
Francesco Filigoi

Ask @FrancescoFiligoi

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i know this is tired but the axe fx ii really sound like a real tube amp ? and for a growl tone wich pickup you recommend

Short answer: yes. Long answer: at this point it's best to let the Axe do its thing rather than comparing it to tube amps all the time, since it can provide much more non-linear tweaking and options to the table.
I like to start from scratch with Axe presets, tweaking every possible knob, and in the end the result is always rewarding.

Hey I am looking into a ibanez RG for under $650 what would be the best bang for buck? I will probably switch the pickups to SD oDimarzio...

Early 90s RG, from 87 to 92, whatever model but preferrably 550/570/750/770/565. I don't think Duncans are that suited to Ibanez in general, go for Dimarzios

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I have an ibanez 1077xl 7 string guitar and want to swap out the pickups. I'm looking for something tight, articulate, balanced with great chord clarity. Could you recommend pickups from seymour duncan, dimarzio, and bare knuckle for all 3 positions? Thanks!

I'd say either ceramic Nailbomb bridge and Cold Sweat set or just buy the new Juggernauts! :) both would rule.

How come when foreign people sing they appear to lose their accent? I bet if you sang, you would have beautiful voice like Whitney Houston

Good question! I guess when you talk your words are spoken faster and the flow is more noticeable. In mainstream recordings there are actually "supervisors" that double-check if the singer's accent is not audible, and teach them on the spot how to pronounce it correctly. I still hear the accent on some records, mainly english ones but even the last Fleshgod too.

When I play electric, I hate hearing the acoustic sound of the strings during the signal from the guitar. Idk how a note actually soudns because all I hear is twang twang twang any help?

I know what you mean, string resonance can definitely mess up how you perceive tones. What I do is loop the dry recording and tweak tones using that sample, so I don't have to play-stop-tweak-stop-play etc.

can u upload licks like that often? one with each of your ibanez

Sure, when I have time I'll do so :) maybe next week if I have a free day I'll do a "video answer" afternoon or stuff like that.

I love your ask.fm answers haha :D I love that you mix in some funny questions now and again and its not all music

Glad you appreciate! :)

How is the new DT album?

Didn't have the chance to listen to all the tracks properly, but damn the drum tone sucks pretty bad

Have you ever had a break up? How do you deal with it?

Of course, it sucks! But thinking about what's past doesn't help your future so I just don't deal with it, I look forward. Might seem a bit "cold hearted" but that's how it is I guess

What was the first melody you figured out by ear? Mine was Paint it Black haha.

probably the acoustic intro of Metallica - Battery, or Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams...don't remember :)

have you ever had injuries from guitar playin like tendonitis on your wrist finger, even whole arm? And if so what've you done? Have just rest it for a very long time ordo you had any therapy from adoc and if so what therapy was it?:) Sry if this question is kinda silly to you I'm just frustrated :/

Yes it happens from time to time that I feel weird fatiguing or little tendonitis, when this crap happens I just don't play for two/three days or even a week and it usually disappears. I also wear wrist bands, not sure if it helps but I feel a bit stronger with them later. Rest is key!

Hi francesco, what would you recommend me to record my own songs? I have no experience with that, all I have is my guitar, my amp and obviously my songs, so which audio interface and the other stuff? :)) thank you in advance :)

I'd recommend an audio interface like Presonus or Focusrite or even M-Audio, KRK RP5 monitors, a decent computer to connect the stuff to and learn the basics of a DAW like Reason. Then you're good to go :)

how many hours do you practice guitar, when you practice?

I used to practice in my teens when I had time to, I don't practice anymore but I still try to play the guitar as much as I can, focusing more on the songwriting aspect.
Liked by: Aidan Pouncy

Did you ever have moments in your guitar playing life here you felt dissatisfied with yourself? I doubt myself with this a few or so times.

Sure everyone has these moments in their lives, even in general. In the end it's only useless: clear your head and focus on what you want to achieve, what your priorities are and what you want to do in your life or musical path. It's all in your head :)
Liked by: Cory Phillips

Any experience with premiums? particularity high-end ones like the 920 series that cost roughly the same as a low end prestige, the pickups stock, designed by dimarzio I believe, look cool, what about the woods?

Premiums are not high end, they're made in Indonesia. Still, they're very cool models and are pretty damn solid! But not prestige quality. They do the job just fine for both live and studio work!

Bareknuckle juggernauts on an ibby RGD421, yay or nay? I mostly play metal. If nay, any suggestions? I have complete faith in your opinion about this.

Still have to try 'em, but I'm sure they'll rule in basically any guitar. They're designed to not be boomy nor harsh so I'm sure they'll be just fine :)

In your opinion, how would a chambered 8 string with a piezo sound? I'm thinking of ordering a custom with that in mind

If it's got the right woods and scale, it would be phenomenal but I wouldn't overdo chambering since it would add odd harmonics and boominess on the lower end. A bit is good!

Do you find Ibanez guitars (RG) do you find the basswood good or bad? Since my friends tell me its bad but I don't know why a company would use bad wood and be so successful... So what do you say?

Are your friends called Hoshino and Gakki? lol :) on the other hand, Justin Bieber is succesful but that doesn't mean his music is good.
Like everything, wood can be bad or good, it depends on density, cut, origin, etc. Tonal properties can vary even between cuts from the same wood. That being said, generally speaking lower end Ibbies have lower quality 3-4-5 piece bodies plus tons of coating above so don't expect the guitar to be resonant. Prestiges have awesome basswood.

On a quality scale of 1 to 10, what would you personally rank the following guitars: RG8, RGA8, RG2228, TAM100, M8M, Carvin DC800?

Price considered, I'd say RG8 7, RGA8 6+, RG2228 7, TAM100 8.5, M8M 6/7, DC800 9.

What are the sets in your JP7 and how did you order them with gold poles?

Ceramic Nailbomb bridge, VH2 neck. You can just select "gold poles" when you order them!


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