
Francesco Filigoi

Ask @FrancescoFiligoi

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I currently cant make much noise with my amp at home for a while. what would be the best pair of headphone monitors to use along side the axe fx for recording at home? for around 250$ Thanks

I suggest ATH M-50 for not as expensive headphones that are also good quality. I hate playing with headphones though

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How much for lessons from u? Half hour, hourly rates?

Hi! My rates are usually 15$ half hour, 25$ one hour, 40$ if two 1hour lessons per week.

What is it about BM guitars? Could you explain it to a person who never held on?

Disclaimer: I write this with all my honesty in hope that some people will change their mind about Blackmachine Guitars and won't care anymore about what they read off random FB comments.
Blackmachine Guitars is not a company, not a factory, not a big brand or business at all. It's the culmination of one guy's artistic expression and innovation applied in luthiery. From the idea, to the aesthetics, design and sound he has in his head.
This guy is Douglas Campbell: since being very young, he's been interested in building and making things like radios and other stuff. He then got interested in guitars/basses and what came to his mind was "hey that's cool!........how can I make it better?".
From then, crafting instruments has been his main passion and focus at a level so deep that is hard to understand.
The main concept is building something that while classic in its roots, screams innovation and personality. Something that is very lightweight, with extreme playability and ergonomics but that doesn't sacrifice tone or resonance at all. Actually, design or aesthetics is not the priority, tone always is.
During the years he’s been perfecting these concepts to the smallest details, building better and better guitars as time passes.
There are many aspects that I find unique and beyond excellent about his creations, but first I’d like to address some of the most common critics that I often read about Blackmachine:
1) “The headstock is copied from Parker Guitars”
The main inspiration behind the Blackmachine headstock is B.C. Rich (source - Doug). Take a look here: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3521/5750017818_db691d09a0.jpg
Of course it has been reshaped and redesigned, but the resemblance is pretty apparent.
2) “Doug is a genius marketer that creates hype about his guitars to then sell them at absurdly high prices”
Never in his life Doug has advertised his product publicly, the only “showcase” being his modest website with very short info and pictures available, and bringing his guitars to other people’s fair booths. He doesn’t have Facebook, doesn’t run Blackmachine’s Facebook page. He doesn’t even answer all the emails since he just focuses on the craft. That’s because it’s not a company, it’s just one man doing what he loves more. Doug builds guitars. Other people create hype.
3) “Blackmachines are just bare bones Ibanez RGs”
Highly debatable. I could also say that RGs are like Stratocasters but with sharper edges. While to some extent I can agree that the shape is not that revolutionary (like Strandberg for example), at the same time it is VERY recognizable, which is the most important thing.
He was brave enough to experiment with incredibly thin bodies and that headstock design when everyone was convinced it wouldn’t work, but he made it work. Other unique traits of his guitars to be discussed later.
4) Ask.fm has a character limit, if you wanna hear the rest click here: http://bit.ly/ItbiYz

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What sample rate and bit depth do you use for recordings?

Depends if main purpose is video (48 preferrable) or audio (44.1). For sure always 24bit.

Fran, I want to buy a Carvin 727 or 700, and I won't be to picky with its specs (except fixed bridge). What do you recommend for a cheap buy in Europe? Because shipping + customs from USA makes it prohibitive! Second hand? Any specific store? Thanks!

Definitely go with Guitar Candy, best Carvin dealer in Europe imho: https://www.facebook.com/GuitarCandyBelgium

Hi Francesco! I was wondering if you could help me out: Mac or Windows for edition? I've always used windows but I heard MacOS is easier to use. Oh, and also, should I get nice studio monitors + Powerful PC/Macbook first or an Axe FX II (still saving money) Thanks and keep up the good work :)

Oh, the neverending debate :) I use Mac, I find it easier and I don't have as many headaches as I used to have with Win. Both can work but I prefer Mac. With Axe 2 you still need proper monitors, so sooner or later you'll have to buy both! I'd say start with monitors.

Hey Fra! Any tips to improve rhythm feel? How to be more musical and fresh?

I think it's easier to answer "how to earn one million $"! play as much as you can, listen to as much music as you can. If you're good then your talent will come out one way or another :)

Oh please make a video of you demoing the EVH head/Hesu Cab + Colorful Ibanez. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE :(

way ahead of you ;)

Yo Im going to sweden for studies.needs laptopz. Anything good for recording-editing movies? I also need it to be a reliable workhorse. Thanks

Aintnogroove’s Profile PhotoJ
Macbook Pro, mandatory choice

On a previous question you suggested getting a chair. How important is posture/comfort when playing? How to obtain good playing posture?

Chair is more to save your back during long hour sessions :) Posture is complicated to explain in words, if you're interested I do lessons on the theoretically best posture for shoulders/arms/elbows/forearms/hands/wrists/fingers.
Liked by: J

Hey man. I really dig what you do and I have a regular question for u. What do you for living? I mean, are u a full time musician? Do you get payed for giving lessons/gigs/recording sessions etc? If not, what did you study at university and what is your current job? Thanks!

Thanks! I teach in person and via Skype/Bandhappy, that's more or less half of my income. I do session work too but it's more occasional. Other half is graphic/type design work, which is my other job :)
I went to college of science then pursued architecture university, then did a master in type design.

I have a JP12 7-string with stock dimarzios, and im looking for a upgrade to some bkps. What do you think will be good in this guitar? Thanks!!!

Aftermaths would sound really well since the JP12-7 is a very warm guitar. Ceramic Nailbomb too!

Can you tell me the differences between Dimarzio CrunchLab/LiquidFire and BKP Juggernaut set?

I don't like CL/LF as rhythm pickups, they work well for leads since they're very full and compressed, but way too dark for tight downtuned stuff. Juggs are very musical on leads too, but are less compressed, less output, clearer on rhythm stuff. Definitely better than CL/LF.

I am considering an Imac for a new recording computer. Are there any specific spec upgrades that I am going to need or is the base model going to be plenty of power? Also curious on your opinion on getting a refurbished one vs new.

Solid state drive is mandatory, also a healthy amount of RAM and good overall CPU power wouldn't hurt!

Full Shred bridge. Mahogany body, maple neck and fretboard due to money I can only have a bridge pup my guitar has actives and I want the full shred bridge so I will have a big hole lol anyway, do you like the Full Shred or have you not tried it?

It's a good lead pickup, a bit too full for a mahogany guitar imho.

I've got approximately 200€ to spend on guitar stuff, I have good guitars with good pickups, and I have a Axe fx Standard and good monitors. What do you recommend me to spend 200€ on? Thanks alot

audio interface/cables/picks/strings/mantainance/cleaner/tools/impulses/plugins/chair?

How can I remove the pick noise when i'm recording? (Especially in leads with a lot of gain) When i play fast picking stuff i hear a lot of noise from my pick which kills the tone.(I use Eric Johnson Jazz III or Petrucci Jazz III picks)

I like pick noise, it adds a lot to the attack during leads. Maybe you're confusing pick noise with....just too much gain? Anyway I dunno what you're playing with, I guess less highs and maybe different cab/mic position would do.

Is it possible to achieve a convincing and natural sounding feedback from the Axe Fx without the use of a power amp + cab? I've never seen someone doing it, and i think that feedback is a killer weapon in the right hands.

Sometimes I accidentally achieve it but it's not something I've ever tried on purpose...I should try! Of course it's very easy with poweramp and cab.

I'm looking for a Dean Vendetta with 7 strings, but I don't know so much about it, and it isn't expensive. Any recommendation?

Have no idea about that guitar, I like the RC7 and RC7X models from Dean but not much else.


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