
Timothy Eggert

Ask @dangertim

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How often do you attend concerts?

Almost never, sadly. If I attend a concert, it’s usually because I have a niece in a school band or choir.
I’ve been to few local *gigs* in my time, but probably haven’t been to concert for someone famous since college.

Catching up on my reading (V2 Trek/Who) - suggestions on Trek episodes from any series to watch?

Melissa Cummins
I can’t really think of anything better to inform the comic series other than TNG’s “Best of Both Worlds” (Parts 1 & 2). Be warned: Part 1 is excellent, but it is generally excepted that Part 2 is a bit anticlimactic.
Liked by: Melissa Cummins

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Has anyone gotten Halloween decorations yet?

I would agree that people generally put up Christmas stuff way too early, but since today is November 30th, I think you may have missed the boat on Halloween.

How can you change the World?

Be an advocate for factual, peer reviewed information. There is currently a war on expertise in progress, and unfortunately our current White House is leading the charge. Their complete disregard for science spells disaster for all of us.
But it’s not just up to me, YOU have to help change the World too.
Liked by: Melissa Cummins

Que te gusta aser a solas en medio de la noche?? 😬

Supongo que si estoy solo, leeré o miraré la televisión, lo cual hago mucho cuando mi esposa está aquí. La única diferencia es que tengo control total sobre lo que sea que esté disfrutando. (Descargo de responsabilidad: estoy usando Google Translate, así que espero que esta sea una respuesta adecuada).

Now that the TRF is finished, what will you do with all your free time? (Yeah, what free time...I know... :) )

Prepare for auditions and drop a few pounds.

Sadness or pain? Which do you think you prefer to feel?

Nothing personal, but I feel like comparing the two in this forum trivializes both.

What do girls want?

I imagine they want the same thing boys want. A fulfilling purpose in life, true love, financial security, etc.

What do you prefer - eating salsa or dancing it?

Which would you be more likely to pay to watch me do? Eat salsa or trainwreck the dance?

if someone ur usually mean to told u they were in love with u which is why the bugged you, how would u feel and what would u say

I’m mean to people...?

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Anyone following me already knows and anyone new can figure it out based on this answer.

Is it really possible to speed up your metabolism? And what makes it slow down in the first place?

Growing old will slow it down for sure. I have no idea how to speed it up, but I assume it’s possible.


Language: English