
Francesco Filigoi

Ask @FrancescoFiligoi

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Ibanez 1992 RG 550 Blue mirror pickguard, with PAFs Pros or the RG3550Z new (BTW in my country a RG7621 cost 1200 usd and the RG550 is at 1000 usd, the prestige cost the same as USA 1800 usd)???

Nothing beats the early 90s Ibbies :)

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UM ok but ask fm is anonymous with a character limit, and i'm sure you get a lot of spam and questiosn. I'd really like to message and talk to you someday, but, you're a busy guy. Maybe later then? Sorry for bothering

sure no prob just msg me :)

What would you do for a B7 or F8 blackmachine? Are you actively looking for them?

I am on the list for a B7 but wouldn't mind a F8 either hahaha

Be honest, if blackmachine guitars will still being made, would you value your B2 as much or would it be just another great custom guitar? Are you keeping it for its rarity and demand in future years or because of the sound alone?

Blackmachines are THE best modern electric guitars in the world, that's why I keep mines.

WOW you've answered a whole bunch of questions here, um, do you mind if I PM you personally if I ever need guitar spec help? Even if we've never spoken before, I'm on your friend list but just a fan for now?

sure but I really much prefer if everyone with questions just hits me up via ask.fm since it goes straight to the point and it saves me tons of blips blops sounds and precious time

How do you learn to use those massive rack/cable/mixing board setups when you do real shows? No one ever taught me and its kind of intimidating not knowing how to use any of it.

google and patience go a long way my friend :)

i see your band got tagged in facebook post that said your song name, where can i listen to it??

it's a band from india that plays an entire different genre but has the same monicker, whoever tagged us did it by mistake

do you ever get kind of sad selling a guitar, or is it just another object for you?

Depends on how much I care about a specific guitar, but as of late very sad because they were all very nice guitars I had to sell because I needed the money. I recently got an insane offer for my B2 and I still don't know what to do tbh

When the Axe FX III comes out in however many years, will you and others most likely get the III and sell the II?

I definitely won't sell the 2: as cool as they are, firmware updates can really fuck up all your sounds that you've spent countless hours tweaking and since I'm very anal with them, it's really annoying to do everything each time. When the 3 comes out, I'll finally be happy to not change my presets ever again on the 2 since there wouldn't be any more firmware updates.
Also I will not make the same mistake of selling one to wait months to get a hold of the new one because of bad supply to demand ratio.That being said, I'll buy the 3 too :P

With the development and accessibility of home studios, music programming software and the internet, do you think that there will be an explosion of independent music in the years to come? People who can't afford session musicians can program instruments and publish without a record label or band.

There is already an explosion since a couple years at least, Robert
Liked by: Dans Huang

Youtube's video response feature is being disabled due to lack of use, how do you feel about this?

video response is very annoying, never used it

Mai provate Ibanez 6 corde economiche intorno ai 300/400 euro? Se sì, ne avresti qualcuna da consigliare?

sono un po' tutte sulla stessa qualità, non ho nessuna in particolare da consigliare...sono decenti ma non aspettarti miracoli

What guitar is most popular among your friends?

People who regularly try my guitars (bandmates/friends/etc) tend to prefer my B6 since it's so easy to play and sounds out of this world. It's probably the guitar I play the most myself, the tone is very inspiring

What do you think about the RG721RW ? and the other RGs premium with Tight-End R Bridge? pls fr0n answr <3

Good guitars, that's it :)

I currently own a ux2 audiointerface and use podfarm/guitar rig4. Should i consider buying an axe fx standard/ultra, as they are a bunch of euros cheaper than the axe fx II, OR invest straight into the II? I'm aware that even podfarm patches may sound good in a decent mix, but can't judge it fully.

save for the 2, trust me

Well, honestly what would your best bet be? For a custom I mean, I know Carvin it's really good, not Idon't really know a whole lot when it comes to custom luthiers

Time and money considered, if you live in the usa Carvin is a safe bet. If you live in europe Blackat, Skervesen and Ran are also good options


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