
Francesco Filigoi

Ask @FrancescoFiligoi

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Che studi hai fatto? Riferito all'ambito musicale.

Lezioni private con qualche insegnante nella mia zona, poi quando ho capito che la mia tecnica era "giusta", ho preferito continuare da solo

1-sei un chitarrista della madonna 2-stai in un gruppo della madonna 3-il nome del gruppo è un nome della madonna 4-usi chitarre della madonna 5-domanda vera: quanto hai studiato e quanto 'studi' ogni giorno per essere cosi della madonna?

Grazie mille apprezzo :) non sono mai stato un gran studiatore, ma quando ero più giovincello ho passato le mie belle ore di fila ogni giorno a suonare. Non studio più da un bel po' ormai, purtroppo non ne ho il tempo. Quando imbraccio una chitarra o è per fare lezione o per farci musica, voglio ancora migliorare su qualche aspetto tecnico ma per il momento la priorità è Abio :)

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opinion on the RG550 electric blue, year 1992

owning a RG550 desert yellow from '92 and being my main recording lead guitar, this answers the question

what do you think about Luca Turilli ? (everybody knows that he is very dirty)

don't like his playing or music, but to each his own

what solo you've learned sort of opened your overall technique and musicality?

Can't say I've learnt many solos, probably less than 10....I prefer to dig into individual licks.

Ciao scusa il disturbo, ma mi puoi spiegare un attimo la storia dei drop sulla 7? Perché io ed il mio gruppo vorremmo passare alla 7 però, essendo accordati in drop Bb e volendolo mantenere anche sulla 7 corde, non sappiamo come fare. Te puoi aiutarci?

AlexNugent’s Profile PhotoΔlex Nugent
dalla bassa alla alta: A# F A# D# G# C F sarebbe l'accordatura drop Bb normale per 7 corde. Se invece volete proprio mantenere la stessa cosa della 6, le prime 6 le accordate identiche a come fate ora, e aggiungete una corda accordata una quarta in alto rispetto all'ultima.

for drop c and 25.5 scale wich gauge and wich brand do you recommend ?

I like 11-49 but it might be a bit too light for certain stuff, 12-52 is a safe bet. D'Addarios are the best sounding imho but don't last as long as Elixirs which sound almost as good, feel smoother and last incredibly long.

allora ripongo la domanda: come la usi? ahhahaha

Invece che suonare le note della scala in sequenza, le scompongo e suono a random una e poi l'altra

quindi nell'anteprima che avete pubblicato in cui usi la bernie rico jr siete in Drop E? (che strano sentire qualcuno che usa la notazione italiana affiancata alla parola "DROP" hahahaha)


Gli abio hanno gia' fatto live all'estero?

In realtà dobbiamo ancora farli :) è da relativamente poco che la lineup è fissa, strumentalmente per i live siamo prontissimi ma dobbiamo ancora lavorare sulla voce. A breve i primi live, finalmente direi :)

So which would you prefer for a 7? Ibanez or carvin? Depending on sound and affordability

depends on the model entirely, personally I would choose Carvin. sound is not only made by the guitar itself but primarily from pickups and gear you use.

Why did you sold your JP12-7? Thought it was one of your favorite guitars? Or what are you gassing for?

I sold it because I needed money for studio gear ti finish album recordings, I'm probably getting another JP sometime soon. Yes it is indeed a special guitar and I'll most likely regret it but hey, money talks :)

Che accordatura usate negli abio?

drop La 7 corde principalmente, poi un pezzo è su 8 corde drop Mi, e mi piacerebbe fare qualcosa in drop Do su 6 corde

Francesco honest opinion please, how would you compare mayones regius 7 vs KxK (any model but u can use the one u had as example) vs JP12-7? I'm talking about build quality, neck profile etc.

I never fell in love with any Mayones I tried, but they're all very comfortable, easy to play and issue-free.
I just tried one KxK in my life and it was basically at Blackmachine/Vik level.
My JP12-7 (unfortunately not mine anymore, just sold it) has the most comfortable 7 string neck I've ever tried and it's expecially awesome for leads, it's like the ultimate modern lead tone.

The JPX6 looks awesome, but don't understand if JPXI it's a real improvement to the whole guitar, and the 12, and the 13 and so on, they're expensive instruments to change it every year for the "upgraded" version

This is my experience:
JP regular: very versatile/neutral, tight and angry distortion, good cleans but not spectacular.
JP BFR: very broad spectrum and balanced, sounds more "alive", richer low mids, more air and highs too. Sounds wonderful during cleans, can't go wrong with it.
JPX: wonderful piezo cleans, spectacular split coil tones, but for distortion I prefer the BFR.
JPXI: very dark, but at the same time tighter than the others. Very focused low mids. Works best with brighter pickups and for rhythm it's hard to beat. Don't like it that much on leads and cleans.
JP12: ultimate Petrucci tone, big, fat, full leads, huge but still tight rhythm.
JP13: haven't tried it but I suspect it's an even warmer version of the JP12 (which is already a very warm instrument).
JP PDN(roasted maple neck/pau ferro fretboard/mahogany body): awesome during rhythm, tight and punchy. Leads are very very honky though, don't like them.
JP koa: we'll see.... ;)

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Ever played a Jeff Loomis custom, and if yes, what are your thoughts about it?

You mean the Schecter Loomis signature? It's been my very first 7 string, neck is beefier than what I'm used to now but the longer scale makes higher frets a bit better actually.
I also think the wood combo sounds way better with EMG 707s than other Schecters: 707s are very mid/low mid oriented, and being the guitar on the brighter side with firm lows and lots of highs, it balances them nicely but overall provides a MASSIVE tone without it being muddy.

ok, altra domanda: ho bisogno assolutamente di un multieffetto. Poichè sono povero, conosci il pod hd500? come ti sembra? Mi conviene fare sto investimento? Grazie in anticipo

Brownbearunderdrugs’s Profile PhotoIl Natale Del Male
Ottimo il pod hd500 vai sul sicuro

Heeeey Ciao Francesco :) Hai mai provato la testata Tiny Terror (orange) ? Se sì potresti dirmi che ne pensi? Grazie :)

Ottima testata! Gran suoni rock


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