
Danny Suyandi

Ask @dannysuyandi

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Pernah ketemu anaz siantar dan arnold teja? Are they looking as gorgeos as in pictures?

Well, unfortunately belom pernah sih. Ya saya kan gak eksis juga, jadi jarang dateng ke acara-acara :(
But I do believe they are really looking as gorgeous as in the pictures. hehehe

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If you could meet and attend a show from one fashion designer, who would it be, and why?

suviantara’s Profile Photosuviantara
Alright this is definitely a hard question. Coz if I can attend fashion show, I would like to attend all designers. But there's one that caught my eye.
Viktor & Rolf Haute Couture 2014.
I mean how can they have such a brilliant idea to use ballerinas as the models and even walk like ballerina. How could they? OMFG.

What are your thoughts right now?

1. Kadang, I found it funny. People judge easily where in fact they haven't see the person in real life. Oh please.
2. Kadang, suka salute sama haters. They're pretty quick to got our information. I mean even, keluarga kita aja sometimes don't know what we do. But haters know, what we do starting from we wake up, until we go to sleep again.
3. Kadang, I feel pity and sorry sama orang-orang yang bisa bully people (especially cyber-bullying) in social media. tapi in real life, mereka gak berani even just a word to talk to the victim. Such a coward.
4. Dan terakhir, saya bangga sama semua yang jadi victim of cyber-bullying. Because they know how to deal with those shitty-coward-people dan they know how to get themselves up. Coz one fuckin word doesn't mean anything, right?
5. I do sometimes think, why do this world full of hatred and envy? Entah mungkin karena pengaruh globalisasi or karena emang hell's gate is getting closer. Perasaan dahulu kala nggak segitunya amat. I remember ketika main sama anak-anak sekomplek (I was 2nd grade), kalo ada yang ga suka, they'll confront it directly. Kalo sekarang they dig information about someone they hate, then they spread rumours. I mean, really? Harus banget kayak gitu? So pathetic.
That's my sudden thought.

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What does it mean when a bird poops on you?

It means you look like a damn-frickin-shit. Like literally.

Would you rather have $50,000 free and clear or $150,000 that is illegal?

$50,000 free then I start up on a business where I can easily triple the money into $150,000. And it's legal.

What's been the best commercial you've seen?

You probably ever seen this commercial. It's famous not because they have good ads, but they have an awesomely insane jingle.
So the jingle is like this;
Kabar gembira untuk kita semua
Kulit manggis, kini ada ekstraknya
Mastin hadir dan rawat tubuh kita
And so on...
Because of this funny jingle, it keep on repeating in my head!
Liked by: suviantara

What has been the scariest experience in your life?

Back then when I was child, I drowned in the river where the urban legend from the river is, there's a monster who will took you and you'll disappear. I was lucky back then because my superhero (my mom) helped me and by the grace of God, I can survive though I had to swallow the river water.
Liked by: suviantara

Which is your favorite TV show?

Now I'm watching (again) Supernatural. But I do love watching tv where it's all about psychic things, like Heroes.

If there is one thing that you could change about the past, what would that be?

Because the past is what has made me today. I never want to change it.
Liked by: Jeal Angel

Do you believe the devil exists?

Yes of course, if devil doesn't exist then there will be no hatred and envy.
And most of the time, the devils exists inside of your heart. So be careful!


Language: English