
Danny Suyandi

Ask @dannysuyandi

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Dear haters

1. Thank you for teaching me on how to appreciate my own life, rather than hating someone's else life.
2. Thank you for showing me on how to respect the differences, not judging easily.
3. Thank you for making me stronger and become who I am today, without you I probably already feel like giving up.
4. Because of you, I survive. Because I wanna prove to you, that everything you said is wrong.
5. This is funny but thanks for making me famous and making my friends even getting more closer to me because they realized who I am and support me for everything I do.
6. Thank you for hating me, because at least I know human can never be perfect and I know how to develop my attitude towards other.
7. Thank you because you're the only one who keep watching me everyday and everytime so I'll know if I do something wrong.
8. Because of you, I'm motivated to be more succeed than what you think.
9. Thank you for keep reminding me that I was wrong.
And lastly, thank you haters.
you're awesome!

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What two animals, if combined, would make for an awesome animal?

unicorn and fish. If you watched Percy Jackson, you'll see that magical creature.

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Have you ever stolen anything?

yes, I've stolen and still stealing the time. like everyday I guess.

What do you see from your window? (post a pic)

We live in cities, you'll never see on screen. Not very pretty but we sure know how to run things.
In love with Lorde's song.
Liked by: Intan A. Utami A+

Mungkin dia mau jadi temen lo tapi gak kesampean dan, cabal eaaa :)

hehe iya nih thank you anyway!

Hai baru nemu askmu nih, entah knp panas bgt liat pap twitter itu. Kasian mungkin dia blm ada waktu buat kenal kamu. Udah sotoy trus ngatain:( sabar ya!!!!

Angelina Suryani
Haaaaai juga :D
Iya nih that's why, padahal we never even meet in person. Belum kenal aja mungkin ya. Hehe, but thanks anyway for your support! :)

so there you go --> http://oi57.tinypic.com/iokt9d.jpg

Oh well, I didn't expect this one coming.
Tapi coba gua jawab ya.
1. I do blog because I want to make friends not enemies. I do it because I have passion in it. Dan karena juga I want to meet those people who have the same interest with me. Being famous is just a bonus.
2. If someone hate me because I might not follow them in instagram, here's the truth: I follow them because I adore them as a person or because they're my friends, people I know. I don't follow people I somehow don't know (only online shops!)
3. If you do know blood type B (I post it on path), pertama kali ketemu emang kesannya jutek, galak, etc. yes, that's the truth. But then, when I already feel the connection, I can be someone crazy. Coba tanya temen-temen yang deket sama gue, emang pasti gitu. Tanya sama mereka when I firstly met them, I'm more like introvert people.
4. If you hate me because what I do, either to you or to other people, I'm really sorry for it, I apologize for what I did, somehow I'm still human after all.
5. I never feel so special or somewhat. Kalo gue dapet sesuatu, it's because I'm just one lucky bastard, and because I do work my ass off to get it.
So that's the truth about me. And thanks again for your information :)

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Yuk yuk. Lo free kapan? Gue di Jkt sampe tanggal 9 doang huhu

I'm in jakarta too! Gue lagi intern disini sampe end of july. Yuk weekend maybe?

kayanya anak ini --> itsrichardmarc benci bgt sama lo gegara lo deket sam ainess hahaha

well first of all, don't make any kind of gossip. Secondly, you can't say things without proof, because it's just so wrong. Third, don't make someone look so bad because what you're telling.
I mean, come on there are a lot of great things to share rather than hatred, right?
So peace, love and gaul ;)

Would you rather live in the mountains, or by the sea?

Well it's kinda hard to answer since in Indonesia there are a lot of seas as well as mountains. But then, there's also catastrophe, like tsunami caused by earthquake or volcanic eruption.
If you do ask me like that, I would say i want to live in the center, so when you go up you'll see the mountain and when you go down, you'll see the sea.

Yes we should! Kemarin gue lagi ngobrol2 sama temen gue ttg SD jadi keinget jaman2 SD hahaha. I remembered once you called me on my 12/13th birthday, and I was so surprised it was you bcs your voice was so deep haha

omg seriously? lol.
I remember when we had homework then we played at your house couple times until evening, watching cartoon 'kepala besar' and sort of things.
Life was fun back then ya! Seriously, we gotta meet up!

How old were you when you started playing video games?

I remember ketika temen satu komplek gue punya game sega (yang game-nya diganti ganti pake chip gede), dan I often come to his house, main Tekken untik pertama kalinya.
Lalu dapet PS1 dan main tiap hari, especially main Capcom marvel, WWE, Harvest Moon, Yugi-OH, dan that kind of games. Sampe stick ps-nya harus diganti berkali-kali atau sampe rebutan sama sodara-sodara karena mau main duluan. So I decided to wake up really early to take over the playstation.
Life was easy back then.

What is the most interesting science?

1. Ketika lo bisa mencampur bahan bahan seperti NaOH, H2O, NaCl dan yang lain, then bereksperimen sendiri.
2. Ketika lo bisa mengamati tumbuhan, either their cells, ataupun ngamatin bakteri di mikroskop
3. Ketika lo bisa main dengan listrik dan lampu dan membuat satu sirkuit paralel atau seri.
Oh gawd I miss high school and things at laboratory.

itu tumpukan komiknya komik apaan?

oh itu komik one piece.
But it wasn't mine, it belongs to my roommate :D
I don't really like comic book, the only comic I read is doraemon :))

What is the last thing you watched on TV?

I can't watch TV.
Ada yang menghalangi pandangan di TV, sedih deh :(

Dear Vivi

omaga it's been a long time we didn't meet. In fact we never meet since elementary school right? We shoud catch up real soon! set a date please!

your current wishlist?

Well, since you ask.
1. Fendi Peekaboo bag
2. Ricardo Tisci x Nike sneakers
3. Givenchy Robot-Print jacket
4. Jeremy Scott for Adidas shoes
5. Any kind of backpack
6. Adidas x Raf Simons
7. Scholarship in France
Okay that's really a lot, literally I need to work my ass off to own those things.


Language: English