
Devira Hadi

Ask @devirahadi

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valentines wish for

gets lots of chocolatess, trus found the dream guy (yes, with cheekbones, itu def important!) haha.
pkknya biar you're happy this valentine deh yaa

Valentine wish for

get loads of chocolate, and so that good things would happen (?) lol pkknya so that you're happy this valentine aja deh yaa ^^
Liked by: Cheryl

What's your favorite pickup line?

"You look familiar. Did we have class together? I could have sworn we had chemistry."
"you're like a sharpie. super fine."
"are you a beaver? cause dammmmmm"
"you must be the square root of two because I feel irrational around you"
"if you were a transformer, you'd be Optimus fine"
"dang gurl are you my appendix because I don't understand how you work but this feeling in my stomach makes me want to take you out"
Liked by: Ditthaa

5 questions yg jawabannya

Siapa yg jago basket?
Siapa yg punya model-like body?
Siapa yg rambut nya super gorg?
Siapa yg dmc?
Siapa yg ad dde di bmis?


Language: English