
Ed Sheeran Spain

Ask @EdSheeranSpain

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y que es ser nombrado Baron? es como algo de la realeza?

mas o menos, es un titulo nobiliario es como ser conde :)

Me dices algunas de sus frases?

- Do what you love, work as hard as you can, and make people happy
- If you have been a fan of my music for 5 years or a fan of my music for 1 hour it doesn’t matter, what matters is you’re a fan
- I came to this world with nothing, and I leave with nothing but love. Everything else is just borrowed
- I make the music I want to make
- I can't tell you the key to success but the key to failure is trying to please everyone
- Negativity isn't the way to go, smile more, eat some chocolate
- Success is the best revenge for anything
Liked by: Isidoora (:

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Como esta eso de que nombraron varon a Eduardo?

Pues un amigo suyo tiene un país, Sealand, y nombró a Ed Baron de ese país, hahaha

¿El vídeo llegaría a Ed o no? :O felicidades por vuestra cuenta, está muy bien x

Lo intentaríamos mandandoselo a él a Stuart a su primo :)

me diste unfollow .... :(

Pues seguramente, es que hemos dado muchos unfollows y así solo para tener cosas sobre Ed en nuestra TL, lo siento mucho, no te lo tomes como algo personal, de verdad que lo sentimos.

Jope pero yo ya os envie la foto para lo del video y no pude nada de 'Happy birthday'...y el cumple de Ed es en febrero, todavia queda ._.

No teníamos fotos suficientes así que eso nos ha parecido una buena idea al final del video pondremos HAPPY BRITHDAY FROM ALL THE SPANISH SHEERIOS o algo así, pero si la quieres volver a mandar no hay problema :) Pondremos las dos si podemos :)

Como funciona lo del vídeo para Ed? Que hay que hacer?

Tienes que mandar una foto tuya, con el disco de Ed y un cartel, si no tienes el disco no pasa nada, en el cartel po algo tipo 'We Need Ed in Spain' o 'Ed Come to Spain Soon' y si ademas añades un 'Happy Birthday Ed' pues mejor que mejor.

What is your favourite thing about Ed Sheeran. Him and his music.

Well, about his music, his lyrics, I mean, they are like poetry, they are so real, nothing like the usual pop, is more like experiences that all of us can live, do u know what I mean?
And about him, I like his personality the most, his is simple, but in the good way, he is like a normal guy, he always treats people like he wanna be treated, and he doesn't mind what people think about him, he is just himself, and fuck everything else. (Sorry for my english)
Liked by: Lourdes Rodríguez

What is your favourite tattoo of Ed's?

I love all of them, but I've a serious problem with tattos which are sentences, you know, so my favourite is the one which says 'I came to this world with nothing, and will leave with nothing but love. Everything else is just borrowed' OMG IT SI PERFECT. (Sorry for my english)
Liked by: Lourdes Rodríguez

¿Pensáis hacer algún tipo de regalo para el cumple de Ed? Podemos preparar un vídeo felicitando su cumple con las fotos esas que os están mandando, me refiero, en plan adaptarlo para que sea regalo de cumple a la vez de pedirle que venga



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