
Francesco Filigoi

Ask @FrancescoFiligoi

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what do you think about the Ibanez Prestige RGA121 ?

It's a good model, but never been to intrigued by it. Prestige quality and mahogany body surely deliver quality.

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So what BKP are you getting in the JP7 Koa then?

Ceramic Nailbomb bridge, VH2 neck :) They're my favourite combo. Zebra with golden poles!

Hey man! You're a really cool dude and I love your dedication to the guitar, it inspires me daily. What first got you into extended range guitars?

PeterHaight95’s Profile PhotoPeter Haight
Thanks man! I'd say one riff above all: The River Dragon Has Come by Nevermore. I wasn't able to play the clean part and distorted riff on a 6 because it required all 7 strings. I had to play it, so I bought a Loomis :)
Liked by: Peter Haight

Do they make gold BKP blackhawks? Did you get any for your JP7? :D

Unfortunately no gold BH at this point, but my guitarist has them in his JP7 and holy fuck they open the earth.

I'm an obese unattractive teenager but I can play guitar, will you still be my friend?

Yes why not, we share the same passion!

friend put lube on my guitar neck as a joke and 2 days later i can still feel it, wtf should I do?

oh god haha! Try to clean the mess up with a soft cloth

Can I run an Axe FX 2 into a Macbook Pro? If so, what interface should I use?

Yes you can! Just plug the Axe 2 USB cable into your laptop and you're good to go. Download drivers first though

When John Petrucci returns to his home planet, are you ready to inherit his power and play guitar in Dream Theater?

In my most abstract dreams maybe haha :) no one can replace da Trooch

Ciao Francesco, sai come posso fare per procurarmi delle mute da 8 corde della d'addario, o in alternativa delle corde sfuse, senza doverne ordinare quantità industriali o spendere uno sproposito per la spedizione? Grazie

Sì io prendo da stringsdirect.co.uk :)

what does GAS mean? ive heard it used but have no idea what it means

Guitar Acquisition Syndrome or more generally Gear Acquisition Syndrome :)

Guarda come gruppi direi Periphery, Polyphia e Intervals....comunque vorrei un parere del tutto personale, perchè il tuo tone mi piace parecchio!

Aftermath ponte Cold Sweat manico! Io per mio gusto userei qualcosa di diverso ma per questi gruppi sono perfetti

Ciao Francesco! Per caso hai mai provato la Vigier "Shawn Lane" signature? Se si che impressioni ti ha dato? Grazie :)

Non l'ho provata ma ne sarei curiosissimo, dicono che suoni da sola, scorrevolissima al punto da non usare più altre chitarre haha :)

Ciao, ho una Jackson SLATTXMG3-6, ma la combinazione 81-85 non mi soddisfa a pieno, tu personalmente cosa monteresti al posto loro?

Dipende dal genere, accordatura, gusti personali, suono che ricerchi (nomi di gruppi aiuterebbero) :)

I've recently discovered that my picking technique is flawed, and that I wasn't picking from the wrist enough. I was watching some of your videos and you seem to combine both picking with your fingers and thumb as well as from the wrist. Is this a conscious decision, or did you start like I did?

It might seem like I move my fingers a lot but when alternate picking I'd say it's 90% wrist and 10% arm, it's very important to focus the picking power from the wrist but that being said some excellent people use fingers (guy from Soreption) and arm (Rusty Cooley) a lot too :) experiment and do what's best for you!

"I had it, then I destroyed it in a crash earlier this year. I had to spend money on studio gear for our album recordings so I wasn't able to purchase a new one yet :(" This is one of the most metal things I've heard in my entire life, you're an honest man

Eh life sucks sometimes and you can only work around it :) thanks for the support!


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