

Ask @FatenF

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Faten, is 9th grade considered as high school or middle school?

Well depends on the country like UK and us it's considered Highschool but here it's not

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The people that follows u in instagram, u know them all ? Because the numbers of followers is huge

I don't know them all personally obviously lol

wow your really a bitch doing shit to people without even knwoing it.. i hope its worth what ur doing, ruining lives for fun. i really hope its worth it

The fuck are you talking about haahahha

فااتن كل مرة اسالج و ما تردين :( شنو استعمل حق اخش بقع الحب اي فاونديشن أحسن شي، و لازم استخدم كونسيلر? أنا بشرتي دهنية عند الخشن و الذقن

Sorry babe:( and you don't need one specific foundation but you do need a very good concealer! If it's very big and red, apply a thin coat of concealer then slightly set it with a translucent powder and if it's still not covered, go with a second coat x
Liked by: Zahra Farah

Hey do yu have any solutions for acne scars? I have a bit but they have been here for a while I want to get rid of them.. Some are quite dark

Honestly, no:( I have acne scars too and I wish I had a solution for them

inty kl shwy u change the football team u support. m95teeha y3ni. you can't change so much cuz that isn't loyalty :)

HAHAHAHAHA when did I change? It's only dortmund and Barca and I still watch barca from time to time but not as much as dortmund so I don't see the 'Unloyality' here, do you?

Can u plz post some hard words so I improve my vocab ?

I can't just post random hard words, that won't improve your vocab at all.. If you want, check out thesaurus for more complex substitutes for simple words.
Liked by: zahraammar98

laish mafahamtay shay? :") u asked missed me? so i told u that everybody missed you... and u said that ur sick so i am saying that many of the ppl in skool is sick

Oh woopsie sorry:$ and yeah it's flu season unfortunately


Language: English