
Francesco Filigoi

Ask @FrancescoFiligoi

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How are the stock pickups in a DC800?

If I had to describe them in one word it would be "growly". Very high output, very meaty sounding pickups. They're different, but I like them!
I had to build an Axe Fx 2 preset entirely for them since they sound drastically different than my other pickups, here you can download it: http://axechange.fractalaudio.com/detail.php?preset=392 it's made for fw6 but hopefully it won't sound that bad with the current one :)
Liked by: J

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obviously they're very different but if you had to compare the Pegasus , Nazgul and Sentinent to Bare Knuckles, which ones would you compare them to?

I'd say Nazgul - ceramic Warpig. Pegasus I don't know, maybe Cold Sweat but a little warmer, like an "alnico Cold Sweat". Sentient I'd have to play with it a bit more to get its character.

why there's a lot of musicians/guitarist using MAC ?

Foreword: I don't want this to evolve in the usual Win/Mac pointless argument.
I used Windows since I was 8 until 22 years old, been through all the possible issues regarding it. When I started studying graphic design we were using Mac at school and I immediately felt at home with the graphic interface, ease and quick command access, so I bought one.
From the very first day I bought it I never touched Windows again, and without blabbing about million advantages I'll just say this: with Mac it's not you following the machine, it's the machine that follows what you do. Macs are incredibly stable and reliable and that makes them irreplaceable for a live situation.
That being said you can still do everything on Windows too, just with more swear words and time wasted in between :)

Does the music man jp7 without pieso has the same quality of a jp with piezo just without the piezo ? I am asking because they are cheaper and i just don't need the piezo !

yes :)
Liked by: Adam Quanstrom

Cosa ne pensi del ''fenomeno djent''? Tutta questa gente,che all'improvviso diventa fan di questo ''genere''... Persino Misha Mansoor dice che è una moda,e che scomparirà.

Ti rimando a ciò che avevo risposto tempo fa alla stessa domanda, pardon se è in inglese. Personalmente penso che già nel 2009/2010 fosse già bello che saturo.
I've always rejected talking about the "D" word, but let me put this straight:
Every Metal subgenre that you can think of has its rhythmic/melodic traits: Thrash Metal is full of triplets/classic powerchords/skank beats, Death Metal has tremolo picking/blast beats, Metalcore has huge chords/chugs with harmonized melodies on top, Progressive has more complex structures/tempos, I could go on forever. This to say that Djent is a genre and has its traits too: syncopated rhythms, very tight palm mutes, ethereal cleans on top, drum grooves...
If put this way it doesn't sound half bad, but the issue is that every band has the exact same sound.
But isn't it the same for other genres? Just remember how everyone in the Shred days had THAT sound, or Black Metal supercrap basement recordings, or every EMG/5150 'Core bands, etc etc.
Imho what makes djent more annoying than other genres is that, being the random djent band member younger, he hasn't achieved a proper "personal" style yet and is too much influenced by the bands he likes, without putting efforts in doing something different. This means the songs themselves will lack originality, which is the real problem. If you are a kickass musician with fresh ideas, POD and Superior Drummer won't stop you in delivering the good message, see AAL debut for example. But if you write random stuff, using the same tones as others will only make it worse.
That being said, Djent is a type of music and people should like/don't like it for the good and bad it offers, I like some bands, I don't like others. In the end, I just play Metal and don't give a damn :)

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I think that seymour dunkans sounds better than bare knuckles ? am i crazy ? I also spoke with the producer Mark Lewis and he told me that he believes the same

This is just a biiiiit generic :) Depends on pickup model, depends on guitar of course. Also Mark is for sure a top producer but that doesn't mean his taste speaks for everybody; people should trust and follow their direct experience rather than assuming "what X guy says is Bible". Not saying it's your case, but I always take everything with a grain of salt.
While I personally prefer BKPs, I LOVE Duncan, I really do. Every model I've had in my guitars was incredible, I currently have a Nazgul/Sentient set in my Bernie Rico Jr 8 string.

Anche per suonare in piedi? O, per giunta, con chitarre dal manico ciccione (non le ibba o chitarre con il manico di quello spessore)?

Per suonare in piedi aggiusti la tracolla per avere la stessa postura che hai quando sei seduto. Un manico ciccione magari può essere un pochino meno veloce ma nulla che abbia mai inficiato il raggiungere certi tasti o diteggiature, almeno questa è la mia esperienza

E' normale che certi chitarristi si facciano i problemi per via delle mani troppo piccole (specialmente per lo shred) =

Anche io molto tempo fa mi sono posto il problema ma sta tutto nella postura di spalla-gomito-polso-dita per avere massimo stretching e presa sul manico. No, non bisognerebbe farsi alcun problema a riguardo :)

What guitars have you owned or played that were perfect stock with no mods?

I once had a Charvel San Dimas USA that was pretty much perfect out of the box. Still regret selling it, these guitars are amazing!

Do you play your Axe Fx through the same speakers you use for your computer? I'm trying to understand what's the best solution since i'm getting a POD soon.

Yes, same speakers

Would you recommend me to put two juggernauts on an agile septor pro 727?

Depends on your tastes and what you want, I for sure am very thrilled about testing them and I think they'll be something special.

Ciao Francesco, per ottenere tutta la versatilità possibile da una RG8, che pickup mi consiglieresti? Grazie in anticipo :)

Seymour duncan passivi ma con dimensione attiva, Pegasus ponte Sentient manico. Molto versatili e ottimi

Are the pickups in RG8 that bad or just not your preference?

They're that bad. I could get a good recorded tone out of them but I'd have to work a lot more on it to sound at least decent.

What string gauge do you use for low tuning on a 6 string, like standard C, B, or Bb like Jari? I'm guessing Elixir 11 gauge won't cut it.

56 and then 10-46 without the 10. Would be just fine imho!

Hey I just got an LTD loaded with EMG's and i cant get them to sound good at all!! i dont have this problem with my other guitars loaded with dimarzios... How do you feel about EMG's? so far i really dont like em

EMGs sound like EMGs you either like them or not. In my opinion when recorded they sound tight, but the "feel" is very weird since they are incredibly compressed and almost feel too loose even if they're not.

How do you know so much about recording gear? I'm so lost. Are you self taught?

Google and discerning good infos from bullshit go a loooooong way :) Basically read as much as you can on everything that interests you.
Liked by: Dylan Taylor

Would you ever input anything other than a dry signal into an audio interface? Like if you go Guitar -> Acoustic Simulator -> Audio Interface?

If you don't plan on reamping it lately and you can't replace the acoustic simulator with a plugin, sure use it :) or you could use a DI box to have both signals in two different inputs of your interface.


Language: English