

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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How's everything?

It is what it is. Been busy with work and college. Recorded an hour of content tonight. Reading the new Star Wars book. And rewatching The Blacklist season two when I can.
All the while eagerly anticipating a potential new TribeTwelve.
How are you?
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

oh boy, it keeps going https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5QXpbCkL3I

I pulled this video, and an ad for The Phantom Pain came up.
They are bloody fucking horrible.
Reminds me of how the producers of DC comics films reacted to the leak of the Suicide Squad trailer. They went as far as to say the fans should be ashamed of themselves for making them have to put the trailer out. Some fan was just fucking excited about the film. I'm mainly a Marvel person and I'll admit this movie looks good. It's not like they were going to rake in millions for a trailer that obviously belonged to the company making the damn movie. But no, they decided to basically give a fuck you to the fans (much like Konami) and acted like a fucking toddler; "Fine, we'll put the trailer out. But just because people ruined our plans of making it a SDCC only thing." They should have fucking known it was going to leak! Fucking, when the Age of Ultron trailer leaked, Marvel took advantage of it. Instead of blaming someone they were all like "Damn you HYDRA (villainous organization in their own films)" and turned it around into a marketing strategy and holy fucking shit the hype that the film got after that. I was blown away and freaked out from that trailer (largely because I'm a James Spader and Ultron fan so best of both worlds for me).
But honestly, to go and remove something that a fan used their talents to make and be such little bitches about it, that's fucking stupid. This last game is going to be the end of Konami. And in all actuality, I'm considering playing it. Not because of all this stupid shit, but because I've looked at it enough and I'm interested.
But what the hell is up with the freaking companies and their copyright strikes? Other companies are all for fans sharing things like fan art, Let's Plays, cosplays, it is subtle fucking marketing that they don't have to pay for. For God's sake it makes damn good business sense! Unless in the case of the Let's Plays and the channel owners get paid. But even then the company isn't paying them.
Another example; the Achievement Hunter group did several Mario videos. They have several more. But because of Nintendo's stupid ass Let's Play and copyright policy, they can't put the videos out. The copyright strike MatPat had on him, guran-fucking-tee it was Nintendo.
Plus, think of how the developers of the games feel to see the hard work and long hours they put into the project being talked about, adored by fans, fucking fan art of this stuff. These people poured their hearts and souls into this project. Took time away from the people they love for this. And now the fucking company they work for is bashing on excited fans?! They same fucking people they make these damn games for?!
Yeah, I sound like I'm pissed, and I am. I hate when stupid ass people in charge of these fucking companies fuck over the people that make their business run. Whether it's the fucking CEO of Nestle wanting to privatize Earth's water, to the idiots at Konami taking down fan art, to a damn movie studio bashing their fans.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

update on that jimmy kimmel thing: now i know that jim is actually a comedian and i understand that it was a joke XD

Yeah. Comedian. Small point to it, but mostly a joke.

I saw your Ask regarding your favourite music genres and this came to my mind after re-listening a soundtrack (which a lot of people say where it's from in the comments). I don't know if this is really considered country, but, anyway, here: https://youtu.be/AhTAkvrD05E

They're not actually country singers, you are correct. But they do stuff that is in the territory of it.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

https://youtu.be/P8RCD2KAbX4 thats it, konami is fucking done. dead. kojima left and thank god he did. #fuckkonami

I find it so awesome that Kojima visited Sean's home. Even though Sean had passed, he still wanted to visit the home and family of such a big fan. And of someone's who's message helped the team through the difficult point. That's a human being right there. Bless you, Kojima.

GET HYPER http://thenimbus.tumblr.com/post/128220830605/we-get-to-see-swaindeadheadsome-other-new-proxy

Distinct possibility, but I'm not entirely sure Adam would even hint the fact we get to see someone new. He's pretty good about keeping surprises under wraps. I mean, he's admitted he's just going to put the new video up without any warning. No twitter, tumblr, nothing. So why hint that we get to see one of the other Collective members?
Also, want to point out I sent a prediction to Adam and he has said nothing about it. So I'm either very right, very wrong, or Adam just passed it up.
But on the chance we get to see someone new; HYPE!
Which, by the way, can both of you refrain from alerting me when the video is up? While I super appreciate the updates (looking at you Quaker for the twitter thing) I really want to just be surprised to see it in my feed. I check YouTube daily because of other stuff I watch so it isn't like I'll miss it.
If you keep silent, cool. If not, won't hold it against you. I'll blame all the HYPE! Adam has made regarding this one. Which could be anytime this month if production hasn't halted or been delayed.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

What is one thing that happened in your life that without it happening, you would never be where you are today?

Let's just say it involves mom and dad.


Yeah, was about to go to bed. Decided to check my emails one last time. Calmed down. Ready for sleep. Saw your question. Now I'm freaking out. Holy shit. Holy. Shit. Holy. Mother. Fucking. Shit. The fucker is back. The Observer is back!
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Oh, so you are at the beginning? I recommend watching a video. It's hard to get lost, but it does happen in HL2 a bit (especially in the airboat and the Sandtraps parts). https://youtu.be/uUYGlQstUBM

Very beginning basically.
I may eventually try it again.


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