
Francesco Filigoi

Ask @FrancescoFiligoi

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If you found out you had 12 months to live, what would you do in that year? I'm guessing you would quit your job, finish your band album, and record a solo album to the best of your ability

I'd travel the world to see everything I can and enjoy every day :)

What straps do you prefer, have you tried gruv gear ones

Ordering some gruv gear solo straps these days, I'm sure they'll be just fine

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What are your favourite BKP pickup covers for a 6 string? In terms of looks :)

Generally speaking, brushed nickel with gold poles would be incredibly classy.

sometimes i have shit day , and then i listen to your guitar and day is not so shit after all

That made me smile :D thanks dude!

I want to buy a JPXI 7 or JP12 7 but $2600+ dollars I is really expensive for me and I thought maybe there are better 7 string guitars for that price, maybe even a custom? Is it "worth it" ?? Sorry if you get these questions all the time

Yes it is worth it, JPs are better than some customs imho. You can find used ones for less btw.
Liked by: TheInsurgent

come e quando hai iniziato a suonare la chitarra? come ti sei innamorato di questa?

Hotoreste’s Profile PhotoCleptomaniac
I miei mi hanno comprato una chitarra classica quando avevo 12 anni, così dal nulla. Non sapevo manco io cosa farne ma un giorno mi sono deciso di prendere una lezione, e dai primi accordi amore <3
Liked by: Cleptomaniac

I wanted a 7 string, but then I thought why not just go straight to 8 instead? I've tried a few and they feel comfortable. Is there anything you can do on a 7 but not on an 8?

I approach them as different instruments, theoretically you can do everything you do on a 7 on a 8 too but, I dunno, I tend to "hear" then differently.

Does BKP make 8 string pickups with pickup covers? What about soap bars style?

Not at the moment, you can still purchase cheap soapbar covers to be mounted on top of them.

Esiste un buon libro o un buon metodo dove imparare le ritmiche "djenty"? so che la risposta sarà quasi sicuramente negativa, ma tentar non nuoce! ty

Errrr....capisco che tutti "djent di qua djent di là" ma porcaccioildiocane ora esageriamo :D sarebbe proprio sforzarsi nel copiare gli altri, poi a parte il palm muting secco non esiste nessun'altra tecnica definibile "djent".

What can you tell us about the Blackmachine B6's that go for sale a few times a year? Is there a waiting list? Are they discontinued now?

No waiting list, when they're ready they go for sale, first come first serve!

your KxK vs your JP KOA? I'm still deciding between both brands.

Koa. That being said, I'm talking generally but most people talk about this custom or the other like if they could receive them tomorrow. If you order a KxK you'll wait 2 years if you're lucky, same with most of the top sought after customs. Of course if you find one used good for you :)
Liked by: Matt Meyers

If you order a DC800 in Europe, how much does the real price (including everything) differ from the quoted US price on the site? Just approximately. 50 Euro? 100 Euro? 200+ Euro?

Depends on specs. Contact Guitar Candy for a quote, excellent service and prices!

I'm getting my first custom guitar pretty soon. The body is Swamp ash, rosewood neck with a maple fretboard. What top do you think I should get? since everything reflects the tone. And I looking to get the Aftermath pickups with them, but instead i want a pickup that's not that aggressive, yet tight

If you have to put a top, flamed koa but it's rare and very pricey. Regarding pickups, I don't even know if it's a 6 or a 7 :) although given your woods I'd suggest alnico Nailbomb bridge

your band gonna be big, you'll get like 50000 likes when the album drops

Thanks! I just hope to have people who are really into our stuff, rather than having more likes :)

If we can't order a blackmachine what's another worthy manufacturer youd recommend

depends how much you want to wait for your custom

have you ever gotten any hand pain from playing guitar and giong on the computer for too long

Yes, when this happens I usually wear a couple wrist bands and rest some days until I feel comfortable again.


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