
Francesco Filigoi

Ask @FrancescoFiligoi

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Where can I listen to Abiogenesis because I've only seen 2 teasers on yt and nothing on iTunes thanks!

Apart from other sparse riff videos around we don't have much else, we've finished writing our debut album and will film our first official video in mid-may, hopefully you'll see it asap :) thanks for enjoying our stuff meanwhile!

Difetti che hai trovato (ovviamente a suo tempo) nel fractal axe fx ultra?

mancanza di scheda audio, poi risolto con l'Axe 2. Per il resto spacca di brutto

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What guitar cables are the best?

I like Hesu and Mogami cables, Canare is another good alternative. If your budget is lower, Planet Waves or anything with Neutrik connectors will be just fine. If you're uber-rich, buy Vovox lol.
Liked by: Luca Moqi

have you ever tried the alnico bridge black hawk ? how would you describe it, is it tight ?

Very gnarly aggressive and hot pickup, sounds tighter in brighter guitars I wouldn't recommend it in warmer ones.

Pensi che quando si dipenda un po' dal budget il Pod HD Pro sia un'unità decente in termini di suono (sia clean, low e high gain)?

Assolutamente no, anche certi plugin vanno alla grande tipo X50 v2.

Lightest solidbody non-chambered electric guitar you've ever played? And what about the lightest one that was chambered?

Non-chambered: Blackmachine B6
Chambered: Strandberg 6

Hi Francesco i want do buy monitors but i dont know which Adam S2X or Dynaudio Acoustics AIR20 Slave

If you have the money for those, I would also consider Event Opals (which I've just purchased).

Power amp + Passive monitors vs. Active monitors? (for Axe fx ii)

For the sake of simplicity I'd choose active monitors.

What do you think of the bare knuckle rebel yell in tge bridge ? Could you compare it with the Jugg ?

I absolutely love it, it's probably the tightest alnico they make. It sounds like a cross between Nailbomb and Painkiller, but super versatile and more rock-oriented. Works best in dark guitars.

funny but important question :P where is the best place to put the pick holder on your guitar when playing live? for example at the headstock ?

I actually have some jeans with this thingy, the brand is called April 77. Maybe it's too fancy but I find it cool :) I'd prefer to have them as handy as possible, therefore maybe headstock, or above the head/rack.
Liked by: TheInsurgent

My ESP SV-2 (maple through-neck, ebony board, alder wings, 648mm scale, FR, EMG 81s), tuned down one whole step and used mostly for Extreme Metal, Shred and jazzy cleans through a Spider Valve, needs new pups. I want it to sound more dynamic, a little bit warmer/darker and to reduce the mids. Thx!

I'd say go with BKP alnico Nailbomb bridge and Cold Sweat neck.

Tu pensi che gibson e fender siano marchi troppo sopravvalutati per quello che offrono?

Entrambe hanno portato sul mercato le tre forme di chitarra più comuni di sempre, non le chiamerei sopravvalutate dato che hanno decisamente fatto la storia. Come sempre dipende dal singolo modello, i modelli custom shop spaccano e altri di manifattura inferiore magari rendono di meno, personalmente non ci perdo la testa a pensare se siano sopravvalutate o meno, basta che suonino bene :)

if you have to record what pickups would you choose for different tones ? for example juggernauts for breakdowns , liqui fire for solos etc

I use ceramic Nailbomb to record rhythm, VH2 for cleans and leads.

I know they're vastly different, but what would you say the biggest/most evident differences between Juggernauts and Black Hawks are? What would you/won't you find in one, that you will/won't find in the other per say.

Black Hawks are hot/saturated pickups, more "hifi" sounding, less focused in the mids, more transparent and with a broader spectrum, very prominent lows. They nail the active pickup sound without incurring in the sterile cons related to actives. Juggernauts are way fuller in the mids, less output, more dynamic and versatile, with a rounded high end, not as much lows as BHs, they're a bit tighter although both pickups are tight. I personally prefer Juggz!

should i upgrade my crappy guitar before I upgrade my fx unit? I'm currently using software sims for fx.

Prabhas Gangrade
Generally speaking if you have the money I'd suggest to upgrade to an Axe Fx Ultra/2 but as of late cab sims have gotten much better, X50 for example. If you really don't bond well with your guitar, invest in a better one for sure
Liked by: Prabhas Gangrade

What was your favorite track off of the new intervals? At first I didn't like the single released but after hearing the whole album it's really grown on me. The song writing fits perfectly with the vocals.

Eric g
Still have to listen to it properly but every track is a win in my book. No fillers!

what is your comment about the new lick sharing trend? do u like that guy's lick https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=793909023972537 ?

That guy, you mean you? It's incredibly awful to tag people that have absolutely nothing to do with your video, which btw is cringey as fuck. Even more awful is to link me this crap after you've noticed I de-tagged myself from it, as a pathetic attempt to let more people watch it.
Hope you're happy now that I'm sharing it. Advertising yourself, you're doing it WRONG.

Ibanez RG2620 Prestige, Dropped C, Directly onto Kemper Profiling Amp (Generally on 5150 settings) I generally jam around with big chunky riffs and thrashy riffs with a lot of melodic work over the top, tone would like would be tightened bottom with clear chords and pick attack. Help find my pup!

obvious choice, ceramic Nailbomb!

Ciao fra! Ho un ampli abbastanza cagoso, e stavo pensando di sostituirlo con bias. Secondo te è una buona idea? Dovrei abbinarci una coppia di casse monitor; 400 euro sono abbastanza per delle casse discrete? Cosa consigli? Sono inesperto in questo campo... Grazie mille ciao!!

Direi che sono + che abbastanza! con 300€ ti pigli le krk rp5 nuove.


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