
Francesco Filigoi

Ask @FrancescoFiligoi

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Do you think wood audibly affects tone in electric guitars, even when strings, pickups, electronics, preamps, effects, mixing, mastering, are factored in? I know this has been discussed many times but I just want to hear your opinion.

Everything matters in the end, and wood is surely one of the factors involved. I'm gonna post a video in which I play two JPs with different woods but exact same pickups and strings, so you can judge yourself :)
Anyway, imho the biggest factor in recorded tone (apart from hands) is the cabinet.


oh sorry I thought you were mentioning one of my guitars :) I bought it just when it came out.

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What about trivium?

Never listened to them but I actually saw them once live supporting Slayer and they fuckin OWNED the place. Wow, massive stage presence.

Are you done posting NGD pics on the internet or have you not got around to it yet?

I will never finish post guitar pics since I love doing it :)

how do you deal with racism

I've never experienced racism once in my life, so I don't deal with it

Cosa ne pensi delle schecter? Vanno bene per fare shredding anche se ho la mano un po' piccola?

diciamo che c'è di meglio per shreddare, ma come suono ritmico rullano alla grande soprattutto la loomis e la ATX

*mi sembra figo, solo che vorrei dargli una vena più particolare, ma non so come fare, cosa cambiare =/ grazie in anticipo se risponderai a sto pippone enorme ahahhaah ciao!

Brownbearunderdrugs’s Profile PhotoIl Natale Del Male
Posso essere critico e oggettivo solo su ciò che faccio io, il mio gusto può essere diversissimo dal tuo per arrangiare o cambiare certe cose quindi devi vederle solo tu :)

Secondo te i SD sh11 e sh1n (con la copertura tipo gibson) suonano bene su una rg550? Più che altro perchè li ho già e non vorrei comprare altri pickup.

Sicuramente, il 59 soprattutto. Alla fine contano più le tue mani comunque :)

Regarding guitar playing and songwriting, was there a specific moment that you came to realize you've found your own sound? Like the moment you said to yourself "Yes this is what I wanna sound like!". And do you see it vary in any possible way in the future?

DansHuang’s Profile PhotoDans Huang
I don't force myself playing something to "sound like", I just play whatever comes naturally to me :) Although I happen to write some riffs in a way I haven't quite heard anywhere else, and that matters a lot to me.

Quale mic per chitarra consiglieresti come standard per un suono equilibrato e definito?

beh lo Shure SM57 è IL microfono per chitarra, per microfonare la cassa.

Do you think younger musicians who are eager to release music, are missing out on the time to refine and prepare for a better product like Misha, Nolly, Acle, etc, who had been around for a while before they actually launched full time projects?

Quality > quantity, always. Spend all the time you need working on it because "not quite there" products have no escuses.
Liked by: Dans Huang

I am interested in biulding a modest home studio.Maybe for a 5 t oa 6 piece band.Ihear all this about coputer equipment what do you recoment with out me having to sell my liver just to get one!! (8 hundred to maybe about 12 hundred budget)

look for used KRK RP5 monitors, Apogee Duet 2, Shure SM7b, and of course a computer with a healthy amount of RAM, space and processing power.

?How do you practice speed riffing like in that 7/8 JP12 video

It comes naturally to me, ever since the very first arpeggiated chords on classical guitars I found myself at home with alternate picking with each stroke on a different string. That being said, there are tons of exercises to get there, Master Of Puppets played with alternate picking is one of them :)

do you ever think of making metal versions of pop songs? :)

Nah not for me, It's funny and cheesy but imho a "lame" way of gaining Youtube views. Some of them are very good and entertaining though like Drewsif's stuff :)

There still seemed to be lots of extreme metalheads that can't appreciate or even hate other music except extreme metal, but you really seemed to be different, you're a metalhead that can appreciate all kinds of music! Do you wanna say anything about this? As how you grow as a listener?

DansHuang’s Profile PhotoDans Huang
All metalheads I know appreciate all kinds of music, it's usually the other way around with mainstream-only music listeners.

Do you have any tips or advises for exercising the right hand technique (alternate , sweeping ...etc) and on getting a tighter technique when it comes to rhythm playing

I have tons of advices but these for sure cannot be put in short words :) best would be via Skype.

do you like cats? are there a lot of them where you live?

Cats are everywhere :) I love animals in general, unfortunately I'm allergic to cats so I cannot cuddle them as much as I'd like to haha. I'm more of a dog guy though


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