
Danny Suyandi

Ask @dannysuyandi

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What do you think you do best?

I never consider something I do as the best thing. Because there's no perfection in this world. If I'm an expert, it's because I do practice a lot of times and still need to practice because there's always something to learn.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Anywhere as long as I can stay close to my family and friends. By close means whenever I go, I can easily come back and return to see my beloved.
Example, if I'm staying outside Indonesia, I would surely hope to have unlimited money so I can go back easily to my hometown without have to think the ticket price.

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Indonesian fashion blogger(s) favorite siapa, Danny? And whyyyy?

suviantara’s Profile Photosuviantara
Well, kalo mau dibilang favorit sih semuanya favorit dong. It may sounds cliche, tapi that's the truth. Kenapa? Karena each and every fashion blogger punya style, character and their own uniqueness. Gak bisa dibandingin yang mana yang lebih bagus.
But if you ask men fashion blogger from Indonesia, I would say Ka Yonas Indrajaya, blogger from Bali.
Check him here.
instagram: @yonasindrajaya
Blog: yonasindrajaya.blogspot.com
Alasannya karena he never afraid to explore his outfit, from high boots, fur, prints and sheer.

In the fashion industry km lebih cenderung suka ke yg design ato business? *pertanyaan ga jelas* Haha

natasiasumarto’s Profile PhotoNatasia Sumarto
Kalo ditanya gini sih I prefer on fashion business (karena gak bisa gambar juga).
Tapi, kalo ngomong tentang business, emang pasti lebih seru punya business sendiri kan, dan dimulainya business fashion itu ya dari diri sendiri yang design dan mengembangkan satu brand.
So being a designer and being a fashion business is related one to another (and of course more money). Jadi paling enak sih build up your fashion business by firstly become a designer.
Liked by: Natasia Sumarto

How often do you think about your future?

Oh don't ask me about my future like. If I have doraemon I would probably borrow his machine so I can see what my future like. But I know that would be cheating, so I'd better get my ass off and start working and chasing my dream so I can be something I want in the future.

Who is the most famous person in your country?

there are types of person eho are famous in Indonesia.
1. Because of their talents, they proudly show they ability, skill and bring Indonesia to the world; For example: Agnes Monica, Tex Saverio, Peggy Hartanto, Rio Haryanto, Liliana Natsir and a lot of names. Well, we should be proud of them.
2. Because of their so-not-talents but probably famous because probably they're one-of-a-kind in Indonesia; for example: Farhat Abbas, Syahrini and her shaun the sheep, and other things.
3. Because of their stupidity and they become famous for no reason, and seriously I dont even know where the heck are they now. Example: Sinta-Jojo, Norman Kamaru
And there are still a lot of people I couldn't mention it. Well, I do hope Indonesia will be known in the world because of there are a lot of talented people here, and I certainly wish I could also contribute to it someday.

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What’s the last sport event you watched?

I remember when I was in Taiwan and watch softball, I madly in love with it. Used to play it when I was in high school and I guess that's the only sport I like, beside badminton.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Somewhere you called it as grandma's village. You know, the river outside, mountain view and the meadow around the house.
Liked by: cynthia loren

If you could interview anyone, who would you pick?

I would like to interview Grace Coddington, asking how she can create the superb ideas for Vogue and how she can deal with Anna Wintour.

What is your favorite month of the year?

December. Not because it's winter season, but because it's the end of the year and the time where we review our life and start to create a new resolution for the next year.

What song is stuck in your head?

Get her back by Robin Thicke. If you know the story about his album named 'Paula', he made it since he broke up and divorced with his ex-wife. quite sad story since honestly, Robin still actually in love with his ex wife.

Why do zombies attack?

Because if they just sit or and hang out in coffee shop, there won't be Resident Evil movies.

how about you! how do you see yourself in the next 5 years? :)

jealangel’s Profile PhotoJeal Angel
Well, I didn't expect to get this question back, tho. Since this question was the question asked when I had the interview.
I'm trying to answer it. Well, I hope i the next 5 years I can fluently speak engliah, french and mandarin. I also hope to have my own fashion brand and lastly, happily ever after.
Liked by: Jeal Angel

If you could perfectly speak any 3 languages what would it be?

That would be english, française and chinese. Still learning, tho.

Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?

yes, just bought two blazers and three footwears. I couldn't resist for any kind of outwear and shoes. Like, a must-list items.

If you could go back in time to talk to yourself, what would you say?

Hello Danny, thanks for not giving up your life and for chasing your dream. Keep on dreaming, man! You dream will soon come true in the right time ;)
Liked by: Jeal Angel

If you could be invisible, what would you do?

Steal the money from the governor and give it to the poor. Alright, I forgot I'm not Robin Hood.
Liked by: Jeal Angel

Santorini is also in my must-visit list! High five! Too bad the country is hit by the crisis now.

I know right! Someday we're gonna visit there! Too many beautiful places in Europe!

What things do you love?

1. Ketika membeli barang tanpa mengeluarkan duit sendiri.
2. Ketika bangun pagi dan sarapan sudah tersedia
3. Ketika bisa liburan dan get lost di suatu negara.
dan terakhir,
Ketika bisa menyantap indomie satu bungkus TANPA ada yang minta buat nyicipin (you freakin know that feeling!)
Liked by: Iga Puspita Sari

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

1. In a small city in Europe, such as Santorini, Greece or Lyon, Paris.
2. In a city where dressing up isn't a big deal for the people.


Language: English