
Fox McGarity

Ask @FoxPeace

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what would be your pc's total cost be? I think I remember see you post your new specs but that was a long while ago when I would go on tf tv's site

my pc builds average around $3-4k usd because I don't like replacing parts. My last build was about $3.2k

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Would you recommend your ATH AD900x's? I've read about flimsy headphone "wings" or the sides that keep the headphone cups on your head.

AidanBecker’s Profile PhotoAidan Becker
i actually use ATH AD700x and ATH AD700's
they are actually quite uncomfortable for longer sessions compared to the AD700's
they have good sound quality if you're not going to use it for more than 2 hours at a time, but it's pretty small compared to most open ear headphones imo
because they're mainly black headphones, it also attracts heat so i have to actually turn down the temperature on my AC by 5-20 degrees when i use the AD700x

Where is the best place to buy killstreaker stuff

i'm assuming the best place to buy them would be trading sites, but i just use the steam market because i can't stand using trading sites or dealing with traders

Do you ever think you would try to finish them, on or off stream?

no idea at this point, with the ending ruined over half the magic isn't there anymore

Have you finished Lisa the painful/ played Lisa the joyful

i was playing through it on stream, when i ended the stream someone basically added me on steam just to spoil it, so i ended up never finishing it

Naturally as a meat connoisseur, I am curious as to what is your favorite type of meat oh peaceful Fox. Forever curious - Dragon

steak is my favorite type of meat, but most days i prefer to eat chicken
great cuts of steak is pretty much unbeatable though i either go for either high end steaks or super cheap cuts of steak
i don't enjoy the middle ground
either $8 steak plate or $200+ cut of steak, none of that $40 garbage

How tall are you?

5'10" although it might be 5'9" or something, the doctor tells me something different every time i get a physical

I've been saving up to build a new pc, and since your computer sounds like it's amazing, I was wondering exactly what parts you used. Do you think you could give me a list or at least a rough idea? Thanks!

literally under my stream

Any idea of what character you might main in Overwatch?

Pruncible Soon
going to try everyone, but i'm looking forward to trying any character that are fast/long-ranged

looking at widowmaker (first pick)/76/hanzo/zarya/tracer
i played the sniper in monday night combat/super monday night combat, so if they made a class that was about setting traps and one shotting other players with headshots, that would be pretty ideal, but it seems like it's scattered among the classes for overwatch as of right now :<
i'm not a fan of tanky or slow characters, but zarya is an exception because she basically has a lightning gun lol, if they made a class that could debuff/poison the other players, that would probably be another class i'd be looking to playing
from all the alpha footage/feedback from youtubers/other players, i think assault rifle classes will probably be the strongest in the game unless blizzard nerfs them hard before release

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Ask fox: how do I bind mouse wheeldown for Bhop, but still be able to quick switch my weapons? :O

just learn to use the number keys, it's easier :>


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