
Francesco Filigoi

Ask @FrancescoFiligoi

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Do you have a car?

I had it, then I destroyed it in a crash earlier this year. I had to spend money on studio gear for our album recordings so I wasn't able to purchase a new one yet :(

What do you do if you're playing a 25 minute prog song live and you suddenly have to go the bathroom really really bad?? Do you signal to the drummer to take an improv drum solo so you can run off stage and take a shit? This is one of those things i'm afraid to ask in person

This is awesome. If we ever meet, don't be afraid to ask, I'll shake your hand like a true bro
Liked by: court

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Ola saw your wood comment thats why he ended his endorsement

haha nooooes :D I gotta rephrase that: I personally don't like that wood combination, I like a darker sounding guitar with a bright fretboard to balance it, and bright pickups that are still benefitting from the natural warmth of the instrument. The other way around doesn't work well at all for me but it might for someone else!

Does any manufacturerer other than BRJ make an 8 string like yours? (Superstrat shape, purple quilt top, 8 in a row headstock)?

Off the top of my head: Vik, S7G and nobody else comes to mind atm

What's on your GAS guitar list?

Nothing to be honest, I have pretty much anything covered for my needs :) Actually just need a serious live guitar but I have one coming as the first from a new endorsement deal. Pretty excited to receive it!

Was the Musikmesse Vik 8 string the best 8 string you ever played???

Definitely the best non-fanned 8 string I've ever played. The F8 I tried at Messe '12 is still the overall best 8 I've ever tried. I'd put Fred Brum's Strandberg 8 as the third place :)

Which guitar friends do you still want to meet?

everybody! guitar is an occasion to meet all the people who are into the same passion :)

How do you prevent very expensive guitars like your B2 from being stolen during a show? Do you chain the B2 case to the stand, and the stand to the wall?

I wouldn't take it at a show and use something that sounds just as good for a live performance and at the same time it's not the end of the world if it gets a ding or something bad happens. Shit like thefts happens even to big names unfortunately :(

When I'm lonely at night, I listen to the Abiogenesis teaser and pretend we're hanging out

hopefully we actually will when we tour around :)

If Jesus were to magically return, would he look more like Guthrie or Petrucci? I can't decide

hahahahahahah this question is glorious :D current Petrucci is too bulky to be credible, I have to go with GG!

If I order the custom, I can still earn money for the JPXI during the wait time...but I can't do it vice versa. if the Emerald finish is discontinued as fast as Dargie Delight i'm gonna cry. Should I still go for it?

Your call :) I'd personally go for the JPXI.

Can you recommend a good high end interface under 1000 euros ?

Definitely get an Apogee Duet 2. If you don't have a Mac, look at RME stuff

Do you like 2 or 4 rhythm guitar tracks when recording ?

Definitely dual tracking, sounds tighter for the stuff I play. Quad tracking is glorious but just at the right time: I use it during "chuggy" parts or choruses with big open chords.


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