
Danny Suyandi

Ask @dannysuyandi

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Anon apa sih?

anon = abang none
Jadi maksudnya sometimes yang nanya itu harusnya sepinter Abang None (punya intellegent and attitude) but it turns out, they're more likely into... (ah you know).
Ngga deng, anon means anonymous.
Liked by: Iga Puspita Sari

Masih heran gue. Kenapa dulu lu ngga ikutan Mr. President University, Dan?

kenapa ya? Ini mungkin juga jadi pertanyaan ke diri gue sendiri sih.
For the first year, because I'm one of the committee (you know, we worked together!). Second year, karena ngerasa I'm not capable enough to speak in front of the people, showing talents and sort of things, moreover presenting our campus, lol. Third year, ya karena udah ketuaan aja, lol.

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Do you find yourself thinking more about your past, present or future?

future, of course future.
I do have plans for my future, you know a dream of what would I do in next few years. But there are still some insecurities that haunt me.
Liked by: Jeal Angel

What is your favorite type of sushi?

asalkan makan-nya dibayarin.
Well you know, sushi nowadays aren't that cheap. At least you'll spend more than 50k to eat at sushi restaurant (with tax, drink and sort of things)

Would you like to be famous and for what reason?

Talents. Because i don't want to be a shooting star, shine very short. I want to be the star who can shine every night.
Liked by: Jeal Angel

YEA PADANG BRO. Let's hit some nasi padang sometimes!

Yeah ayo! Need to catch up sometimes soon nih, and of course enjoying nasi padang!

What is one of your favorite foods?

of course the one and only, nasi padang.
Forget the cholesterol or any kind of it. Coba aja siapa yang bisa ngalahin pedesnya sambel padang, renyahnya daging and how tasty gulainya itu. oh my fuckin great.
Liked by: suviantara

Ceritain dong kok bisa sampe intern di fashion retail :3

Well, jadi begini ceritanya.
Since years ago when I see my sister having her internship, I do thinking to have mine too, soon. And because since that time I already fell in love with fashion, so I'm dreaming to work in fashion industry, whatever it is (bisa di fashion magazine, retail fashion atau apapun lah). From there, I browse information, any kind of it that related to fashion and I made a note of every retail company in my desktop.
Ketika sampai di waktu internship, makin semangat buat ngirim CV ke semua tempat yang ada hubungannya sama fashion (I sent more than 10 CVs), then I'm feeling desperate because no one call me back. Jadinya gue juga mengirimkan ke perusahaan yang gak gua suka jg. Tapi Tuhan itu memang baik, suddenly I got my call for interview at PT. Gagan and fortunately I got aceepted there. So I guess I'm one lucky bastard to get my internship here.
Long enough? Semoga gak sampai ngantuk ya :p

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Danny Suyandi yang kece. Hayo tebak siapa? Gw ksh tau deh ini tmn lo di deha yang super chic, sahabat nya olive mantan gebetan you hahaha ✌️ Eh itu kenapa ad yg bawa2 nama Ines ya Ines gw apa ines lain nih?

hahaha gak perlu diperjelas se detail itu juga I know who you are nes, lol.

Helo dan, been following your ig for months and i surely adore your shot. What camera u often use? Share some tips is kewll ! Haha

Hey thanks, I'm totally flattered!
Sometimes I'm using my iphone only, and sometimes I use my canon dslr camera.
For the trick, try to photograph the object in a bright place, moreover when the sun shine at your spot. it will look great!
Liked by: Iga Puspita Sari

hey dan! been following you on instagram and ur blog as well. i'm having the same passion as you're having- i even got blog to post on. any idea how to make it big on blog? thanks :)

Edwin Marcel
Oh really? Nice! Keep it up bro!
I don't have specific tips tho, but only 'do what you love, love what you do'. Keep doing what you like, don't give up and don't give a damn to what people think about you. As long as you believe in yourself, you'll success in the end :)
Good luck!!

kakak eksis bingits, tipsnya apa sih? :)

eksis apanya? Jangan ngomong gitu ah ntar ada yang marah sama ngiri lagi nih. Biasa aja, I'm just ordinary people ;)

Is fashion your truly passion?

I've always dreamed of working in fashion industry. Now, when I'm already into it, I'm having so much fun.
And there's a proverb saying, 'choose a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life'. That's probably what I'm doing right now.
Can I call it as passion? Yes, maybe :)


Language: English