

Ask @FatenF

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Where can i get like your shirt that says "More Issues Than Vogue" ?

Idk love my cousin got it for my from the UK x

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why playing football in malls y3tbr crazy thing ? it's only football !!

Because it's a mall not a football field?

Are classrooms in Kanoo mixed or are boys and girls separated?

Middle school is separated, high school is mixed.

yes you can than how come I entered Kano at grade 12?-.-

You can't come back unless you were an ex arkis student because 12 is a continuation of 11.. Jesus why do you all need to argue laykon saba umahatkm
Liked by: fuck janahi

The person that made a big impact on ur life is saud because u said ' recently ' and u knew him from a short time. What do u think ?

I haven't known Saud for a short time though? I've known him for a couple of years now so no it's not him. So stop making assumptions


Language: English