

Ask @devastorjabs

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Would you rather live in the mountains or on the beach?

Hard one. I guess I don’t give a shit where I’m at as long as what I’m doing makes me feel good.

Who and what made you smile today ?

A fan letter to my facebook page. First time a random stranger told me they’ve been hooked up with my songs. Really heart warming. Pumps me up to keep going. 🙌

Should children be allow to have cell phones ? 🤔

Meech856’s Profile PhotoDemetrius B
I don’t think so. Like, pre teen maybe and should be supervised. I think my kids will hate me but there’s so much disgusting shit and disgusting people. I think id shut the internet down after a certain hour and put the router under my pillow if neccesary. Would feel more comfortable for them having those freedoms once they’re concious and mature enough to know what they’re doing. To know the online world could have repercusions in the real one and that it is a place where you should be careful.
Liked by: Demetrius B

What’s the next best course of action when u get friendzoned

Please, if you get friendzoned just get the fucking message. Unless it is we’re working together or something try to keep the interactions measured to what’s reasonable and neccesary. Move on. Be onto yourself if no one else is and have a ball. 🤙

Why did he kiss me so passionately.. while messing around with other girls and then curse me out and leave me heartbroken and lonley. ? Why don't he say sorry and try harder to make up ? There's like 3 questions in one I'm sorry 😫💔😑

Why do you ask people this kind of stuff? Elon Musk is a person just like you, but he’s asking himself other questions. Like, “how could we make humans a multiplanetary form of life?” You’re asking yourself that. See how the questions you ask yourself affect your everyday? What aren’t you asking yourself that could forever improve the quality of your of your life and overall reality.

Do you worry about your future?

Why worry. All I know is I’ll die and that’s pretty much the worse thing that could happen and it will happen anyways. After a while you learn to live with it. Now I just don’t give a shit. I just do my thing for however long I can.


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