
Francesco Filigoi

Ask @FrancescoFiligoi

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Do you know any bands that vary greatly from genre to genre with their music? Like they could release a metal album, a rock album, then a jazz album, then electronic, then back to rock etc? What advice do you have for someone who wants to do this?

Devin seems to release pretty different stuff from one album to the other, also Ulver is another obvious one. Actually lots of Black Metal bands have shifted to other territories. Although what generally happens is: when an artist wants to release something completely different, he usually changes the project's monicker.
What you describe is a huge task that requires many many years to be released properly, so good luck with that haha :)
Liked by: Robert Percy

Ever heard of Waghorn guitars? I'm thinking of ordering one, they're pretty sick. I mean, this guy taught Dylan from Daemoness, so you know he's badass!!!

Yes I'm sure they're pretty high quality

Hi Fra' ! How are the cleans on Blackhawks in the neck (Alnico or Ceramic) ? I'm looking for a neck PU with an old-school jazzy tone (dark and warm) but at the same time I want a really juicy "tubular" modern lead tone ! (Jackson DKA7, tuned to B standard). Do you have better ideas ? Thanks man !

François Chagnaud
Blackhawk set with alnico bridge will be PERFECT for what you're looking for!
Liked by: François Chagnaud

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How can you eliminate the ringing on the superior drummer snare samples? Can you dampen the snares in superior?

TheInsurgent’s Profile PhotoTheInsurgent
When annoying ring happens, I just change the snare model. Usually ring just disappears in the mix anyway, but if you want to fix it: slight gating/transient designer and cut something around the 5k-8k area would do the trick.
Liked by: Robert Percy

Hey dude, do you ever do vibratos/ bends with your pinky? I am trying to gain dexterity in all four fingers of my left hand in terms of dyanmics,

While I'm a vibrato/bend nazi, doing them with your pinky is gonna be veeeeeery tough :D never tried to be honest...good luck!

Damn, do you have a Carvin DC800 on order?

I have another Carvin incoming, will have a DC800 in the future, just not now :)

negli arsis preferivi nick cordle, ryan knight o brandon ellis?

Non ricordo nick cordle, ryan è difficilissimo da battere ma brandon ellis è disumano

cosa ne pensi dei plettri pickboy carbon nylon? con i jazz 3 non riesco a trovarmi...sono anni che li uso ma non ho mai trovato quel suono e quella definizione che sento in giro

I jazz3 come suono fanno cagare, è la comodità il loro punto forte. Coi pickboy ci sono cresciuto, ottimi ma cazz se si consumano veloce :)

Hey man..I have an esp eclipse with a ceramic nailbomb in the bridge which i adore..I want to upgrade the neck to a vh2 or painkiller..Which one would you recommend and which one is more versatile ?

I think Painkiller neck would be incredible with your Eclipse. Lots of character!

Ciao francesco, devo registrare tramite una scheda audio una traccia di batteria ( elettronica ) solo che ha l'uscita stereo e anche se utilizzo un adattatore per le due uscite o si sentono solo i piatti ed il rullante o solo i tom con la cassa. Sai darmi qualche consiglio per registrare al meglio?

se ha uscita midi, registra il segnale midi che è moooolto meglio!

pickups for an ibby? basswood body, 5-piece Maple/Walnut neck, rosewood board, looking mostly for a good high gain modern rock sound, with a little bit of modern metal and some modern shredding, standard E. Did I say I want modern sound? :D Thanks in advance

Cold Sweat set will be noooooice on it :)

mind my ignorance im kinda new to the recording thing. but why put your axe fx through an interface when you can go direct?

Because the Axe's USB interface is not exactly super stable/reliable.


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