
Francesco Filigoi

Ask @FrancescoFiligoi

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what's your ideal monitor headphones for the direct output of the axe fx 2?

I don't like to play with headphones, it's really awkward for me. But if you don't want to annoy neighbours and need something for your late night noodle, ATH-M50 are a safe bet. As of late I'm GASing on the new Focal Spirits.

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Would you use an AXE-FX II or a real amp for your album ? If I listen to comparisons like these ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KInx4J4T5u0 ), I wonder if you can tell the difference with all other instruments involved...

Why not both? :) I still prefer the sound of a real amp, it breathes a little more. Regarding solos and cleans I would personally choose Axe-Fx because you have way more choice to create the perfect tone for you.
Also those comparisons are cool, but you don't actually know how they will react to EQ shaping within the mix. Maybe one will sound like crap once you slightly boost some mids and the other will take it like a champ, that's where digital emulations suffer most of the time. All relative!

do you prefer mayones regius 7 or Musicman Ernie Ball JP7

They're both quality instruments, it depends if you prefer fixed bridges or tremolos, neck-thru or bolt-on guitars.

Man. I wanna start uploading stuff on YT and record etc.. I just dunno where to start. Everything has already happen. Lol. Who cares for another blues solo or a C# riff? I can't write my own backtracks and even tho I play good enough, I think my playing is not that original.. What should I do?

Listen to something new, different and fresh! Hopefully will give you enough inspiration :)
Liked by: Robert Percy

when doing tremolo picking, how should I position my plectrum ? completely parallel to the strings or perpendicular to the strings (definitely the wrong thing to do) or inclined to some angle ? Same questions for alternate picking during solos. Thank you in advance.

My tremolo picking and alternate picking technique are slightly different, I tend to pick at the same angle but I'm closer to the bridge when doing tremolo.
Liked by: Dragana Maria :)

How hard should your picking strokes be when doing fast alternate picked runs?

ayy lmao
I like a fierce percussive attack when doing alternate, but you don't have to overdo it otherwise your right hand won't be relaxed anymore and notes will be out of pitch. Basically hard enough for them to sound good :)

I'm having a tough time choosing between the line 6 ux2 and the pod hd500. Money is not the issue here, its just that the hd500 does not have the metal shop and thats one of the main reasons I'm thinking of getting the ux2. Can you offer me any advice?

I tried one of my students' HD500X the other day and it's definitely a good sounding machine. I'd go for the HD500!

Which song would you say has your favorite distortion sound/tone?

Very hard to say! The guitar tone within a song is heavily influenced by drums and bass. That being said I generally LOVE Andy Sneap's guitar tones, they are godly.

do you find the pickup covers to alter the sound of the pickup drastically ?

They alter the sound but the difference is very small.

could you recommend me a good monitor for use with the Axe FX II, just for practice volumes in an apartment!

Take your time to read the FAQs puhleeeeeeze

What do you think about ibanez genesis collection rg? Have you ever tried one? Is that as good as old 90's rg?

They are pretty much as good as the 90s, but they're not 90s so :)


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