevant) I'd be pissed and want to fight back. But the way the system is now, they're right you almost can't. So it does beg the question: where is the fair use?

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Also just so you know: I'm fully aware of the fact that Poe is a girl. In my dream, the voice called her a "he" for some reason. Weird.

Wait...Poe was a girl?
I mean, I watched Teletubbies like 13 years or more ago, but I thought Poe was a boy. I thought LaaLaa was the only girl. I know Tinky-Winky and Dipsy were boys. Although that man purse though.
Jesus Christ I'm 21 years old and discussing Teletubbies.
Even worse, I just looked up the show to spell their names right and learned some new shit.
They did a new series with Teletubby babies? The hell? Did the two boys bang the two girls? That's a short living populace in the long term, man. I mean, there are four creatures and a vacuum cleaner. Also, apparently people thought Tinky-Winky was gay? Because he was purple, a triangle on his antenna, and carried a hand bag? For Christ's that version of the triangle, remove the top line and you have the original symbol for female. Also, pretty sure all of them were colors in the rainbow.
Wow. Welcome to adulthood kids.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker


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