
Francesco Filigoi

Ask @FrancescoFiligoi

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best bkp for jazzy clean tones?

I really like the Manhattan above all, then Missisippi Queen, Mule, Abraxas and VH2.

cosa ne pensi dei dunlop stubby? oppure sono meglio i tortex wedge o quelli tipo jazz 3? per shredding ovviamente

per shredding nulla batte il jazz3.

How do u think a VHII/Juggernaut or VHII/blackhawk would sound on a JPX12 7 string? I'm not sold on the CL/LF combo

I personally think the best bridge pickups for the JP12 are Aftermath, ceramic Nailbomb and Painkiller. VH2 in the neck would be glorious!

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The more i sweep practicing for hours the worse i get at it....its like the more i sweep pick i tend to get even more sloppier help me out!!!

Just today I've received a new camera/lens and a 6 string Carvin that I'll put to use by doing tons of purchasable lessons, sweeping is one of the first I'll cover in detail. Hope you'll learn something useful from them! They won't cost you a leg, I promise :)

For someone who has been shredding for not too long, you`re a very clean and capable soloist who stands out even among contemporaries who has been doing it longer. Keep up the good work man, I wanna see more of your face melting shredding!

I'm young but actually I've been playing for 14 years already so :) thanks dude, much appreciated!

Hai detto d'avere 13 chitarre, ogni quanto le porti a fare un check up dal liutaio e quanto ci spendi sopra per rimetterle in sesto?

Il "check up" lo faccio io (setup/intonazione/action/pulizia/etc), porto dal liutaio solo quando c'è bisogno di lavori grossi :)

What program do you use for recording mixing an eq audio? Logic? Cubase? Pro Tools?

I personally use Ableton and Logic sometimes, but really anything works.
Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche, Audi...they all get you from point A to point B, just look different and have different accessories.

Hey! I want to ask you... I have a Washburn n2, and I want to modify, i want a sound like jack gardener, martin miller guthrie , I have really interesting in modificative all because was my first guitar. What changes do you recommend make?? and what components? Pickups? Floyd Rose? Tuners ..etc?

I don't know your current playing level, but if you want a sound like these monster players, you better up your practice game big time :) that's how you'll achieve a sound like that. It's in their hands.

Ciao Francesco, I remember you had a 7 string Daemoness way back when. What made you sell it? Any reason in particular or just GAS for something else? :P

I needed a trem-equipped guitar at the time, nothing wrong with the Daemoness it sounded brutal as fuck!
Liked by: Luca Moqi

Hi francesco. How many guitar do u have !?? Can you give me one for free :3 please please :3

The amount of guitars I have = The amount of guitars I want, minus 1.
Ok, give me your address and I'll send you one for free, dear anonymous! But just because you wrote please please :3
PS: on a serious note, I own 13 guitars.

Ciao Francesco, volevo chiedere un parere: come faccio a essere sicuro che un mio solo sia sempre a tempo? devo sentire la nota che cade sul battere o sul levare del beat? Tu usi un particolare metodo per andare a tempo o vai semplicemente ad orecchio? Grazie in anticipo e scusami :)

Un orecchio allenato aiuta molto, se hai problemi a stare a tempo ci sono vari esercizi tecnici da poter fare assieme al metronomo per migliorare la tua precisione e sincronia, però purtroppo non posso descriverli in due righe :)

Instead of asking what pickups I should get to achieve a certain sound, how would my JP12-7 sound with a set of BKP Emeralds?

Fucking awesome in my opinion. Very clear, crunchy and ballsy.

what do you think about true temperament fretting system?

It works really awesome, expecially in the studio. It's very time consuming and almost disheartening to retune every time you're not playing something within the first 6-7 frets.
If you take recording seriously, every lead part or stuff that happens above the "riffing area", even with a perfectly intonated instrument will require retuning "ad hoc" just to play that part in-tune. And then retune again since maybe then you're playing even higher. And then again since you're going back to doing usual low riffing. True temperament avoids that, and is a huge timesaver.

Best BKP bridge pickup for a sound similar to CHON? Neck? Preferably a single coil neck pickup.

No pickup will make you sound similar to an artist/band. To be honest I don't even think Chon have that much fancy gear at all (Ibbies woth stock pickups), and they still sound awesome. Don't mistake performance and composition with tone :)

Sorry to sound weird, but I've heard you're a porn star in a couple of places.. Is this true? Because if your life consists of getting paid to have sex and then playing beautiful guitars in your free time I think you win the award for the best life ever.

HAHAHAHAHA in my dreams maybe!
I'm just a guy who loves guitar dude :)

you should get xbox live man

no time to play games unfort :) my only free time is when I'm here answering questions really.

Would a set of Blackhawks with a ceramic bridge sound good in a guitar with a mahogany body and maple neck? It's a Carvin HH2, and I'm mainly going to be playing progressive metal/tech-death in Drop C

fuck yea!

best headphones for mixing ?

As of late I'm very intrigued by the recently released Focal Spirit Professional, they always get excellent reviews and seem promising. I'd look into these for sure, alternatively Sennheiser HD600/650/800 depending on your budget or, if the budget is lower, can't go wrong with Audio Technica ATH-M50.


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