
Francesco Filigoi

Ask @FrancescoFiligoi

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Hey man, so I have a guitar with a swamp ash body and I hate the bassyness of it (it's a 7 string tuned to G to play monuments style music). I just acquired a bare knuckle cold sweat for 40 bucks off of someone who "didn't know if it works", do you think it will take away some of the low end?

Cold Sweat doesn't have much low end, it might work but also doesn't have many mids imho. Ash is usually very bassy and scooped, yes
Liked by: Luca Moqi

Hey Francesco, what do you think about the new EB MM Majesty? GAS or not? ahah Cheers

Nah, not for me. I love the blue finish and some details, but that banana upper horn cannot be unseen.
Liked by: Luca Moqi dal

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Ionizer 7 or Juggernaut 7

Usually I just delete stuff like this, but I'll bring this one up to clarify something: be kind and friendly to people, and only then they will do the same with you. Usually, when a guy wants to talk and hear the opinion of someone else, it starts with a "hey/hi/hello", and explain with at least a bit of detail his situation.
It is very apparent that you have absolutely no interest in having a friendly exchange here, and you only care about my answer for your own business. Not only that, you're not even describing a bit your guitar/tuning/genre (as clearly mentioned in FAQ #1), and you don't even bother with a question mark.
Internet has changed people, now everyone wants everything, and they want it now. Tabs? Preset? How do I play fast? This or that? Torrent link? Life doesn't work this way.
What do you think if someone you don't know asks you something out of nowhere without even saying hi? Don't think that just because your name doesn't show, good manners don't apply and it's a one-way thing :)

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Do you think a 25.5' 7 string guitar would work for drop A tuning? If yes, what string gauge would you recommend for the 7th?

Yes, definitely! That's what I personally use. 60 or 62 would be just fine :)

what method you memory for scale ? use Interval or patten to memory ? and how can i really application scale

That's one of the things I'd like to keep for students - there's a super handy method I use that makes everything instantly clear and visible. When I discovered it I was "daaaamn this was in front of my eyes all the time and I realized it just now?" :D
Liked by: Gatlen Hawkins

I'm not sure if you've answered this already, but tone-wise, how would describe a Painkiller bridge/Cold Sweat neck combo?

Painkiller bridge: super tight but not sterile at all, think like a super aggressive Marshall tone, full of gnarly upper mids. Works best in warmer sounding guitars, perfect for modern evil stuff a la Vildhjiarta.
Cold Sweat neck: super buttery and bubbly, not a vintage neck sound but more in the vein of Broderick/early Petrucci.
Liked by: Lucas LeCompte

Hey man, pretty set on ordering a 7 string Carvin in the next week or so. Just wondering if you had Carvin install your BKPs for you or if you had to have a different luthier take care of that? I've heard the cavities for their stock pups need to be routed for aftermarket ones. Thanks!

Dylan Hunt
Since a year or so, Carvin has changed their pickup routes to be directly retrofitted with Dimarzio/BKP/etc pickups. No rerouting :)
They installed BKPs for me yes, but nothing wrong if you let your local tech swap them.

I've never seen anyone comment on this but you dress really well, what brands of clothes do you buy/where do you buy them from (if online shop or something) just curious.

Thanks! I used to care a lot more into clothing when guitar was just a hobby and I was wasting time and money on other stuff :) I still like to wear good stuff though, it's Italy after all.
Don't care about brands, as long as it's cool! I usually check a few online places when I have extra money, like Asos for cheap cool stuff.

what should I do, an EP or an Album? thanks

Doesn't matter, it can be even just one track as long as it's GOOD! I much prefer an EP of really good songs rather than an uninspired album full of fillers. Check the last Fallujah EP, just two actual songs and totally mindblowing.

Hello! Have any tips for getting better at two note per string runs? I SUCK AT IT. I'm very comfortable with 6-7-8 string arpeggios and legato runs where there are 3+ notes on each string. I guess I never focussed much on the 2 note per string stuff!

Try starting with a different pick stroke direction :) Andy James does like that. I personally find it super uncomfortable though, so when doing 2 note per string runs I start with a downstroke.

Would you recommend the Nailbomb bridge in an all Mahogany guitar or would it be too muddy?

ceramic Nailbomb all the way man!
Liked by: Luca Moqi

Ciao fra! Can u explain the neck profile of a carvin neck? Is it similar to an rg or an esp/ltd, prs. Can they match a profile if I ask them? Thx!

charliegentile’s Profile PhotoCharlie Gentile
Honestly I have never cared that much about neck profiles, they don't make a big difference on my playing. But one thing for sure, Carvin necks are suuuuper comfy, so smooth and easy to play on! I'd say it's closer to esp than RG, it's not as thin as Ibanez but it's still super playable, not bulky at all.
You can specifically ask for a thinner profile if you want to, yes.

What is the right way to lower the action of a musicman guitar without reaching the fret buzz range ?

First do that on your trussrod, and check that your bridge is parallel to the body and at the same body height (if it's a petrucci). If truss rod is not enough (it should be enough) act on the bridge, if not even enough act on the individual saddles. Plenty of videos and tutorials around
Liked by: dal

How do you avoid getting copyright claims on your Facebook covers? Have you ever had to file a dispute?

I can't avoid them, youtube does indeed reclaim copyright on the covers on my channel. Sometimes it limits the access on mobile devices, sometimes it does nothing. A trick (that I personally don't use) is to lower or higher the song's pitch a little.

Is it possible to improve finger tone or is each players finger tone individually unique?

Both things are correct: hear 100 guitarists and all of them will be different from each other, but definitely you can improve finger tone a lot with playing time and by listening to tons of good guitarists.
Liked by: RAWNAK OMI

Ciao fra!! I've been playing for aprox 25 years. I kind of let go for 8 years but never really stopped, I can currently give an hour to playing/practicing, do u suggest I just jam away with backing tracks and have fun or should set up a practice routine because I know my chops aren't in top form?

It depends on what you really want, I can't decide for you :) I'm not a fan of "in the middle of the road" things, you either put yourself in the mindset to get better technically, and to do so efficiently you should double-check with someone else that can guide your technique to get to the next level, or you just do it for fun and there's nothing wrong with that! Your call man :)

I'm thinking about getting a Carvin CT424m built I love the shape and options. Do you have any experience with this model if so i'd love to know what you think about it?

dkenekeo’s Profile PhotoDude
I have the seven string version and it's badass! Regardless of the model, all Carvins are made in the same factory from the same people and are consistently VERY good.
Liked by: Luca Moqi Dude

What do you think of SD Perpetual Burn, Becker humbucker? Have you tried it? (scrivo in inglese che magari la risposta interessa a molti ;) Ciao Francesco!

Haven't tried it but I'd love to try one! I'm sure it would do just fine for Hard/Heavy/Prog/Shred.
Liked by: Luca Moqi


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