
Francesco Filigoi

Ask @FrancescoFiligoi

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Could you suggest me some very clean warm/dreamy sounding pickups? Thanks!

Dreamy? That is the amp's and effects' job dude :) That being said, I really like Holy Diver, Abraxas, alnico Nailbomb and VH2 for cleans. All lovely pickups!

I'm having some troubles with pinched armonics on my Jackson WRXTMG, they just sound empty, sloppy and "deaf", and the sustain is bad. I know it's not my technique, on my other two Ibanez i can make the same armonics sing pretty well. Re-stringing the guitar didn't solve the problem :/

Raise the pickup height a fair bit and also maybe raise the action a tiiiny bit, I think I have more "grip" on the pinch harmonic when I have strings a hair higher. But most definitely it's the guitar, lacking sustain or not "screaming" enough to achieve pinch harmonics. I find ebony the easiest to accentuate pinch harmonics and rosewood the total opposite.

Which do you prefer? Juggernauts or Black hawks? For warm, tightness, articulation, smooth singing leads? Ceramic or Alnico? :)

Still have to try Juggs but I do think I'll prefer them to Blackhawks. BHs are awesome but maybe a bit too compressed imho. They are warm, tight with singing leads, just a different character and voicing.

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recently got my hands on a necrophagist tab book nd Ive been trying to play the solos. I realized if I lightened the pressure (not that i asserts a lot of pressure in the first place)on my finger so that Its just enough for the string to meet the fret is so easy to play fast is this wrong technique?

It's actually the best technique: the best guitarist is the one that moves the least.

What cab impulses would you suggest for the axe fx II? Most of the stock IRs on the unit sound really bassy or sizzle at the top end.

There's a lot of choice among the stock IRs, try to blend the ones you like within a stereo cab and obtain a new "mixed IR". If you feel brave, even create another parallel stereo Cab block to blend up to four different IRs.
Liked by: Eric g

Is it improper technique to angle my fretting hand to the right sometimes while playing higher up on the neck?

If it works for you and you feel comfortable doing it, why not :)

si intendevo 25.5 scusa xD riguardo alla scalatura di corde invece? su una 27'',per ottenere la stessa tensione che ho su una 25.5'' con delle 0.10,che scalatura dovrei utilizzare?


Quali sono le maggiori differenze fra una chitarra scala 25'' ed una scala 27''?

25" è solo PRS che le usa, forse intendi 25.5"? Ad ogni modo, 25.5" suona più "normale" e bilanciata e fai un pochino meno fatica a raggiungere i tasti (nulla di che cmq), 27 le corde basse suonano molto bene ma le alte suonano troppo squillanti e fastidiose.

you know that feeling when you spend 30 minutes perfecting a patch and the next day it sounds like shit?

Absolutely, it's when ears start to fry and I need to take a break otherwise everything sounds the same.

Any NGD pics? Youve gotten like 4 guitars since the last one

When I have time to take good ones, I'll make some ngds :)

how is carvin so affordable, how long did it take you to get yours?

It took two months! They're affordable because they sell directly without dealers and shops in the middle which increase the price exponentially. No brainer since they are SO FUCKING GOOD.

Ciao francesco, come qualita' e' migliore la ESP Eclipse o una Gibson custom? ( parlando di nuovo )

Direi comparabili ma un po' meglio custom

Francesco have you ever tried Aftermaths (I know you own couple of aftermaths) or Black Hawks, if so, then which pickups are similar to them (SD or Dimarzio) ?

Duncan Custom (or Custom 59 hybrid don't remember) is pretty similar to the Aftermath.
Regarding Dimarzios, maybe Evolution I'm not sure.

Can you explain the importance of and how you went about developing finger tone and a sense of groove/feel?

The importance it pretty self explanatory: groove, feel and finger tone are what makes the music human and pleasant rather than cold and robotic. It's what makes the difference between a good guitarist and an excellent one, the latter will make the guitar sing like a voice and will be more recognizable.
I developed it by listening to as much music as possible, regarding groove and rhythm everything from Techno to Deep House, electronic in general, and healthy dose of the grooviest riffs like Suffocation, Carcass, Decap etc.
Regarding finger tone, I tried to assimilate all the nuances from my favourite guitarists and replicated them until it sounded good.

General thoughts on Jackson guitars? Pro Soloist SL2 in particular, if you've already tried it :D

I love Jackson, my first serious guitar was a DK2S. Yes I've tried it briefly at Musikmesse, was impressed!

Hey! i have an ESP horizon with maple neck, mahogany wings, ebony board. The suhr ssv and ssh+ combination isn't working out for me. :/ Can you recommend me a set of bkps? :/ I'm looking for something tight, articulate, loaads of clarity,,warm singing leads!

I guess the new Juggernaut set is for you, or if you want a different vibe Holy Diver and VH2!


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