
Francesco Filigoi

Ask @FrancescoFiligoi

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What sort of thing is a semi hollowbody good for? I'm getting an as-73 and I wanted to know what the pros and cons are

More soulful, warm and intimate cleans. Unplugged is amazing. I'm actually receiving an Ibanez Artcore 7 string. Cons is that it's not suited as solid bodies on high gain/br00tz stuff.

Hi Francesco! :) I'm looking for a good marshall head with a quite high gain, in your opinion, which is the best?

My favourites are JCM800 (leads are out of this world, classic tone) and JVM410H is just BRUUUUTAL.

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Do a video with Ryan siew, u both got JP12s!!

yeah we've been talking about doing one, it will happen when we're both a bit more free :)

what will be in your abiogenesis live rig?

Line6 G90 - Axe Fx II - Audio interface - Laptop to send preset changes to both guitarists and run backing tracks, also send click to the drummer. Giacomo (guitars) has an Axe Ultra and will be using a G90 as well. In a perfect world I'd love us to use Mackie HD1221 monitors since I LOVE these, but we cannot afford them at the moment and as long as we can hear ourselves clearly on stage, no biggie.

What about amplitube?

It's cool, I have used Amplitube Metal for quite some time and it does the job. Still bad compared to Revalver and Lepou though.

What is your opinion of Guitar Rig 5? I don't have any decent amp and I have the ability to get it for free

it's good for cleans and effects, decent for leads, awful for rhythm. As far as rhythm tones, my favourite plugins are Revalver and Lepou's stuff, maybe coupled with impulse loaders such as MixIR2 and TSE Overdrive plugin.

Grande Francesco, ho visto la maggior parte dei tuoi video sul tubo, complimenti, sia per le prestazioni che per il sound! :)

grazie :)

I have a song idea meant for Drop B but i only have a floating trem guitar in drop C. I plan on pitch shifting it later but what would yield better results; pitch shifting the DI signal before processed through Guitar Rig or after? Thanks in advance! :)

TheInsurgent’s Profile PhotoTheInsurgent
Is a half tone difference THAT big? If for your purpose it is, then tune that fucker half tone down :) trem is more of a hassle but in the end it will be way better if you play it without altering the signal.

I am in the market for a decent beginning 7 string $300-$700ish range, I like to play Stuff from Soilwork, Feared, Scar Symmetry, Elitist, Etc. What are a few recommendations you might have for an aspiring young musician, I already have 2 six string guitars!

Either look for a used RG7620 or buy one of the new Iron Labels, or even the new Sterling Petrucci 7 model which seems to be crazy good expecially for the price. In every case I'd replace the pickups so it's an added expense, but these to me are the best models within your budget.

What is in your axe fx's signal chain (amp and effect wise) for the heavy Abiogenesis rhythm stuff? Also what do you plan on using as your live rig once you guys begin touring?

I just go for a very basic approach like if I were using real amps: Overdrive-Amp-Cab. Sometimes I put an EQ before the cab block if it needs further shaping but I use it less and less. For solos I add compressor before the OD and parallel delay and reverb after the cab block. My favourite ODs depending on situation are Tube Drive, T808 and Eternal Love (probably my fav). As far as amps, I love 5150, Herbert, VH4 and the JVM OD2 (insane amp!). I almost never use stock impulses but from the factory ones I really like the OH Mesa, very balanced and versatile for both rhythm and lead.

what do you think of youth these days saying that certain musicians save their lives? I say it's overrated and rather a business trick. kids can't even give themselves any credit of surviving teenagehood. not common in your music scene, but I need an opinion from an adult musician

I wouldn't use the term "saving lives" but music is for me the best thing in the world and if there is something that pisses me off of puts me in a negative mood, music is always the answer.
Liked by: Dans Huang

dove cazzo prendi i soldi per tutte le chitarre e l'attrezzatura della madonna che hai!?

lavoro come grafico e insegnante di chitarra, guadagno come un comune mortale e tutti (TUTTI) i miei soldi finiscono in musica, non è che derubo banche o faccio cose strane :) in più diciamo che ho particolare occhio nel trovare affaroni a prezzo ridicolo. Quando devo rivendere per comprare qualcosa di nuovo ricavo come o più dei soldi che ho pagato originariamente, quindi non ci perdo mai nulla...

Will you be getting the new JP13?

Nope, but I'd like to purchase a JPXI again or better a koa JP7 BFR.

How do come up with the licks are they just rhythms you just put in a key and random scale and they sound awsome or do you have a set idea of what key,scale and the specific notes?

I just noodle around and hope for the best haha

What are your favourite scales and arpeggios ?

everything that involves added 7th or 9th generally, I also really like japanese pentatonics.
Liked by: Dans Huang

So if I may ask, have you played many guitars with different radius'? I usually play the average guitar with like, a 10 or 12, but a guitar I want has a 20, would this radically affect my playing? I am primarily a rhythm player with some wild chording, but I play some shreddy licks too...

I admit neither radius or neck shape have never affected my playability at all, but I can feel the difference for sure. If you are mainly a rhythm player, maybe 20 is not for you, I prefer around 12-14 in the lower part of the fretboard, the hand rests a bit better when chording. On the other hand 20" is really nice when soloing, you can generally achieve a lower action too. 17" would be my ultimate choice (like the newest JP13). 20" will definitely not affect your playing negatively though, go for it!

I know you're a lefty that plays right handed guitars (exact same as me btw) but I'm trying really hard to do 'shred' stuff using economy picking / alternate picking when economy no longer works. Anyway my right hand is crappy at the moment. Have you experienced this?

It takes time dude! My alternate picking sucked badly for yeeears, then I actually discovered what worked for me.
I couldn't figure out why my alternate picking was much faster when doing 3note patterns descending rather than ascending, it's the same movement right? No it's not! When you do it descending every time you change string the pick stays within the strings (inside picking) rather than picking outside them.
This was huge for me, I forced my self to start every alternate run with an upstroke and while very awkward at first, now I'm used to it and it just works for me!
This is in no way what I'd recommend though since the best alternate players are all playing the "normal" way. Just keep doing it, stay relaxed, angle your pick a bit, and results WILL come.

Hai mai provato l'axe fx II nel send/return di ampli valvolare? se si, com'è il risultato?

Provato sì, non mi ha soddisfatto particolarmente perché spesso trovo che i finali delle testate siano calibrati appositamente per quelle testate appunto, e siano poco versatili per altro. Un apposito finale sarebbe meglio ma provare non nuoce :)

Where can you buy music man guitars? I know you live in Italy so maybe you know of some place where they ship internationally? I'm from Australia and the JP12 is $4,500 and in the US it seems to be A LOT cheaper.

I have a friend of mine in the US helping me with shipping. No US Music Man dealer can ship outside the US.

i have a gibson sg standard. I was wondering what pickups i should put to play progressive music in.

BKP Blackhawk or Nailbomb (BTBAM uses Blackhawks, I prefer Nailbombs).

Mixing and matching are cool too! (The carvin pickup question ) I kind of forgot that BKP makes other pickups apart from the painkiller and aftermath, so maybe ceramic nail bomb in bridge, what in the neck :)

vh2, my favourite

can you tell me your opinion about buckethead?

actually never listened to him carefully, I should give him a go sometime...


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