
Francesco Filigoi

Ask @FrancescoFiligoi

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My guitar sounds too bright and "naked" on the bridge pup and dark and muffled on the neck pup. Is that a guitar problem or a pickups problem?

Most likely your tone settings, but I could be wrong

I have an RG321MH and I was wondering what kind of pickups you'd recommend me to get a similar tone to Protest The Hero's new album. I alternate between Drop C and D standard. Thanks a lot Fran! :)

TheInsurgent’s Profile PhotoTheInsurgent
Generally speaking, when someone asks "I want that album/band tone" they don't understand pickups don't have as much impact as the player/amp/cab/chain and of course the mix itself.
That being said, Ceramic Nailbomb/Rebel Yell/Cold Sweat/Black Dog would surely add some juice in your Ibby and will get you in the ballpark if you know how to tweak your toanz!

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Hey Francesco I have an RG8 and I need new pickups...painkiller or aftermath? If you could help me out with the differences of each and what they're better suited for? :)

Scroll down a bit, already explained the PK/AM difference a few times :) also listen to soundclips on their website.

What does "tweaking" mean exactly? I got the meaning in relation to tone and sound in the mix, but you recently talked about "tweaking the midi notes" and you got me a bit confused ahah

Regarding to midi notes, it just means to adjust their velocity and placement within the grid.

Now that you have the juggernauts, do you prefer them over other pickups like the nailbomb or Blackhawks?

I like a lot of models, depends on the guitar :) ceramic Nailbomb is usually my go-to though.

ti va di spiegare brevemente (anche attraverso un video) il discorso delle pentatoniche? sono alle nuove armi e vedo che sei bravo e disponibile, in ogni caso, grazie comunque :)

Penso ci siano letteralmente decine di migliaia di articoli e video su internet a riguardo :) una pentatonica è una scala di 5 note, la principale deriva dal modo eolio (7 note) a cui togli semplicemente la seconda e la sesta. Le altre pentatoniche basilari hanno le stesse note della principale ma una diversa nota di partenza.
Ovviamente c'è moooolto di più di ciò che ho appena detto ma almeno questa è la base.

Hey man, first off I wanted to say that your solo in the Fred Brum video is probably one of the most tasteful and beautiful solos that I've ever heard, you really know how to place your notes! You are definitely my main inspiration right now to practice guitar, and you are one of the cleanest player

Connor Sullivan
Thanks for the kind words man, much appreciated :D

Is your recording studio at your place?

As of now I have a small studio which is just one room, from early 2014 I'm moving to a new house with proper studio facility underneath.
Liked by: Robert Percy

I think you said you thought the BKP Juggs maybe something like a halfway between a Holy Diver and Aftermath- what are your thoughts on putting them in a mahogany body/maple top, mahogany neck/ebony board (thin body) setneck? Its a KxK, so a thin body and loud! For heavy rock/metal.Thanks

In that guitar pretty much any BKP combination would work, I had one myself and they're very balanced guitars. Up to your taste :)

Thanks for answering the Ibanez RG3XXV question! Sorry for bugging you again, but do you know of a good neck pickup that would compliment the same Ibby in this question pweeeeease? :3

ayy lmao
Sinner or Trilogy Suite

For a six string, what would be a good bridge pickup that is tight , punchy, has very good string definition with distorted chords, but at the same time has a nice lead tone that is not all shrill sounding. Also has a nice glassy clean tone without sounding shrill and tinny. Guitar is Ibanez RG3XXV

Juggernaut fits your description perfectly. I played a RG3XXV guitar just today, nice one :)

I don't agree, to me you are one of the best. Your playing is Flawless! Are you self-taught?

I had some teachers but spent more time playing/improving by myself :)

A lot of people say that you are one of the best guitarrists in Italy and they are right!

There's plenty of guitarists here that shit on me haha, but thanks man! :)

Hi Francesco, can i play with impulses on my signal in real time? Or do i have to record raw signal first and then process the signal?

Absolutely, you can :) otherwise it would be very weird and painful for your ears haha

Hey man ...How jam up pro works ? do you need an interface and monitors ?

You need to purchase their (very small) interface, connect it to your iOS device, download the app (there's a free version too). Plug guitar, connect headphones/speakers/whatever and you're good to go!
Liked by: Robert Percy john

am i going to loose tightness i am going to use alnico v bridge pickup in an all mahogany body guitar ? do you prefer ceramic in all mahogany ?

I usually prefer ceramics in all mahogany, yes. Although there's plenty of super tight alnicos, Rebel Yell for example. In the end it depends on many factors, your hands being the first one :)

Hey Fran, I have two questions. One, what is the difference between nickel and chrome covers? Two, plain nickel/chrome covers on a black jp6 with chrome hardware or tyger finish?

just aesthetic difference :) as for which one, up to your taste I guess!

Francesco, I have been accepted into a creative industries academy for a bachelor of creative technology (Audio engineering and sound production) Is it worth it ? Do jobs in this field come frequent and pay good ?

That is a huge question that has been discussed many times. My personal opinion is that no matter how good a school is, it's always up to the individual. If you have talent, skills, and really really REALLY want this to be your career/job, you'll make it. Otherwise it will be incredibly hard since it's a difficult business.

I have to recording an electronic drum trak, I use the midi interface to recording but it souds bad, do you know why? The drum it's not configurated in the correct way? Thank you

You have to tweak your e-kit module's sensitivity to translate it correctly to whatever you're using on your DAW (SD2.0, EZdrummer etc), and most likely also tweak the midi notes you've recorded.

is it weird if i prefer completely different picks for lead(jazz iii) and rhythms (dunlop green 0,88) ?

Same for me :) although I'm forcing myself to use 0.88 for leads too since they sound way better. Last solo I did for Fred Brum is played with 0.88. Jazz feel too small for me now and I can play everything just fine with the Greens now

I'm absolutely blown away by your solo on Brum's track! It's an epic track as well! I noticed you're an extremely melodic person when writing solos, at least the ones I've come across. Do you have that goal in mind when composing a solo, or does it just come out this way?

Darem Aq
Thanks! I always try to follow the backing track, if it's very open and melodic I'll go for something along those lines, if it's fast and more aggressive I'll change the mood and groove accordingly. I often see folks that want to "include everything" in their solo, like the last cool lick they've learnt, or extreme shred etc. Before doing that, just listen to the backing track and what it tells you to do, otherwise it won't flow as well.
I've recently played a guest solo for the Tech Death band Cognizance, it's very weird and outside, hope it comes out soon so you can hear my "dark side" of lead playing haha :)


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