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What do you think happened to Noah? From TT

Elizabeth F
I don't imagine much is happening to him. Or at least to the point he's aware of it.
He said himself he's not doing anything, and the 'game' can't continue since it's his move. And with Firebrand guarding him The Collective can't force him to do something. And I don't think Firebrand will because then he's no better than The Observer.
He saw Noah's reaction to the small takeovers that ended up being the vine videos, and Noah was quite unhappy and began to be distrustful of himself.
So he's basically stuck in one spot, a perpetual Groundhog Day. And all the while Milo's Journal whispering and demanding to be opened.
But Noah can't, and he knows something bad will happen if he forces it open. So until he figures out the secret of the key, he's stuck.
So I imagine he's living whatever form of a life he has, until such a time he makes his move or someone breaks the rules and does it for him.
And all the while his sanity will continue to slip, as will ours as we wait and worry with no word from him.

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Also, what if Victoria is also present in the Dark Room in EP5 (which may depend if she believed you in the Vortex Club party)? Some people noted that she may be the one crying and Max begging...

Victoria will be a thing in Polarized, but I won't jump as far to say she's in the Dark Room already. Granted I'll give them we don't know how much time passes between Chloe getting killed and the last scene in Dark Room. So maybe Jefferson drugged Max, went back for Victoria, and took them both to the Dark Room.
He couldn't have taken her around the time Max and Chloe left for the junkyard. He would have needed the time to follow them, and he was right on their asses. Plus, Victoria obviously would have been seen missing at a party like that.
I don't think the warning we gave her will do much good since it was only Nathan we warned her about. Jefferson has to know Nathan is a compromised asset and wouldn't use him to get Victoria. Plus, think about how she tried to seduce Jefferson in Chaos Theory. With her acting like that, it'd be easy as fuck for Jefferson to get her alone and take her. But that would require him to do the grunt work and potentially compromise himself. So unless he's willing to do that, Victoria is a lost cause for him. Otherwise if he uses Nathan she'll either avoid him or he'll snap and shit will go bad. He's been so careful thus far, he wouldn't fuck this up now. His best bet is just to give up on Victoria.
But I still feel like she'll have a hand in Polarized.
In regards to your last answer; that picture of Max staring at the wall of photos, who took that picture? That bugs the shit out of me. Someone else had to have taken it.
So you figure she'll give Jefferson a photo of him dying as a way of saying "I know everything and you're going down?" That'd definitely be a fucking mic drop moment for sure.
I don't know how all this will play out, but it'll be interesting.
But at the same time, we've been so focused on Rachel Amber and Kate we have no idea what to do about the tornado. And the day after Max is taken by Jefferson is the day it's supposed to happen.
At best we've saved a homeless woman though.

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I'm curious, are you going to do your FNAF analysis of all 4 games? I remember you saying you would do that back when 2/3 was released.

I want to, but with all my current projects and college coming up I don't know when I'll be able to get around to it.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Dream. A dad goes rabid in a tent. He chases the mom out. I crawl over. He eats his baby boy headfirst. Doesn't even chew. it's more vivid than this. I'll explain later

Oh lord.
Holy shit dude.

Do you pick and choose your friends?

Yes and no.
No in the sense of I don't choose who becomes friends with me. It typically happens.
Yes in the sense I am never friends with inhuman assholes.
Now unless an Inhuman wants to be friends with me then I'm for that.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Just dreamed that the next TT episode will be titled "V". In my dream, the thumbnail was a distorted photo of a scared Noah with...someone next to him.

Sounds intriguing.
Nikola's analysis seems pretty spot on.
And it makes sense Adam waits (largely due to the fact he wants the video to be as good as he could possibly make it) until we're insane, because isn't that what's happening to Noah?
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Not as good as his other voices, but David's done Nightmare. https://youtu.be/iooYBSqZ-08

That thing is still scary.
I saw people saying "I was expecting something more demonic" but in all honesty the way it was done was perfect as far as horror is concerned. It reminds me of the true psychopaths, the ones who just sit there and think. The ones who aren't overly dramatic. Who when saying a simple but disturbing sentence as if it's like your average Joe asking "How's the weather?"
Though for an animatronic I could see how that voice doesn't fit.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker


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