
Francesco Filigoi

Ask @FrancescoFiligoi

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A person that you would love to collaborate with! Someone that is possible to do so with :P I love you sir! x o x o

Thanks :) I'm not sure I got the question, probably because there are no questions marks haha. I'd love to collaborate with Krimh, Plini, David Maxim Micic, Aaron Marshall among the possible ones :) tons more of course, so many talented folks out there.

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I'm pretty good at sweep picking but where can I find some crazy licks? Friedman? Becker?

Youtube is always a good source I think :)

Do you know any free software for programming drums? and bass tho

Look three questions down yours :) btw, just to be correct: programming is something you can technically do even without a software, it's just putting midi notes on the piano roll, move them and tweak them. It's obtaining the sounds that requires a software. For bass nothing comes out of my mind but I'm sure all sequencers have at least something basic as far as midi bass sound. Trillian is the best one, not free though.

I know this has been previously answered but as time passed by, you get to discover the amazing tones, versatility and stuff within the ipad realm (bias,jam up, etc). I currently own a line6 pod hd500 and im not satisfied with the tone. Would selling the pod and buying the ipad/apps would be smart?

neurodriver’s Profile PhotoEmman Castillo
If you can't find a good tone with the hd500, as good as Bias is, it doesn't save you :) work more on your pod tones or find others and try them all.
Liked by: Robert Percy

Can you recommend me the best sites with guitar lessons and stuff like that? (doesn't matter if it's paid membership)

The only lessons I ever got were in person so I cannot help you there :) if you're interested, I do give online lessons via skype and bandhappy, will also offer downloadable ones through a proper store in the near future.
Liked by: J

Do you know about any free drum machine softwares?

The one within Logic Pro X, but you still have to purchase Logic...EzDrummer Lite was free this summer but not anymore if I'm not mistaken. Google it, I can't help you there :)

Hey! Have you ever tried Ibanez RG3570z guitar?

Never tried, but all Prestiges are very very solid guitars, can't go wrong.

Ti chiedevo cosa ne pensassi della Seymour Duncan e perché preferisci l'Aftermath come BKP...grazie

Seymour Duncan spacca ma BKP è decisamente meglio, sono avvolti a mano, la qualità dei materiali è superiore, c'è molta più scelta in campo high gain, etc. Aftermath è un pickup che sinceramente non mi piace ma spacca di bruttissimo su chitarre scure come Les Paul o generalmente chitarre con corpo e manico in mogano, siccome è molto tagliente e "raschioso" allora le due cose si bilanciano. Non mi piace molto in chitarre dal suono più chiaro perchè diventa un po' troppo "djent" e si rischia di avere lo stesso suono di altri.

I've been playing guitar for 7 years now, and i'm starting to take it seriously. Since i can't afford to take lessons for now, what do you think are the things that i should focus on first? the past few months all i did was trying to learn metallica & a7x songs

After 7 years I guess it's time for you to try writing your own stuff :) Noodle around and everytime you come up with something you like, record it (even with your phone) and work on it. Also focus on listening and take inspiration from as much music as you can.
Taking lessons is up to the individual but I think even one or two lessons with someone who can check your current level and suggest you points to improve would be very beneficial.
Liked by: Luca Moqi

Les Paul Custom (con top in acero fiammato però). Principalmente in Drop C o Drop B. Metalcore, Progressive Metal, Deathcore, Djent (parola odiosa ma vabeh). Che BKP consigli? :)

Liked by: Luca Moqi

Bare Knuckle Black Hawk o Aftermath?

Dipende da un milione di cose, generalmente i BH sono più saturi, più output, suonano più grossi. Aftermath molto più tagliente e definito, più adatto per djent. Non impazzisco per nessuno dei due ma alla gente piacciono quindi :)

I saw you reccomended the KRK RP5 G3 for cheaper studio monitors. Do you have any suggestions for maybe some that are 100-200 $ less? Or do you think it would be worth getting some quality headphones instead?

carlpowell7’s Profile PhotoCarl Powell
I find mixing/playing with headphones very weird. Even cheaper monitors would be 2nd Gen. RP5 or even less there's M-Audio stuff or something like that. If you're interested in headphones, ATH-M50 are the best cheap ones, I personally like Sennheiser HD650 but they cost more.
Liked by: Carl Powell

your recommendation for a tight, powerful and clear humbucker in an ibanez MTM2? the stock PUs suck, but i want to pimp this guitar. BKPs are preferred :)

ceramic Nailbomb!

I don't have money for some BKP's right now so I was wondering: Seymour Duncan Pegasus or DiMarzio D-Activators? Guitar is an Ibanez RG7321

Between the two, Pegasus but that wouldn't be my choice for your guitar. On the other hand anything will be better than the horrendous stock pickups so :)
Liked by: ayy lmao

do you use stock axe fx IRs or do you make your own? also what's ur favorite amp model of the axe 2? thanks!!

I tend to prefer 5150 based amps for rhythm and Marshall based amps for leads, they all have their purpose, it depends on the vibe I'm going for.
Although as of late I've reamped two bands, an old school DM one using the Thordendal and a modern Metal one using the Brit Pre model. Very weird choices for me, but they worked just fine for the DIs I've received :)
Regarding cabs, I use both but if I had to be super picky, I'd create myself a mixture of the ones I like more.
Liked by: TheInsurgent

What are your thoughts on the Kemper Profiling Amp, ever had any experience with one etc? Thanks!

It is excellent of course, just look at all the big producers using it :) It provides superb tones but for my workflow and just personal preference I go with Axe Fx II. Much more versatility and possibilities in tone shaping, but most importantly I can start from zero, not from an already mic'd amp+cab.

What were the most important exercises you practiced to help get to the level you are today?

Too many to list (and very difficult to write them), take a lesson with me and I'll show you :)

Did you take guitar lessons??? (if yes) who was/were your teacher/s? :))

Yes I took many lessons from local teachers, all very very good. Taking lessons is crucial when starting, expecially because you have someone guiding you to avoid bad habits or usual mistakes that self taught guitarists incur. But when you feel you have your technique down and it's only a matter of "getting better at it" or getting more personal with your taste and playing, it's better to continue by yourself.
One thing too: no matter how good the teacher, it's all up to the student in the end :)

Im trying to get a tone like Bill Steer from carcass, My les paul needs some new pickups i think! what would you suggest?

Read two answers below yours :) also Bill Steer has all in his hands. I'd say ceramic Nailbomb would RULE for that though.


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