
Francesco Filigoi

Ask @FrancescoFiligoi

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What is you're favorite pickup make? I want to switch my HSS strat and I play metal but love the strat playability but not the tone I want. any recommendations?

I like Bare Knuckle Pickups. :)

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what do you think about chris muenzner?

Big respect for the guy, love his solos on Epitaph, love his work on Obscura's albums. Not a huge fan of his solo album but it's still shreddelicious and plenty of good licks. I admire the fact he manages to shred despite his middle finger problem. Not the biggest fan of his finger tone or vibrato but who am I to judge, dude is a killer and super proficient guitarist for sure.
Liked by: Dans Huang

Hey,I have this groove in which a lot of ghost snare notes involved(much like Converge's Aimless Arrow intro but on a lower register),I can't find anything to stick after that to fit. Any help?

Ah I have no idea, maybe a break with the main guitar riff alone and then drums kick in?

What would you say if Dream Theater announced a Train of thought 2 album ?

GioMirage’s Profile PhotoGiovanni Melendez
I honestly don't remember ToT that well and don't think it's one of their most praised albums, but as long as the music is good every name can go :)

ciao francesco! che ne pensi dei destrage? secondo me hanno portato una ventata di freschezza nella scena italiana.. cosa che in pochi riescono a fare

Ottimissimo gruppo, tutti ultra bravi!

hey i have an ibanez s (mahogany body, 3 piece maple neck) and i got BKP Blackhawks (Alnico bridge) installed. I was blown away by how it sounded.. but i didn't really do an extensive research before ordering them. Do u think the ceramic version would have been a better option? I play modn metal btw

The core sound would be similar enough to not justify the expense imho, the ceramic version will be tighter and with less mids but a bit more highs. Up to you :)
Liked by: letranger

Would I regret getting a NB/AM combo if I want to play clean?

Regarding cleans, I think Abraxas bridge and VH2 neck would be better, but for sure NB/AM would rule too.

who plays better? you or Giacomo Santini? :D

He NEVER makes a mistake. Whatever I throw at him, he masters it and manages to play it better than me. I might have more "control" over Abiogenesis' music but he has crazy ideas too, there will be definitely more footage of him in the future :)

Since you're very experienced with BKP pickups do you really think Blackhawk reminds the EMG 81? I know it's a passive pickup but I played several active guitars during a lot of years and I'm still trying to get used to a passive pickup. What's the main difference between BH and NB?

No I don't think it resembles an 81 by any means, it's more low mid oriented without being harsh, it's overall more balanced with firm lows. BH compared to NB will sound more saturated, modern, bigger. Always it depends if alnico or ceramic but that's a general comparison.
Liked by: Aidan Pouncy

Juggernaut = Destroy Illuminator? Haha anyway, are you gonna try them in any of your guitars?

Yes I will definitely try them soon. Haven't tried the Illuminators but generally I much prefer BKPs, they just sound more "alive" so no doubt it will rule.

Sai quanto è la differenza (in mm) tra lo spessore del manico di una jackson usa e quello di una ibanez prestige?

dipende dal modello, in generale le prestige sono un tic più fine e piatte, e le jackson meno piatte ma il manico è sempre fino. Non farti problemi su millimetri cazzi e mazzi, entrambe sono ottime e hanno manici comodi

are you getting a new iphone too?

when it's out in Italy, yes most likely. Need a better front and rear camera, and 120fps videos are neat!

Hey man I bet n1 did this question yet: What string gauge do you use? And btw where I can buy a blackmachine guitar? Jokes.. Have a nice weekend man!

thanks, you too :)

I made a patch with the FAS modern amp and made another patch with the 5153 red with the exact same settings and I feel the 5153 is a bit more compressed sounding, I like that it's mid focused though. The FAS modern amp on the other I feel is more open and grittier but a bit more bassy. Thoughts?

Watch the "depth" knob on the 5153, since its default parameter is not 0. I actually prefer it at zero like other amps, makes the comparison a bit more fair :) Just compared a bunch of amps yesterday to do reamps for a band and once again 5153 remains my favourite. So smooth compared to the other 5150 versions but at the same time tighter and pushes more, I love it.
The band I'm reamping is more old-schoolish though and the Thordendal amp fits their sound best, so I chose that one.

Have you ever played any gold or brass coloured frets?

Yes, right now I'm babysitting a Vik 6 string with "EVO Gold" frets and I must say I'm pretty impressed with them!


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