
Danny Suyandi

Ask @dannysuyandi

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How was your day?

hi! apparently I browse at facebook and got this kind of news.
I gained a lot more respect towards Prabowo. People might accused him as a coward, when he's suddenly walk-out. I know, me too. I was sad and feel so pity for his choice. But right now, when I read the news, reading his letter to his supporters, seeing the picture of him talking to Jokowi, I seriously adore him.
Besides, the media is just way too exaggerated and create news and preach as if the political atmosphere has a high tense between both of them, where in fact there's nothing happened between Jokowi and Prabowo.
so yeah, keep going Pak Jokowi. and I salute you, Pak Prabowo!
if you want to see the news regarding Prabowo's letter, check here http://bit.ly/1riStGQ
news about Jokowi & Prabowo together, here http://bit.ly/1pkeDsi

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What movies did you watch this week? Like/no?

sorry for the late. didn't watch the movie since I'm quite busy with stuff lately.
but yesterday, got the chance to watch 22 Jump street. it was hilarious and Jonah Hill is a crazy dude!
and did you watch the last part? nungguin banget 23 Jump Street, 24 Jump Street dan seterusnya (itupun kalo beneran dibikin ya)

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What makes you happy?

ngeliat foto Pak Jokowi di majalah ini merasa seperti 'there's a hope in Indonesia'.
Sama kayak headline-nya A New Hope. I do hope Jokowi will bring a great vibe towards Indonesia. It might not be easy, I know but at least we got that 'hope'.
sukses Pak Jokowi, semoga semuanya lancar ke depannya! saya dan segenap rakyat Indonesia mendoakan yang terbaik untuk anda!

What is your favorite type of flower?

ini semacam #kodegariskeras ya?
biar yang perempuan jawab bunga apa, trus yang laki-laki akhirnya notice dan beliin bunga yang difavorite-in sama si perempuan ya? iya kan?
#baladajomblo #sedih

On a telephone, why does ABC start on the number 2 and not 1?

because number 1 start with YOU and ME.
#eaaaa #gombal

If there would be no rules in your life in one day, and you could do something outrageous what would it be and why?

omg you stole my question! I asked this exact question to the people I follow. lol.
well, I would surely go stealing airplane ticket and go around the world. sounds cliche, right? I don't care


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