
Francesco Filigoi

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Il tuo endorsment con la Carvin in cosa consiste? Sei di supporto per creare nuovi modelli o avrai in futuro una tua signature?

Endorsement letteralmente vuol dire "testimonial/sponsor", promuovere un prodotto mediante video/foto/live/social media etc, e da parte della casa produttrice invece si promuove l'artista e gli vengono forniti i prodotti. E' una sorta di "relazione proficua" per entrambi :)
Nessuna signature in vista (non sono nessuno per avere una signature) ma ho già dato qualche aiuto per piccole modifiche estetiche/funzionali a certi modelli.

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Non volendo rimanere nell'ambiente accademico, credi che investire nel diploma al conservatorio sia una buona scelta?

dipende da ciò che vuoi fare, io non ho mai fatto conservatorio ma il mio bassista (che di professione è violoncellista) è diplomato. Se vuoi fare un percorso specifico per chitarra elettrica, è pieno di scuole ben più specializzate che conservatorio. Comunque generalmente parlando la musica (per fortuna) è territorio dove la scuola che hai fatto non conta un cazzo, conta solo come suoni

Do you prefer Dual or Quad tracking when you recor guitars for Abio ?

Depends entirely on the riff and song part - if you have a very fast or technical riff, then dual is the way. If you have a chorus or breakdown that involve big chords and you want to achieve more "wall of sound" effect, go for quad. If you are ALIEN tight, then you might even go quad for everything but you really need to be at Vogg/Hetfield/Schaffer level.

You set up your Ibbys to full-floating? Do you actually get them to stay in tune, as in perfectly in tune after wild trem use? I got a 80's RG with Edge and it stays in tune pretty well with the bridge angle set properly, but never remains 100% in tune afterwards. Any tips/tricks/guides you follow?

No idea, I actually never had to tune most of my Ibbies for months, there are a couple that I actually never ever tuned once out of the box...bring it to a tech maybe?

Hey! i've been wanting to change the pickups in my musicman JPX7. Hoping you can help me out! :) Guitar: JPX7 Tunings: Drop A and Ab Gear: EVH 5150 iii with matching 2x12 cab Genre: Prog metal, Rock fusion Tone: Tight, sweet,smooth, Versatile Bands: Intervals, The Aristocrats, Scale the Summit

I'd try Rebel Yell or Black Dog bridge and VH2 neck for sure :) they would rule!

Hey! Im want to change the pickups of my Schecter Jeff Loomis Signature ( EMG 707) wich do you recommend? Is for playing with a Blackstar Ht5 in Drop A for playing progressive metal and playing like bands like periphery , intervals and abiogenesis haha. Thanks for your time!

I'd suggest Juggernaut set, will definitely sound good in there for your purpose!

How long does it take to be at your level of guitar playing? let's say i started to play guitar just now(18 yrs old) do you think i can improve a lot in just a year of consistent/right practicing?

It depends how naturally inclined you are and how much passion and effort you put in it. There's a student of mine that has been playing for only 2 years and is a crazy fast learner.
Liked by: john

Have you tried Hufschmid picks? If so what do you think of them? They look really cool but they look really fat too so I'm not sure what to think

I do think they are THE best boutique picks out there, they truly offer something different. I've never been impressed with Red Bear, V-Picks etc but Huf picks rule. Winspear picks are another very nice alternative.

Would you ever sell one of your RG550s? If so for how much?

I only have one 550 and no I probably won't sell it anytime soon :)

If you cold only choose one pickup set for all your guitars for your rest of your life which one would it be ? :)

ceramic Nailbomb bridge - VH2 neck

Ciao fra, potresti farmi un paragone tra le ibby del 90-92-94 e le nuove prestige? È vero che le vecchie sono migliori? Preferisci il lo pro edge, l'edge o l'edge zero? Ho l'occasione di poter prendere una ibby del 92 a 500 euro circa, al costo dovrei aggiungerci un cambio pu? Grazie mille ciao!!

le Prestige sono quasi altrettanto buone, ma per me le prime anni 90 (fino al 92, quelle col tacco quadrato) sono inarrivabili. Preferisco Edge e Lo Pro Edge.

what pickup matches the BK Cold Sweat neck? for metal in a mahogany RG 420?

best match is Cold Sweat bridge or Painkiller

Following the interface question, if I'm in budget, which will go a longer way, better monitors or better interface? Not sure if the question is valid but it'd help a ton if you can kindly explain what'd be your decision and why. Thx for being so helpful! Really appreciate it!

If it's a longer way, why not both? :)

Opinions on the BKP Black Dog bridge for metal and any other lower output pickups?

Black Dog owns, and generally I think the BKP "vintage hot" range of pickups is their top game. Abraxas, Black Dog, VH2, Emerald, all unreal pickups.

Hi Francesco, I'm just starting out on serious recording. I'm currently using Pod HD desktop for my tones and JBL LSR monitors. Do you know if there will be any improvement in sound quality and recording stability if I get a Scarlett 2i2 rather than using Pod for interface? Thx in advance!

To justify a great improvement in sound quality you'd have to get something a bit pricier than the 2i2, look into Apogee/RME stuff. And better monitors too. So in short I'd just stick with the POD as interface if you don't want to spend more

What is your advice on overcoming stage fear?

It's all in your head. Nobody will actually care about your performance more than you - of course you have to practise enough to be tight but don't focus TOO much on the performance itself otherwise there's no link between the stage and the people in front of you. Playing is fun and you should definitely have a good time doing it :)

Ciao, Fra. Sto cercando un ampli per fare metalcore, stile Confession, As I Lay Dying, mi piace il 5150III ma non so se prendere 50 nuova o 100w usata. Suono in G# e lo abbinerei a una 2 coni engl coi v30. Non la userei in casa e come live suoniamo in bar e piccoli-medi locali ma ci stiamo ampliando

Vai di 50w, spacca di bruttissimo e la preferisco alla 100w


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