

Ask @excresence

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At what age did you kiss for the first time?

Since i was like a baby? Oh boy, yall first kiss goes to your parents. Dumb

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Do you believe in Karma?

no, i don't. There's no karma in Islam. We have been tought to do good deeds even to those who treat us badly, in any worse way you could imagine. There must be lesson-giving and forgiving flow. You can't just let someone who treated you badly go away just like that, then there's no changing in that person, we Muslims been ordered to help each other, in a good way, towards the good. Be smart, in a good way.
Its sad to see teenagers who keep on boasting about "the karma flow", and also bragging about religion. They don't realize such basic thing like how karma works in Islam. The simplest thing, can make them look dumb, even if they have wide knowledge.

If there were a book about your life, what the cover would look like?

i had an image of the book, but i cant really interpret it like i dont know how to explain. its kind of complicated and its kinda not very clear? anyway, im still alive. i dont know what comes ahead. i dont knowhow the end of my life. you should ask this quest top the dead.

Do you remember your first friend?

my mom? my sister? my brother? you know family always come first

What was the last thing that made you laugh?

watching despicable me 1 & 2 like for 902387947329407923074832974 times

Do you find yourself thinking more about your past, present or future?

future more, present just seimbang and past very very less i guess

What's something that can always make you feel better?

hm, now that i think of it, i just dont know

What’s the best thing to do after a long and hard day?

an espresso or maybe hot green tea and a book to reas


Language: English