
Francesco Filigoi

Ask @FrancescoFiligoi

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I have a carvin Holdsworth headless guitar with mahogany neck/body, ebony board, and quilted maple top. I want the progressive metal mid infested tone in drop C, with jazzy cleans and jazz fusion capabilities like holdsworth's tone. Which bkp will do the job?

ceramic Nailbomb is versatile enough to win at both, also Rebel Yell would be glorious, even Cold Sweat or Black Hawk. lots to choose...I'd go Rebel Yell!

If any, what are the differences between a EBMM Jp7 vs. A BFR JP7? I think the normal one is like 2.5k and is an alder body, vs the BFR which is 3k and I have no idea what it's made of...so if any, what are the differences?

just go to Music Man's website and check the specs for yourself? :)

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What are you listening to nowadays?

lemme check on my iTunes library...Deathspell Omega, Dodecahedron, Ghost, Nails, Nidingr, Portal, Sigh, pretty twisted stuff

Adesso io monto un' 85 al ponte e un 81 al manico infatti.. quali sarebbere i pro i contro rispetto ad un BKP da te citato sempre tenendo presente il genere?

i passivi hanno più dinamica, migliori puliti, suonano più "vivi" secondo me. L'85 e l'81 hanno QUEL suono e non puoi sbagliare se vuoi quello.

thoughts on this whole djent horse shit fad?

I've always rejected talking about the "D" word, but let me put this straight:
Every Metal subgenre that you can think of has its rhythmic/melodic traits: Thrash Metal is full of triplets/classic powerchords/skank beats, Death Metal has tremolo picking/blast beats, Metalcore has huge chords/chugs with harmonized melodies on top, Progressive has more complex structures/tempos, I could go on forever. This to say that Djent is a genre and has its traits too: syncopated rhythms, very tight palm mutes, ethereal cleans on top, drum grooves...
If put this way it doesn't sound half bad, but the issue is that every band has the exact same sound.
But isn't it the same for other genres? Just remember how everyone in the Shred days had THAT sound, or Black Metal supercrap basement recordings, or every EMG/5150 'Core bands, etc etc.
Imho what makes djent more annoying than other genres is that, being the random djent band member younger, he hasn't achieved a proper "personal" style yet and is too much influenced by the bands he likes, without putting efforts in doing something different. This means the songs themselves will lack originality, which is the real problem. If you are a kickass musician with fresh ideas, POD and Superior Drummer won't stop you in delivering the good message, see AAL debut for example. But if you write random stuff, using the same tones as others will only make it worse.
That being said, Djent is a type of music and people should like/don't like it for the good and bad it offers, I like some bands, I don't like others. In the end, I just play Metal and don't give a damn :)

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Esiste un PU alternativo all 81 e al blackout x il ponte per fare metalcore tipo KSE? (Non necessariamente attivo)

EMG 85 è molto meglio dell'81 per un sound alla KSE, ad ogni modo ti direi BKP Blackhawk o Nailbomb, il primo un po' più saturato e il secondo più organico.

Worst guitar you have ever played/most overrated brand/company.

one of these amp/bag/cable/guitar bundles by a random company....absolutely atrocious

How much the guitarists from the 70 (like page, blackmore, hendrix...) have influenced your actual playing style?

Close to zero. I have a huge gap on Zeppelin, Rainbow, Black Sabbath etc...shame on me I know. One day I'll fix it :)

Is it just me or do you also see a lot and I mean A LOT of people sucking up to everyone 'bigger' than them?

no, I only see passionate fans rooting for musicians they appreciate...

man what the fuck is with this robert percy guy? I seem him at least 20 times on facebook a week now. Is he like actually in a big band or something or is he a musician at all? To me he looks like he is hoping that someone will give him a reach around. But seriously WHO IS HE.

who are we? where do we come from? who the FUCK is robert percy???

What about your lead patch on the abiogenesis preview? What sort of amp/effect combo was that?

It was Tube Drive->FAS 6160->OH Mesa cab->parallel delay and reverb with 40% mix more or less.

Which BKP? I am looking for a new bridge pickup for my Schecter Hellraiser C-7 because whenever I try to do leads in the bridge position it sounds all screechy and bad. I am looking for a Loomis type lead tone but also an amazingly heavy sound for rhythm, basically an all in one. Thanks man!

I'd go BKP Miracle Man if you want a Loomis rhythm tone, but ceramic Blackhawk can achieve that and will be more pleasant for leads, Miracle Man is more "screaming" on leads.

Do you get nervous playing in front of people/ only feel comfortable in front of certain people while playing guitar? Cause that's pretty much me, any advice you can give me? Thanks

It's all in the mind, just think that everyone makes mistakes and nobody is pointing a gun at you. People watch you to be entertained, not to judge you, that only happens behind faggots' laptops. Maybe start playing with something you're more comfortable with and then when you're warmed up take it to the next level haha :)
We're human and we have emotions so it's totally normal, but act with a "yolo" (yeah I said it) attitude and go for it!

tips on song writing?

What I always emphasize is: don't try to put ALL the riffs in one song otherwise they will lose their catchy potential, try to let every part of the song shine by keeping the song structure enjoyable and with a nice flow. One riff after the other doesn't make a song, just wears out the listener's ears. Recurring themes, similar melodies and techniques used in various parts of the song, similar "vibes", are what makes a tune cohesive.

this is probably unanswerable since SD's and BKP's are totally different, but which BK is closest to the sound or characteristics of SH-4 JB?

BKP Holy Diver is actually based on the JB, just way better.
Liked by: TheInsurgent

Would you ever consider posting you axe patch you used on the 'this is abiogensis pt.1' video? It sounds so smooth yet massive.

You mean the rhythm tone? It's not a tone I'm particularily proud of since it's been tweaked in 10 minutes, also it won't work properly with the current firmware versions. When firmware 10 and Axe Edit comes out, I'll post a proper rhythm patch :)


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