
Francesco Filigoi

Ask @FrancescoFiligoi

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Can you describe the differences between the emerald and the vhii in the neck position ?

Both have a classic voicing, with lots of pick attack and clarity. Emerald is crunchier and a little brighter, VH2 is still bright but more "rounded". Audio samples on BKP website help more than my words :)

when recording, do I take the mic that is in front of my cab and plug it straight to my PC and hit record? since I don't know much about this stuff. plug into computer use reaper hit record?

Pretty much. Google is your friend :)

what would be the windows version of garage band? I want to start youtube guitar stuff but don't know what software is good.

I think it's better if you just learn the basic function of a random DAW and then you'd be good to go! I definitely recommend Reaper.
Liked by: Robyn Njui

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How about Crawler in bridge, and Emerald in neck position for great Hard Rock/Shred tone?

For great Hard Rock tones I'd recommend Holy Diver/Abraxas/Rebel Yell/Black Dog bridge depending in the guitar. Crawler and VH2 can also be good, basically anything can be good if you can work with it :)
Regarding neck tones, VH2/Painkiller/Nailbomb/Emerald/Holy Diver can all be good, different characters of course but they all rule.

I know that the bkp Holy diver is based on the SD JB..Can you list some differences ?

Basically a JB but much much much better. Tighter, juicier, a bit warmer, more musical.

Hey, how do you compare the Nailbomb neck with the VHII neck? I was planning to purchase the latter, but i found a crazy offer on the NBomb and i was wondering if i could achieve a similar tone with it :)

Nailbomb neck has plenty of character, it's less "shreddy" and more like a classic voicing but still very aggressive and super juicy. Although I prefer VH2, it's just my favourite :)

Do you have a pdf of the exact specs for your custom Carvin? I'm very curious and I may order one myself! Thanks so much Francesco

You can view all the available specs you can choose if you go to Carvin's website, select a model you like and then click on the Virtual Guitar Builder page. :)
Liked by: Josef Kiefer

Can you compare your new carvin to a JP7?

It is just different :) hard to say in words, even for someone like me who likes to describe stuff. Both are very comfortable and easy to play, although I prefer the Carvin's tone a bit more, it's more "responsive" to my playing.

The fretwraps are very useful for tapping and soloing, but when it comes to chugging and stuff, they are useless aren't they ?

They're incredibly useful: when you do chugs, tight palm-mutes or generally stuff that requires syncopated rhythm with silence in between, putting Fretwraps above the nut eliminates any unwanted weird resonances you might hear from your instrument, which are not your fault because they come from string vibration above the nut!
This is actually 99% of the time how I use them, I can't tell how many times those saved my ass in the studio by avoiding those weird resonances during rhythm recordings.

Hi! I want to get a seven string. Should i go with the Jackson SLATTXMG3-7 or Ibanez SIR27FD? The thing that bothers me is that the jackson has emg and i dont have enough money to replace the pickups any time soon, but I would love to hear your oppinion on both these guitars. Thanks!

Wait for new models at NAMM and then decide :)

Hi Francesco! When you restring your guitar, do you take the strings off all at once or one at the time? Some people say it could damage the neck if you take them all off and some just say it's a myth.

One at a time, I had a bad experience once by removing them all.

this maybe a noob question but when composing a melody how would you automatically know which notes would go together if you didnt play it out before hand?

I need to play it of course and try in real time what works and what doesn't :) as I said, it's a feel/taste thing.

Hey Francesco, really love your new vid of the carvin clean sounds! If I may ask, do you know a lot about music theory or is it kinda more of a improvisation where your head says " if you play this chord now it would sound great" :D Dumb question i know, but would be interesting to hear!

I know and like theory but never apply it when writing, I just like to noodle around and not overthink it :)
Maybe I apply it in a "subconscious" way, but I always think about the mood/vibe I want to convey and try to translate it on the fretboard.
Theory is really cool and helps me know why something I did sounds the way it does, but for me it's just an "after the fact" thing. Thanks btw!

What are your thoughts on Multi-Scale guitars? And what about v-frets (fanned frets)?

Jalon Hall
I approve the fanned fret concept but it's not for me. With extreme fans it's really hard for me to do extended chords or even hit the right note during tapping :) Also I feel more comfortable going up and down rather than diagonally with my picking hand.
Also I think there's not much choice pickup-wise, yes BKP does slanted pickups but it's only a 10° slant, if I have to be picky the pickups should follow the fretboard which means they have to be placed differently, at varying degrees. Viks are the best in this case, he wounds his pickups so that the poles align perfectly on the instrument he's working on, and they're placed correctly, following the the "arch" from bridge to nut.

Do you find your self playing more with the b6 or the b2 ?

Both really. My B2 is my go-to recording guitar, and the B6 is just way too comfortable and I pick it up everytime. It's a very inspiring instrument.

ciao che ne pensi dei bare knuckle juggernaut?

Devo ancora trarre un giudizio completo, non li ho suonati tantissimo ma per quel che ho provato spaccano :) Soprattutto il modello al manico per assoli, ottimo!


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