
Francesco Filigoi

Ask @FrancescoFiligoi

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Do you download patches from axe change or make your own?

dalmun’s Profile Photodal
I make my own, but I also try other people's patches. Mostly they don't sound good with my hands & gear but sometimes you find GODLY ones!

Im in a situation where I wont be able to use my Axe Fx through my power amp and cab for a while. I need to use headphones monitors or something that wont create noise. what would you suggest?

Sometimes when I'm not at my studio, using the Axe-Fx as input interface and the laptop speakers as output interface works way better than you could imagine :)

Hey Francesco, I'm going to play tomorrow at a school concert and at today's rehearsal I got really nervous and I F... Up, what do you suggest to stay calm?

just go, play and if you miss something...WHATEVER! nobody will care about it more than you.
Liked by: Giorgio Mendieta

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What pickups would you reccomend for an esp eclipse custom with mahogany body and neck and mpample top aiming for sounds like Adam Jones from Tool and Joe duplantier from gojira ?

ceramic Nailbomb bridge ALL THE WAY. VH2 or even Nailbomb neck would be awesome too.

Come faccio a vedere quanto mi costerà un modello di una carvin? Nel guitar builder non indica il prezzo per le opzioni scelte o cose simili... devo perforza mandare una mail?

devi usare un proxy (io uso tunnelbear) e accedere al sito americano. comunque non conterà un cazzo perchè non spediscono al di fuori degli stati uniti, fatti fare un preventivo da Guitar Candy (cercalo su fb), è il distributore europeo con servizio migliore e prezzi + bassi.
Liked by: Luca Moqi

What do you think are the best picks/pick materials for different parts? I've settled on the Jazz 3 XL for rhythm, and the Eric Johnson 3s for lead, both have a slight bit of bend. I hate ultex, but am interested in the T3's everyone loves!!

Tortex is the best pick material imho, by far. I like TIII (0.73/0.88) a lot, also the regular Tortex model rules.

May you shed some lights on how you incorporate 3rd party IRs in Axe fx? Like how you basically deal in several IRs for one patch. I usually find one or two main ones that sound good enough than pick some others for extra highs and lows. I'm wondering if there's a better way to do this. Thanks a lot

I go very in deep about the IR selection as I am convinced it's the most important part of the chain. Will do an "advanced tone building" video for the Axe Fx as soon as I have time to do so.
Liked by: Dans Huang

how do you manage sharps when picking hard on low strings?

Use lighter picks (0.60/0.73/0.88) to prevent notes going sharp, excessive low-end response and add a bit of crispness to the attack, expecially with Tortex picks. Evertune bridges help a lot too.

Hey Francesco, I'm curious as to how you like your guitars set up... neck relief, height over 12th, etc.. (on average)

I've actually never checked relief, height etc. in numbers. I generally tweak truss-rod and (if necessary) bridge/saddle height to have optimal playability with no buzz, or very little, but I just do it by tweaking and playing continuously.
Usually I follow the fretboard radius with the saddle height and pickup pole height. I like to put pickups fairly high, with the neck pickup almos at fretboard level and the bridge pickup equally distanced from the strings. Then I record some chugs and see where I have the best tightness/hugeness balance.
Liked by: Eric Hill Luca Moqi

What do you think about the pod x3? From videos I've seen the pod x3 seems better than the hd500 because it has bass, guitar and vocal packs whereas the hd500 doesn't.

I think the hd500 is a better sounding unit. X3 is still cool, a bit too fizzy though.

Hi! I'm trying to improve my string skipping technique using my left (fretting) hand, I've been practicing different exercises but they're all pretty unmelodic..Do you have any artists, or better yet, passages from songs I should look into to help practice in a more melodic, less dull, context? Thx!

I'd look into Kotzen or Gilbert stuff, they use plenty of neat string skipping ideas :)
Liked by: Luca Moqi

Francesco, I'm looking for a Jackson DKA8, like you, I have small hands, so the 26,5 scale length would be nice, but I what do you think about the sound difference between 27 inch scale and 26,5 ? I would like to play solos and riffs, not just chugs, so I need to be comfy :/

I wouldn't go lower than 27" on 8 strings, and 27" is just as comfy as 26.5". Btw, small hands don't mean much, it's all in the wrist posture.

Hi! What do you think of Positive Grids JamUp plug? I've been using JamUp with an iRig and tried the Apogee Jam interface too but they kinda have this noise in them that I don't really like. Does Positive Grids own JamUp plug work well in this regard? Are ther interfaces you would recommend? Thanks!

As I've mentioned many times, JamUp and expecially Bias are FUCKIN AMAZING. There's a dedicated noisegate within the software to prevent this issue, and I haven't had any problems after setting it up appropriately (takes 10seconds). I'm not sure if it's out yet, might be incoming, but look for the JamUp Plug HD which will provide even higher sound quality.
Liked by: Byron Leon dal

How much did you pay your Carvin CT7?

On Carvin's website, within every model's page there's a "virtual builder" that shows you the price for each option you add, so you can check the overall price immediately.

at first i thought of Abiogenesis as a more prog band, but I heard the "This is Abiogenesis P2" and it was like death metal mixed with arpeggios and tasty cleans. do you guys have more of a high-bpm, blast beats (and what not) influence?

LOTS of blasts. Unfortunately Part 2 doesn't tell you that much about our sound, but it gives an idea. I hate to do a genre description, but I'd call it "Extreme Progressive Metal", definitely more death metal than the "prog" you had in mind haha :)

HI Francesco! I keep reading your answers about how your tones are meant for high output pickups lick yours only. What would you suggest someone who's using shitty LTD stock pickups and is constantly failing at getting a decent tone? P.S.: Using LePou+Guitar RIg+Redwirez impulses. Keep winning!

I'd say change pickups, obvious! Your chain is good, change the source tone.

hey dude! Your lead work is pretty inspiring and Id love to see how you tackle improvisation. Would you consider making an imrpov video sometime soon? Thanks man!

Sure, whenever I have time :) although I'd prefer to film some lessons first!
Liked by: Robyn Njui john

sometimes I find myself just tapping out "djent"y rhythms in my head, but I'm a drummer. do you do that as well, does it help with writing?

well for sure sometimes I have a groove in my head that could actually make it to a riff or whatever, so I just record it either with the guitar or even with the voice, and then try to see if it actually works. preferrably not in a djenty way though, no offence :P

I suck at music theory alot , I always get confused on modes and scales a lot , what do you think should i do ?

Theory is EASY, I swear! Once you "get" it, everything makes sense. Unfortunately it's just as easy to see it the wrong way, and everything looks like a number, a pattern that doesn't make sense, and you end up with lots of headaches. Actually, everything is interconnected and a note sounds like that because it's related to another one in a certain context.
I think you could either take lessons with someone who can make it simple to you, or see videos/read books on the subject.
Liked by: Giorgio Mendieta

What do you think about the Emerald/Juggernaut combo that you've got in your Carvin now? I was so certain about getting a set of Juggs, but your clean emerald video sounded so good that I'm just not sure haha

In the end it's all personal preference. In all honesty, anyone that knows how to tweak tones properly could obtain an equally good sounding clean from ANY pickup. I'm not talking about finger tone, I'm just talking about adjusting your gear's settings related to the source tone.
That being said, I like the Emerald neck a lot but the Jugg neck is lovely too, just different. Emerald is brighter, more "sparkly" and has a somewhat stratty sound to it, Juggernaut neck has more mids and less highs, a bit more output, but it's just as clear as the Emerald.

I want to be a pro guitar player(my own music) i, but I fucking hate covers, no matter if it's from my favorite player/band, it makes no sense to me(WATCHING GUYS THAT KNOWS OVER 100 COMPLEX SONGS ), it looks that in order to be a pro you should master songs, , what do you think of this?

I think you should just do what you think it's right, if you hate covers and want to noodle and write your own stuff all day, so be it! I personally think that learning a song, or a part of it, it's just a tool to take inspiration from licks and riffs you like, and then rework them (not copy them) into your stuff.

What guitars do the Emerald pickups work very well in?

I find the neck model on the brighter side, probably warmer sounding ones.
Liked by: john


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