
Francesco Filigoi

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Only 99% straight if you want to marry Jari ;) jk

well jari is the exception, just to be able to have his guitar and songwriting powers haha

do you think gay people should be able to marry?

yes, why not! for the record I have no idea why I'm receiving gay related questions all the time lol, I'm 100% straight :)

Can your youtube lesson Born Of Osiris - Machine / M∆CHINE Sweep Picking be done in standard tuning just wondering if the scales would still be the same just diffrent notes ?

fingering remains the same, you just subtract -2 to each number you see in the tab and you can do it on standard tuning.

What DAW are you using for making your band songs or your demo/single?

I use Ableton, we're not releasing demos btw :)

che scalatura dovrei mettere su una 6 corde per suonare in drop g#?

Ebbasta co sta accordatura alla Periphery perdio! Comunque 62 per il G# e 10-46 (tranne il 10 ovviamente) per le altre corde

Hi Francesco, I have a question regarding guitar builders. If I wanted a solidbody electric guitar with a custom body shape built (but with everything else pretty much standard), which guitar companies would you recommend I check out? I'd prefer companies that specialize in metal guitars. Thanks! :)


What is your favourite type of fretboard inlay?

Something unusual but that still is classy and serves the inlay purpose just fine

Is it easy to remember all the numbers and letters in the hundreds of ibanez models?

If you're OCD like me, yes!

Have you tried Parker guitars? What do you think of them?

Excellent design, superb to play and incredibly comfortable, but sound is nono. Not much character imho.

Do you like chatting with guitar players on the internet or do you find it annoying most of the time?

Sometimes it can happen that a guy is wasting my time with stupid stuff etc but most of the time it's very good and passionate people, so I definitely enjoy it :)

If you listen to a backing track, can you tell what key it's in and what notes to play?

I don't have absolute pitch (my bassist does) but I do have a very good relative one. I can sing a song, then actually play it and it will be in the exact same key I sang it. I can instantly recognize if something is minor/major/dimimished/half diminished/augmented/harmonic minor and all that, but if you give me a random key I will have a hard time figuring out which one is.

What is your set up on your axe fxII for the lead sound? Can you show me?

generally it's compressor-drive-amp-eq(if needed)-cab-parallel delay and reverb

man, you and your historical Ibanez collections! Btw I'm starting to appreaciate RG 550s in particular, maybe because of the maple board? Well, they don't make them anymore, but Ibanez offer RG 3550 and 3250 with Dimarzios. Do you think they're on par with their old counterparts?

Ibanez Prestiges are very very good. That being said, plenty of 550s out there between jemsite, craiglist etc etc
Liked by: Kavan Chay


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