

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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Can you truly love more than one person?

Yes. The only reason this wasn't answered soon is because I was working.
Yes, it is completely possible.

Just realized HABIT'S plan. He's going to wipe Michaels memories, tell him where Shaun is, and lure him there so he can capture him. What do you think? Sorry is this is rushed, I'm about to go to a swim practice

Ok, rewatched it, and noticed Vin made a comment regarding his uncle and cousin. Talking about going out and shooting with them. 'If that even happened.' Makes me now think this is the most current event in the EMH timeline, like he's realized some things in his memory may be actually fake.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

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Here's some more room.

One thing I thought about, and keep in mind this is an unconfirmed theory, was a countdown until respawn. By respawn I'm referring to the Iteration Theory, that Jeff, Evan, Vin, and Steph have done similar events before. The main thing that supports this is the Mining Town Four, four children that Corenthal adopted which were named Jeff, Vinnie, Evan, and Stephanie. They all were presumeably taken by Slenderman which is what led Corenthal to do his research on it, which correlates to TT when he met Milo. Anyway, the Mining Town Four also dealt with what they called Captain Habit, who led them far away from Corenthal's home, but this wasn't when they were taken. So fans have guessed that Vin, Even, Jeff, and Stephanie are the same ones but back from the dead. They 'respawned' like a video game. And that this may not even be the first time this has happened. There's a video called 'Welcome to the Ark', whether this is canon or not is questioned, that has the three, minus Steph, that has them in what may be the Candleverse and one of them makes the comment 'What does he have us doing this time?' I'll send you a link to the video, but they question whether that video is canon. the creators haven't said. That I don't think they have anyway. But anyway, I thought maybe Vin had been killed and maybe that was his place of being before he respawned into another version or life. The countdown was how long until he did. But that doesn't really make sense given second thoughts.
So where does this fit in? What is the purpose of the room and isolation? What happened when the screen went black? What's on the USB? What's the purpose of the button? Where's Evan? What's HABIT up to? All questions we now wait for.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Alright, quick update. I am making a Tumblr account of my Ask.fm name. I'll get to you as soon as I can. I also saw this update on EMH. Thoughts? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DE3L3-ontzs

Alright. So my first thought is where does this fall in the timeline? Is this before Le Premire Cours? Is it after it? If it's after, what the hell happened to Evan? What's the point of what happened? I can think of many reasons to put someone in isolation, but it did the exact opposite of what I'd do it for. it seemed to make Vin angrier, not feel hopeless. I thought maybe the gun was meant for Vin to kill himself, but it says 'help'. But maybe that'd be a form of 'help'. So going over what he found. The USB drive, what's on it? If this is before Le premire, maybe it's all the vids that've been subsequently uploaded. If not, what's on it? The button, why? What it made me think of is a scene in Saw IV and the purpose was to release them from the trap when the timer was up. But we never saw the time go off, and it was just there. No purpose as of yet. HABIT is clearly involved, based on all the drawings. Which is what makes me question where this falls in the timeline. Finally; what happened after the blackout? What'd Vin see? What opened the door?
I had a thought that occured to me, and it'll be in the next piece.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Another thing to prove my "Firebrand isn't Adam Rosner theory: If you look closely in Milo's Tape, you can see that Firebrand has what appears to be a full-fledged beard on what we can see on his face. Noah/Adam never lets his facial hair grow that much. So maybe it's a different actor...?

Alright. Just rewatched the section in question. And my conclusion is inconclusive. There is someone there, they appear to have a patch of black on their face, but really that's all I can make out. Truthfully I even question if that's Firebrand. I think people assume it's Firebrand based on the briefcase with cash and the fact he had Milo give it to Noah. But if that's true, why did Firebrand help facilitate Mary Asher's death? That felt more like an Observer demand. Also, how'd he get Noah's gun back from Observer? But maybe I'm wrong on that and it's not Noah/Observer's gun, but the same gun prop used as theirs. But in response to this being evidence for your theory; I'm not gonna rule it out just yet that Adam is having someone else be Firebrand for him, but to be fair in the case of Milo's Tape it would have been so much easier to have someone be Firebrand in that instance given Adam was playing Milo and we really cannot definitively tell who that is. So is Adam really using another actor for Firebrand? Potentially. Could he have just wanted to save a headache and have someone else be Firebrand just for that brief few seconds in Milo's tape? Just as likely. Take this how you will, but final ruling on my end is that it's plausible evidence.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Have you ever heard of the Assassin's Creed series? If so, what are your thoughts on it? I've watched a playthrough on StephenPlays of the first game, and am currently watching his ongoing let's play of the second game. I also looked at some historical events involving Templars. I think it's cool.

I finally decided to play Assassin's Creed in 2012, literally three months before III was going to be released. I'd never played them, knew nothing about them, and was wondering what the big deal was. So I bought games one and two one day while at Gamestop. Started game one as soon as I got home. Stopped three targets into it. The next day, went out and bought Brotherhood and Revelations. Made it my goal to beat all of them before III came out. Succeeded. I love Assassin's Creed. Killing people, visiting places and people throughout history (which I love history) an amazing story behind it, it's one of my favorite series of games. I have played every game they have for consoles, and I have both Unity and Rouge pre-ordered. Even though I probably won't own a One to be able to play Unity for a while. Though the thing for me, I started the recent one, Black Flag, and immediately began playing like a pro. Brand new game and playing it like it's my fourth of fifth playthrough. So having played all of them multiple times I think I'm getting too good. The one drawback. So hopefully with all the different things they're doing with Unity (some different mechanics) and Rouge (playing as a Templar, different weapons, things you can do) it'll knock me back down a couple notches. Typing this I'm already wishing it was November so I could play Rouge.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

I'm curious, does Noah still have the Manifest? That thing is pretty damn important, and we haven't heard much about as of The Manifest video. If he still has it though, I'll keep searching.

I think he still has his copy of the manifest, I don't remember him getting rid of it. I'm starting on Northern Trip Footage so I should be there soon.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Any update on the thing Noah found? Or nah?

I'm up through My Grandfather Karl, and the only object I've seen that has had any mention or significance so far is the Rubix Cube Milo took and fixed, but Noah has that back already. I'll keep looking and get back to you.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

What is your favorite type of flower?

Roses are red and violets are blue. One day we'll cruise down Blood Gulch avenue. It's red vs red, and blue vs blue. It's I against I and me against you.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Why don't you like Jar Jar? Sure his voice is annoying, but I think that he's a unique and comedic character in my own opinion.

He's unique I'll give you that. Though I personally never found him funny. I'm not saying that he was a terrible character, I just didn't take to him like others. I'll never say any Star Wars character is terrible. I just didn't like him as much. I mean, he's a part of two crucial plot points so obviously he's integral to the story. He helped Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor get to Theed to rescue Keira Knightly and Natalie Portman, and he suggested giving the emperor the power he would later use to tear down the Republic. I'll never fault George Lucas or the films for Jar Jar. I guess I understood that his character was for comedic relief, but I didn't find him funny, so that may be why I didn't like him as much as some others.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Who is your favorite Star Wars character?

You are a monster for making me choose. Of all the characters the only one I don't like is Jar Jar. I refuse to choose a favorite.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

http://youtu.be/Ixf0rtKq164 It also seems that the profile pic has changed. Thoughts?

Formal analysis; the video is nearly word for word exactly like Video Journal #1. There are a few lines missing, mainly because at first Michael didn't appear to know what he was going to do. Until Michael says it's his birthday, then he realizes the truth of the situation. Oddly enough as soon as he says it the room becomes brighter. Not entirely shure what that could mean yet. When he asks where did he get the camera there are two muted beeps. Could be a cell phone on vibrate and be an OOG thing when they were shooting. He doesn't appear to have any memory of where he is or where he got the camera. At one point he looks terrified and backs up, as if looking at something. Then again I'd probably react like that if I woke up somewhere with no fucking clue what happened. He remembers Shaun is his brother, but that's apparently all he remembers. This could be a Slender Man problem given symptoms associated with him. Or maybe it's Patrick doing this. We know HABIT wants him, but this doesn't feel like HABIT yet. Retrogression basically means going backards, which explains why it's like Video 1. That's all I can seem to squeeze out of this video.
As for the door...I feel like I've seen it before. It's not the same door from Severance which may have Michael behind it. I don't think it's the door leading to HABIT's torture room. But it feels familiar.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Just noticed this video on the MLANDERSEN0 channel.

Congrats. You made my morning by informing me of this. Here is my preliminary analysis; it appears as if a switch had been reset, albeit temporarily, in Michael's head. Sending him back mentally all the way to the beginning. But he apparently quickly recovered though allegedly no memory of where he is or where that camera came from. I want to watch it a couple more times and check something as well. I'll get back to you on the formal analysis later.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

You're mandalorian?

Mandalorian, not to be confused with the Chinese language of Mandarin, is the langauge of the ficitious warriors of the planet Mandalore in the Star Wars univserse. The same set of warriors that characters Jango and Boba Fett have the armor of. I happen to know a bit of Mandalorian because I'm an anti-social, reclusive, nerd like that.
I didn't figure you were the one that sent it, but thatnk you for clarifying.
And in case there was some confusion between Mandalorian and Mandarin, I am not Chinese or Asian. I am a caucasian human.Though not as pale white as that mask.

Kas like tam 2 like?

I do apologize, but I cannot understand you.
Who is this?
Also, a translation into English or Mandalorian would be nice.

If you could have one superpower what would it be?

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
But just for the fun of it I'd like to manipulate reality.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker


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