
Francesco Filigoi

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come mai tutta sta passione per le vecchie ibanez?

Brownbearunderdrugs’s Profile PhotoIl Natale Del Male
Le ibanez made in giappo primi anni 90 sono inarrivabili: manici da paura, qualità stratosferica e consistentissima da un modello all'altro, versatili e shreddissime!

Ciao sono sempre il ragazzo che ti ha fatto la domanda sul pod, vorrei un altra informazione... Questa macchina la posso usare anche collegata direttamente alla cassa? Non devo avere perforza una testata giusto?

Puoi collegarlo ad una cassa per chitarra solo mediante finale di potenza, o al massimo il finale di un ampli o testata (a cui accedi dall'input "return").

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what makes blackmachine guitars so desirable? dont mean this in a mean way, just never got to try one or even hear one really, so is there anything specific or is it just the overall package

When something has a high amount of demand for it and its production/availability is much lower, it becomes desirable. Regardless of looks, my blackmachines are the best sounding guitars I own and still remain my benchmark when I try something else

Which Blackmachine B2 is ur favorite exept from your B2?

Doug's B2 is equally awesome and might sound even better for certain stuff. Mine is more crisp/clear, that one is more fat sounding.

I'm planning to get either a 7string guitar or 8. Still haven't figured out. Will I be able to play 7string songs with my 8 string guitar? I mean does the extra string really bothers your playing? What do you think?

I personally wouldn't be able to write/play 7 string stuff on an 8, I just tend to use every string. If you want to do 7 string stuff, buy a 7 imho

What do you think about the ibanez Rg2228?

No reason to buy one since carvin offers a MUCH better 8 string for less.

Do you arrive to live of your passion for music (can you buy your gear yourself easily) ? :)

Not yet, I still work as a graphic designer which is 60% of my income, rest is guitar lessons and session work.

Francesco ive done a lot of research and i wanna know how much a blackmachine cost, do you know the price for example for a B2 ?

Base price for an ebony topped B2 is 4k £ but 99.9% you won't be able to order one.

why ernie ball its so good ? i cant try one in my country :/

Try one and you'll know :) If there's no EBMM in your country, there's still internet!

Esp Horizon nt 7 strings or music man 7 string?

Both are really really good, but Music Man is better.

Ciao Francesco, hai mao avuto a che fare con il pod hd pro della line 6? Se si, sai dirmi se e' diffice da programmare e se per quello che costa vale la pena comprarlo?

Sì è un ottimo aggeggio vale la pena secondo me

do you think that the pick clip(from chris broderick) works well ?

Nope, totally useless (for me at least).

Hi dude, who got Nollys burled top B2? I wont that guitar sooo much please respond :)

Ali Baba
A good friend of mine who also now owns my JP12-7 got it, but he will definitely not sell it :)

I have really short fingers and i like to shred, so the problem is that i want a 7 string but im not sure about getting a bigger scalee than 25.5 :/ What do you you think about it ?

25.5 is just fine man! I have small hands too :)

Is the rg350dxz a decent looking guitar, for rock mainly, also what do you think of floating trems?

Yea sure it is. I like floating trems if they're high quality and stay in tune. My favourite is the JP trem since it doesn't require a locking nut and changing strings is a breeze, but among the common trems my fav is for sure the Edge/Lo Pro Edge, followed by OFR. I use trem all the time live but in the studio I would never use a trem-equipped guitar (except JP) to record rhythm.

Opinion on PRS guitars as a whole, and opinion on the se custom 24? Thanks :)

I've just tried a bunch of SE models the other day, 7 string included, and I must say I'm totally impressed with them. Mushok, Torero, Tremonti were all awesome in their own way.
I like the gloss finish quality a lot, and regarding the 7 string, 25" is just fine even on drop A.

Hai una vita oltre la chitarra?

Ho morosa, amici, due lavori, mi piace andare al mare, al cinema, gli animali, il gelato e sono fortissimo a ping pong. Spero soddisfi la tua domanda, anonimo interlocutore :)

a Blackmachine neck or a Headless (strandberg, steinberg, carvin) guitar neck in terms of comfortable playing ?

Neck shape has never been an issue for me, I can adapt easily to any shape so maybe I'm not the best to ask. That being said, the brands you mentioned are all pretty comfy to me!


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