
Doc Jazz ✌ طارق

Ask @docjazzmusic

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What's your opinion on BDS? Did you read Atzmon's criticism?

I read it, and I totally disagree with the BDS movement's denunciation of George Galloway's refusal to debate a Zionist. This doesn't mean I agree with what Atzmon wrote, with those ad hominem attacks on Omar Barghouthi. Also, the quotes I saw in the article so far do not necessarily represent the views of the whole BDS-movement. Still, if it turns out that the BDS-movement has indeed denounced Galloway over this, then I have an enormous issue with that.

I made a shibbabeh on your instructions. I can't get any sound from it. Any tips?

Tip: type 'shibbabeh' in the search box of my website, and read the articles where creating the sound is explained. Also: the tutorial video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7gpJ2p1_UYdocjazzmusic’s Video 30640846917 K7gpJ2p1_UYdocjazzmusic’s Video 30640846917 K7gpJ2p1_UY explains it clearly. That said, it's not easy at first. Just put some Palestinian stubbornness in that attitude, and keep going until you get the sound :D

What is your favorite instrument?

I find this impossible to answer. I love so many instruments. Actually, I probably think they're ALL awesome, and each contributes something unique to the world of music.

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Is it true that u sometimes give away all ur music 4 free?

Yes, I do that a few times a year :D By the way if there is/are any song(s) you want, just send me an email through the communication box on the website ;)

Do you consider yourself a radical? Based on your articles, most would say you are.

Maybe they would call me that because I don't recognize 'Israel'? If someone invaded your home and kicked you out, would you consider yourself a radical for not recognizing the invader's illegal 'ownership'? Let them call me what they call me. It doesn't make any difference to me.

Do u have any new songs out soon?

I am working on a song about the protest villages, the first of which was Bab al Shams. Currently it's a bit on hold, since most of my energy is going into the pirsoners/hunger strikers issue. But I hope to be able to get back to that soon.

Your website is quite something. Who does all that for you?

Well thank you. I do it myself, and this sure speeds up things. Never have to wait for anyone.

I read that statement from the Edward Said Conservatory. Made me curious, I'm going to check out your music.

That's great ! I hope you will enjoy and appreciate the experience.

You are talented but too belligerent. This is no way to make peace.

You are confusing action and reaction. This is still a Zionist invasion, and one that engages in ethnic cleansing. Making peace will come after achieving justice.

When r u coming to perform in the UK, really hoping u will !

Whenever I get invited to do so. I hope so too ! Would be awesome indeed.

When r u going to record a song together with a jew? would be really powerful u know

I get that question now and then. First of all, you would have to explain to me why exactly that would be 'powerful', and what exactly would be empowered by that concept. Secondly, I would like to tell you that I neither exclude nor envisage doing that. I believe my music stands by itself. It is important that the Western world embraces the music of a Palestinian WITHOUT necessarily having the 'approval stamp' of it being made together with 'a Jew', as you say it.

Who is your favorite Palestinian ever?

My grandfather Allah yer7amo, who worked his beloved land with proverbial dedication.

Why dont u just go live in Palestine?

Just like about 6 million other Palestinians, I am not ALLOWED to live in my homeland. This is something you should investigate before asking such questions. You seem to be unaware that Zionism created and maintains 'Israel' by a policy of ethnic cleansing, embodied in the expulsion of most Palestinians, and the oppression of the remainder.
Liked by: Ibrahim asmaa .. FoooF

Im a Jew n ur website is offensive n racist. U r the vilest anti-Israel poison Ive ever seen.

Anti-Israel? YES. Racist? Not at all. You call yourself a Jew, and I will assume you are, but your assessment of my activities portrays you as a Zionist. I'm not really interested what your religion is, but Zionism is racism, and you should heal your spirit from such a horrendous ideology. And yes, I am very anti-Zionist, and since you appear to be one, you SHOULD find my website offensive.
Liked by: Ibrahim

You already said your music was not limited to Jazz but let me elaborate on that. It's indeed so much more, take Intifada, which is hip-hop. Children of Gaza: a beautiful balad and Right Of Return is a perfect mix of rock and pop. And the lyrics are pure poetic justice. I love it! - A huge fan.

THANK YOU !!! Returning the Love !
Liked by: ----

I'm just not so into jazz, that's all.

Then I invite you to listen again. It's barely 'jazz' at all. That is just a stage-name, that has its own history :)

I'm not so into your style of music, but your articles are among the best written about Palestine. How do you feel about that?

I wish it was the other way around, but there's no accounting for tastes ! Are you sure you haven't judged 'my style' too quickly, since I have so many different styles? Anyway, thanks, I appreciate your feedback :)


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