
Francesco Filigoi

Ask @FrancescoFiligoi

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Do you like bare knuckle blackhawks ?

I do, a lot! Probably the most versatile high output pickups I've ever played :)

Do you think that the fact you did not win the mayones contest was unfair ? I think it was but that is just my opinion :)

I didn't enter the contest to win because I don't need another guitar, but I wanted to prove what I can really do at my 100% writing-wise. I think there were plenty of incredible entries, but that being said I also think my entry was among the best ones and definitely top-10 worthy....hey no biggie if I didn't make it, at least people like it :D thanks dude!

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Do you like the crunch lab/liquid fire set compared to a bare knuckle set ?

They're nice pickups, modern sounding, warm, high output, compressed and full. I think Crunchlab is good but too dark and not tight enough sometimes, Liquifire is cool and cuts thru perfectly but kinda lacks character in my opinion.
That being said, every time I replaced them with BKPs it has been an obvious sonic upgrade :) I'm replacing my JP7 Koa CL/LF set with ceramic Nailbomb bridge and VH2 neck.

Cosa ne pensi dello slap/thumb e dello stile di Tosin Abasi in generale (anche nella composizione)?

Sullo slap usato nella chitarra, fighissimo, lo uso spesso. Ti invito a guardare dei video di Scott Mishoe per capire fin dove può arrivare lo slap su chitarra! Sullo stile di Abasi in generale, decisamente innovativo, però ci sono sempre più copioni a destra e manca...lascerei fare a Tosin quel che è caratteristico di Tosin, o al massimo prenderei spunto ma non a livelli da scopiazzamento palese.

Hi Francesco! What are some good 7 strings guitars in the price range of 500-700 Euros? I like very high frets. P.S. Le prossime domande te le posso fa in itialiano che in inglese faccio cagare? :P

Non molte in quella fascia, ma se trovi una RG7620/7420 usata sono il meglio che puoi trovare per quel prezzo. Altrimenti poco sopra quel budget c'è la Sterling JP70 che è ottima! Vai tranquillo, chiedi pure in italiano :)
Liked by: Edward Swords

Ciao master , cosa nel pensi della sterling jp70 ?

ottimissssssima, provata e sono rimasto veramente stupito dalla suonabilità e suono in sè. Spacca!

Are there any guitarist on youtube that you follow that you feel they should have more of a following?

yes: Matt Harnett, Josh Wibaut, Rocco Pezzin, Jarle Olsen, Ben Lacy, Nick Howlett

Hello Francesco. Do you think a normal EBMM jp7 with 25,5" can handle Drop G tuning? I love the feel of the guitar but I would have to tune in Drop G. Do you suggest that or maybe should I get another brand with extended scale? Thanks!

Born Of Osiris do it so why not :) It can handle it but not lower than that imho.

Do you like Japanese food? (sushi etc.) I know this is a strange question (duh).

Yes if it's done well I like it a lot :)

Ciao francesco! Cosa ne pensi delle testate della hughes & kettner? Personalmente mi avevano colpito la switchblade e la triamp, mi paiono entrambe testate abbastanza versatili, tu quale prenderesti tra le due?

Mai provate, non ho la minima idea di come suonino...boh il marchio non mi ha mai colpito, e dubito siano facilmente rivendibili quindi attenzione

How are the BKP stormy mondays? Can they handle high distortion for metal too?

Stormy Mondays are cool but very very vintage sounding, they can handle metal but it's not their comfort zone definitely. In the low output range, Riff Raff and Mule handle Metal and high gain better.

Ciao Francesco! Stavo valutando di acquistare una testata orange con una buona riserva di gain adatta per lo più a un contesto hard rock/metal, ne hai provate alcune e puoi darmi qualche consiglio? Mi affido ala tua esperienza :)

Mi piacciono moltissimo, hanno una pasta sonora stupenda, Rock! Ovviamente anche spinte rendono molto bene. La mia preferita è la Rockerverb ma anche le varie Jim Root Sig, Tiny Terror, Dark Terror etc sono tutti ampli fighissimi.

how much do you charge to help make user present for the axe-fx 2?

You mean actually building one or help you doing one yourself? If you mean the second, it requires a 1-hour Skype lesson which is 25$.

Is it possible to run through the power amp section on a black star with Guitar Rig 5? I tried today and got no sound I but did the exact same thing with a Dual Rectifier the other day and it worked fine :/

TheInsurgent’s Profile PhotoTheInsurgent
Sure it's possible, I tried a couple times with Revalver and it's doable

What would you recommend instead of sticker inlays?

Either you have someone installing real inlays, or you buy a guitar that has them already.

Can you take more iphone pics of your KxK and JP7? Your iPhone is dope

I'll take proper pics when I get my new DSLR, meanwhile some iphone vidz of them in action wouldn't hurt I think :)

good Active monitor for a bedroom setup? (axe fx 2)

The new KRK 3rd generation Rokit just came out, give em a look!


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