
Francesco Filigoi

Ask @FrancescoFiligoi

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Got the juggs for the Caparison TAT(H,H),probably one of the best pickups I've ever heard!!! thanks for the recommendation,i have another Caparison TAT with an HSS combination,do you know of any models that BKP make that have a really nice hum bucker vibe,but in a single coil format?Grazie!

MarcoTheItalian’s Profile PhotoMarco Capoccia
try the Sinner!
Liked by: Marco Capoccia

Would an iPad w/JamUp be enough for semi-pro recordings? Just recording, i'd use a pc to mix the tracks.

I definitely think so, expecially with BIAS which blew my mind.

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Not to rush you or anything (but since i can't get the solo out of my head), have you made a tab ? personally I tried to make from I know of the solo and it sounds right. What do you think ? (I didn't tab the part that repeats itself) (i've never tabbed before too). here is my tab: http://bit.ly/1bR

Tab & Vid up in 3-4hrs

I am completely not knowing of any guitar + computer recording... How do I record my playing? Mic to cab? Like what are my options (budget... Extreme lol) since I only know of microphone to cab. Thanks

Scroll down my answers, subject has been covered many times :)

what do you think of the few companies making very thick picks? have you tried them?

look a couple questions below yours :)

I've never really payed much attention to picks, but I've been trying to work on my picking technique and endurance. Should I look into brands like Winspear and Hufschmid and do you think that would help?

If you need a more relaxed playing, yes absolutely. The thicker the pick, the less tense the palm is due to index and thumb being a bit more distant.
Liked by: Robert Percy

why do you like Bring me the horizon?

I didn't exactly say I like BTMH, but I love the production of their last album :) which I also think has a couple excellent songs, but without the huge production work behind it I'm not exactly sure how much would be left. I never listened to any of their music before the last album so I don't know them much.
Liked by: Luca Moqi J

Do true-bypass pedals really make a difference in the tone in comparision with the ones that are not true-bypass? What other factors can influence in the tone?

Literally everything affects tone, so if true-bypass is an option, why not :)

when are u going to upload the jugg vs aftermath video ?

Currently have some short deadlines for other work, when these are done the jugg video is next in line.

Hey Fran, I've learned half of your solo from the Ryan siew video (JP12) but I the intro and the outro (sweep and shred), I just can't see which notes you play, it's too fast. Do you have any tabs ? because I have the melody between the two parts but I'd like to learn the whole !

I'm doing a tab right meeeeeaaaaow. Up tomorrow!
Liked by: Gustavo Andrade

Ciao Fra! Come settavate (più o meno) l'EVH in studio con gli Abio??

non ne ho idea, in studio registriamo sempre con l'axe fx e poi se serve facciamo reampare da altre parti

Absolutely love the tone of your 5153 tonematcing! Do you remember how you made the AxeFx preset, like what cabs, mic and drive and stuff like that? If you are willing to share the information i'd really appreciate it. Cheers man!

When tone matching, I never use cabs since it doesn't quite make sense, without cab you have a much fuller spectrum to be then "carved" into the tonematch capture. Also I almost never use mic simulations too since the impulse itself means it was mic'd already, it's overkill imho.
Preset was OD808-5153-Tonematch block if I'm not mistaken :)

I'm deciding between BKP Cold Sweat and EMG 57/66. My guitar is the rga8 and I play every style genre and I use primarily F#. Which pickups do you think I should get?

Cold Sweat! No surprise though, I endorse BKP so what did you expect hahaha

Come registri le chitarre? quale percorso fa il suono prima di arrivare al PC ed essere registrata? .-. O almeno, dove posso trovare queste info?

GiuseppeSantiagoMinardi’s Profile PhotoGiuseppe Santiago Minardi
"how to record guitar" su google, non morde :D personalmente uso l'Axe Fx II, quindi chitarra->axe fx->computer!

do you ever play with very thin gauge picks that easily bend? even for acoustic rhythm?

I tend to use Dunlop TIIIs 0.88 for everything these days

Sunbather sounds so pleasant and unpleasant at the same time....its 5am I can't stop listening...do you personally play this style of extreme metal?

It just sounds pleasant and intense to my ears :) there are little parts that I would associate but overall our songs are in an entirely different direction.

Any good vst's for 808 samples? Looking to use it on trap music.

Aintnogroove’s Profile PhotoJ
Battery! Plenty of 808 vsts around though, google it :)


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