

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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More perspectives from different people: https://youtu.be/Mmzf0duEYRk https://youtu.be/oMIvSpZ_kJg

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
First of all, I actually know what those toy channels are like. My two year old half brother watches them. I often make the joke that's the videos I need to make. Be adored by millions of small children. Because yes, I tell my step-mother (who is aware I make videos) to make sure he doesn't find my stuff. Because I am vulgar and I make terrible jokes. But that's me. That's what I do. Also, he totally figured out how to skip ads on those vids. I tried to show him how, and he beat me to it.
The biggest issue I'm having with this is how vague these terms are. Like swearing, what do they count? Are we allowed to say certain things and not others? Personally I don't find any swear word I have kind of stopped saying is goddamn. But I won't stop other people saying it. And back to the controversial topics, what the fuck is that shit? They're topics of discussion. And often get some kind of reaction out of people. I mean, you can't stop people from talking about it. Because then we'd be left with the corrupt and bought off tv media. And again, back to the whole 'populace of idiots'.
They're being vague and completely weird about their enforcement. Because DeFranco had a point about the Syrian boy. Why is it ok for CNN to show graphic content, but someone talking about it is a no go?
I agree with Jim. The recent I left tv behind was because it feels overly controlled. The only thing I watch on tv now is The Blacklist and that's because I love the story and James Spader's acting [Also there are better things on YouTube anyway-S].
I understand it's mostly about the monetization right now. But it goes beyond that. It is a slap to the creators because it is strangling that freedom and that creativity. I get that they want friendly content that doesn't offend or upset people. That helps make money. But you know what? It's people who watch YouTube. And people can choose to stop watching something. I have a psychological issue where I don't like watching or reading anything bad happening to pregnant women or to little girls. Fucking, hell Quaker, you saw my reaction to that news story about a woman poisoning her daughter. I don't like that shit. But, in regards to fiction, I'm not going to tell people not to do have that kind of thing. I'm just either going to get up and walk away for a bit, skip it, or stop watching it. I'm a fucking human being. I make my own choices.
We can try to create our happy little space bubble and only watch shows like RWBY Chibi [Which even I admit is fucking adorable and we're watching it now-S] and Bob Ross, but that doesn't make it all go away. People need to grow up and learn to accept the facts of life.
So long as a channel is not promoting hate, or violence, or intolerance, then there shouldn't be an issue. If I want to talk about how fucking stupid Donald Trump is [Will, please, we'll be flagged for this. Yes I'm being sarcastic.-S] then I will and there shouldn't be a penalty so long as I don't go into hate speech or incite

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

I believe YouTube has what some people may called "skewed priorities". https://youtu.be/VSqa1wT3MDM

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
What the actual fuck?
Ad sensitivity, gonna go with Alpha on this one, sounds like bullshit to me. The biggest channel I watch, Achievement Hunter, is profane as hell and makes sexual humor jokes all the time. And I've seen a myriad of different ads on their videos. If you get millions of views, ad companies will not give a shit if you make dick jokes.
Controversial topics. Get. The. Fuck. Over. It. Just because you want to live in a little bubble and pretend this stuff doesn't exist doesn't make it reality. This isn't the end of the first Nightmare on Elm Street where you stop believing in the boogey man and he disappears [Didn't work anyway but hey, details-S]. These are topics that the info needs put out there and can lead to logical and intelligent discussions. Keeping info from people creates a populace lacking any sort of common sense or intelligence and then you end up with Donald Trump as president [Boy, glad we're not on YouTube saying this, we'd be fucked am I right?-S].
Alpha is right. YouTube has become what it is because of the content creators that it is currently shoving all this bullshit on. They would be nothing without us. No ads. No traffic. Nothing. So what about any of this seems like a good idea to them?
Wow. That rant. Holy hell. I agree with every last bit of it. But oh my God.
I really hope Alpha is right and all this shit blows over. But there has to be communication between the people who run YouTube and the people who make YouTube what it is. They wouldn't be shit without all of us. Even little small time pieces of shit like me that makes crap gaming vids and a sort of decent story. Because YouTube wouldn't be anything without us.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

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What song lyrics do you love most? Share them here!

Oh Death-Jen Titus
Oh, Death
Oh, Death
Oh, Death
Won't you spare me over another year?
Well, what is this I can't see
With ice cold hands taking hold of me?
When God is gone and the Devil takes hold
Who will have mercy on your soul?
Oh, Death
Oh, Death
Oh, Death
Oh, Death
No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold
Nothing satisfies me but your soul
Oh, Death
Well I am Death, none can excel
I'll open the doors to Heaven or Hell
Oh, Death
Oh, Death
My name is Death and the end is here...
Other songs that the lyrics have meaning to me;
It's My Life-Bon Jovi
The Dawn Will Come-Dragon Age Inquisition
Standing Outside the Fire-Garth Brooks
Johnny and June-Heidi Newfield
We Three-The Ink Spots
I Choose-Ivan Parker
Hurt-Johnny Cash
Another Try-Josh Turner
Gotta Be Somebody-Nickelback
Crazy Train-Ozzy Osborne

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

PAP the most awesome wedding cake ever!

Why would I have an interest in wedding cakes?
There is a next to 0% chance I will ever have the need for one.

Where should you never take a first date?

Sex store
Your serial killer lair (unless that's your MO, no judgment)

Post a photo of your favourite outfit!

I don't really have one, except for my character Edgar's outfit. Which, despite its simplicity, I'm not revealing yet. So instead I found a photo someone took of me when they tried to wake me up early.

What is the most interesting thing you have in your purse/wallet?

An old rusted key, that I still haven't found the door to.
Only because the woods scares me at night.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

What is the worst thing you got in trouble for as a child?

Asked my mom why my parents couldn't just work things out instead of getting a divorce. Apparently she yelled at me while we were at some store. I don't remember this happening at all but she swears it happened.

Love. Loss. Sex. Death. What do you think of these themes? Whether it be together or separately.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Each on their own, save for sex (unless you're shooting or writing porn), are quite good. Together they can make for an interesting story.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Have you ever broken up with a friend?

Well, I did mention I have an ex girlfriend. So yes I've broken up with a friend.
Now if you mean "have I ever stopped being friends with someone" then once again I must say yes. It was a dark time in my life. As opposed to the rest of my life, I know.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

What do you have to lose if you just go for it?

Depends on what you're doing and what your circumstances are. I'll throw in an example; when I started dating my ex I didn't really have anything to lose. But I lost 7 years of my life to her, and I have serious trust issues no because of her. Like, they're worse than before.

Who is the best movie villain?

My top 10 favorite movie villains (I will exclude comic book villains) are;
1. The Emperor/Darth Sidious (Star Wars Episodes I-VI)
2. Michael Corleone (The Godfather Trilogy)
3. Darth Vader (Star Wars Episodes IV-VI)
4. Scar (The Lion King)
5. Kylo Ren (Star Wars: The Force Awakens)
6. Room 1408 (1408) [Seriously, fuck that room. If you've never seen the movie 1408 and you want to experience psychological torture, watch the movie]
7. John Kramer aka The Jigsaw Killer (Saw Series)
8. Agent Smith (The Matrix Trilogy)
9. Diana (Lights Out)
10. The Creeper (Jeepers Creepers Trilogy) [One day the third movie will happen]
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Well, since I've replaced Tumblr with Snapchat, I've just started following Adam on it. And in his latest snap, he posted a video of him on the Boardwalk with Kat's goggles on his head...and a woman screaming behind him.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
That can't be a coincidence.
Both that, and my dream of being at the boardwalk with a woman. Wasn't Kat I don't think, wasn't sure, couldn't tell.


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