
Francesco Filigoi

Ask @FrancescoFiligoi

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ti piacciono gli Arsis?

Cazzo se mi piacciono, tra i miei attuali gruppi preferiti. Chitarristi immensi, pezzi della stramadonna, bombe e basta
Liked by: Myron

"it's not at all where I want to be" can you elaborate on that, I thought you were doing great these days! :(

Have I released my band's album yet? Am I on tour kicking asses? Am I earning a living entirely from music? Not yet, these are big goals I want to achieve, and still are not the final ones.

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Do you prefer tea, coffee or cocoa?

I unfortunately cannot stand caffeine/teine so I have to choose cocoa :) if decaffeinated, why not all three?

Is the Tosin Abasi TAM100 a good 8 string for $4k, or should I just go custom for that price?

It is probably the best production 8 string, whether if it's worth 4k is up to you and your budget. My opinion is that it's an incredibly versatile and great guitar, but I would never buy it since it's so recognizable that if you play it, you're immediately linked to Tosin, and that's not something I'd personally want if I want to be appreciated with original, non derivative music.
Liked by: Dans Huang

I have a S5470 and I'll swap the pickups for either Crunch lab + Area 61 + Liquifire or Black Hawk humbuckers and a Trilogy Suite single coil. Is the Bare Knuckles really worth twice the price?

It depends. CL and LF is a killer set, but I prefer BKPs generally. Up to you whether money or tone preference is your priority, for sure you could obtain amazing tones from both!

mr hankey you've come a long way

Thanks, but it's not at all where I want to be...hopefully perseverance will pay off!

What high school skills do you use in your jobs? Is there a lot of math?

I suck at maths haha, it's just knowing some softwares like the Adobe Creative suite and something else.

You know a lot of theory for someone who thinks it isnt that important

Theory is funny but it's just an "after the fact" thing. I don't know of any bands ever that wrote a fuckin kickass riff based on theory. They just played around and shit came by itself. Riffs make songs, not theory :)
Liked by: Mattia Hudson✔

what do you think is the best way to approach scales and practice them?

First learn intervals. Intervals are everything: you understand them and each door will be immediately wide open to be discovered. And of course learn modes, start with the mandatory ones: ionian and aeolian.
Internalize each note and its "personality" to immediately recognize them within the mode, for example the major third is the one that, when you play it alternated with the root note, gives you the "ambulance siren" sound. Or the augmented 4th is the note that defines the lydian mode, that you can instantly recognize in the "simpsons" theme.
Learn which is the most important note within a mode, the one that provides its character.
For example the minor 7th in the mixolydian mode, augmented 4th in the lydian, etc.
Of course learn the 7 common modes and their character, how they sound within context. If you are brave then experiment by mixing them randomly, to obtain something more unique sounding.
Most importantly learn that scales are all repetition: a "big picture" six string scale pattern, or even an arpeggio, is nothing more than a series of notes repeated multiple times in different octaves, just to make them more extended sounding, piano-like.

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What is your honest opinion on Varg?

I liked his "hystorical" albums, never cared about his ideas. Too many people spend too much time caring about what others think or say, it's just words. :)

Does your job involve sitting in front of a computer most of the day?

My job is guitar teaching and graphic design, when I do graphic design part of it is computer work, part of it is dealing with clients and their crappy tastes :)

Francesco when are you going to grow that swag ass Guthrie Govan beard? Just stop shaving or getting haircuts for two years

I'd seriously love to but one of my works (handling with graphic design clients) doesn't allow me to

Ciao! 2 domande :) 1)Conosci le chitarre Cicolin? Se sì cosa ne pensi? 2)Ti piacciono i Protest The Hero? Grazie <3

Ummm non conosco cicolin, ma adoro i pth :)

Do you have a certain way of approaching song writing and flow, or does it just kind of happen as you go along?

Yes, I do try to mantain song structure and flow as much as possible, although it becomes hard with so many riffs in between hehe.

Does your girlfriend or any family members listen to metal?

My cousin! He made me discover Carcass - Heartwork which is my favourite Metal album ever. No wonder he lives in Finland now haha :) neither my girl or anybody else in my family plays any instrument or listens to music the way I do, which kinda sucks. I wouldn't mind more "understanding" or support sometimes within the family.

Do you know any 8 string without strong metal connotation, I want to use it for solo jazz thanks! :)

I know of some jazzbox 7s but nothing comes to my mind as far as 8 string...unless you go the custom and expensive route.

Are there any bass solos planned in your album or is it more of a supporting instrument?

There might be something...not exactly a solo but parts in which it's the main elements, yes! our bassist is actually a cellist by profession so he knows a thing or two haha :P

Do you know what you'd look like with long hair?

I don't, but I'll maybe try one day raising them haha

do you only have one 8 string right now?...are you looking for more?

I have just one 8 string but my other guitarist misses one, we'll probably return to Carvin :)

Should I get a JP12 6 string...or just get a JP12 7 string for like $100 more? I've never played a 7 before but isn't it everything that the 6 can do, but with one more string?

Not exactly. Try a 7 string before you actually purchase one, it's risky to buy one and just think "it's 6+1" because it's not. To me, it's a very different approach.

Wtf i keep getting emails from address named "Quetto Barbie" and it looks similar to yours, is this you or am i trippin

you high bro?

do you accept fan art ?! :D or do you find it dumb and creepy

I love it and it's not dumb/creepy at all :D


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